Looking for a quick and tasty dinner? These Maple Bacon Duck Burgers rock and literally take about 15 minutes to make.
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Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
Looking for a quick and tasty dinner? These Maple Bacon Duck Burgers rock and literally take about 15 minutes to make.
Learn MoreThis juicy burger has bacon on it… and in it! Laid on top of fresh lettuce and topped with the classic onion-and-tomato combo, you can be sure that burger night just got a little bit baconer—I mean, better.
Learn MoreTo help us navigate the thorny world of home cookery and health, we’re here with Anna Vocino, a voice over talent and stand up comic who writes cookbooks and co-hosts the “Fitness Confidential” podcast.
Learn MoreAfter witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Dr. William Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic—and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health.
Learn MoreEver since the World Health Organization (WHO) released their red and processed meat “recommendations,” there’s been a ton of misinformation running rampant about steaks, burgers, and bacon. I’m still eating red meat, and here’s why.
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