In this post, you’ll learn how a strange cooking method may decrease the calories and glycemic index of starchy foods like potatoes and rice.
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Dr. Robynne Chutkan: Rewilding Your Microbiome, How to Recover from Antibiotics & High Octane Poop
Did you know that even occasional use of antibiotics, hand sanitizers, and other germ-killers can wreak havoc on your long-term health? This week, we’re here with Dr. Robynne Chutkan, a leading expert in the world of gut health.
Learn MoreSummer Bock: New Year’s Resolutions, Cleanses, Probiotics & The Golden Poo
We’re here with a master fermentationist, avid outdoorswoman, and good friend, Summer Bock. You’re going to learn how to upgrade your gut health with probiotics, how to properly complete a cleanse, and I’ll even share a few tips to help you with your New Year’s Resolutions.
Learn MoreDr. William Davis: Wheat Belly, Going Gluten-Free, & Why Grains Cause Heart Disease
After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Dr. William Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic—and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health.
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