If you’ve ever found yourself mindlessly shoveling ever more food into your mouth without satisfying your hunger, propelling you into a vicious cycle of overeating, crashing and feeling wobbly for the rest of the day, this is the show for you.
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Anna Vocino: Eat Happy Too, Home-Cookery & How Comedy Heals
To help us navigate the thorny world of home cookery and health, we’re here with Anna Vocino, a voice over talent and stand up comic who writes cookbooks and co-hosts the “Fitness Confidential” podcast.
Learn MoreAnna Vocino: Comedians, Cream Cheese & Cooking for Celiacs
What happens when a comedian writes a cookbook? Anna Vocino is a voice-over talent and stand-up comedian who also happens to be a celiac and cookbook author. And her cauliflower tots are out of hand.
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