Wouldn’t you love to beat that sugar addiction—to stop it in its ugly tracks? You can. I’ve got four solid health hacks that will teach your body to stop wanting sugar—and they don’t include “stop eating sugar.”
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Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
Wouldn’t you love to beat that sugar addiction—to stop it in its ugly tracks? You can. I’ve got four solid health hacks that will teach your body to stop wanting sugar—and they don’t include “stop eating sugar.”
Learn MoreIn today’s show, Diane Sanfilippo and I cover how to eliminate sugar cravings in 3 weeks, adrenal fatigue, fitness tips for women, why our great-grandmothers didn’t need nutrition lessons, and tons more…
Learn MoreBarry Friedman, bestselling author of “I Love Me More Than Sugar,” is joining me on the show to talk about slaying your sugar monster.
Learn MoreYou’re about to hear from a remarkable 9 year old who I met at a book signing last spring who made me feel a heck of a lot better. This fourth-grader not only read all the way through my book, The Wild Diet, but also shared a story I won’t forget.
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