Imagine what you could accomplish if you could stay focused and follow through on your goals, despite all the distractions of modern life. Now is the perfect time to harness science-backed strategies to break bad habits for good.
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Cameron George: The Psychological and Medicinal Benefits of Kava
Cameron has a unique perspective on how plant medicines like Kava can boost mood, relieve anxiety and support the natural healing abilities of the body.
Learn MoreDr. Terry Wahls: The Wahls Protocol, How to Reverse MS & When to Question Your Doctor
This show features the incredibly inspiring story of Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine, author, and living testament to the power of healing your body with real food. A few years ago, Terry was sentenced to a tilt-recline wheelchair with progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Today, she bikes to work, speaks all over the country, and teaches others to reverse degenerative conditions.
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