We’re back with our friend Dr. John Gray, former monk and author of more than 20+ books including “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” the best-selling relationship book of all time.
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Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
We’re back with our friend Dr. John Gray, former monk and author of more than 20+ books including “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” the best-selling relationship book of all time.
Learn MoreWhat if instead of intentionally distracting and demoralizing us, these tech platforms were actually used as a force for good? Well, returning to the show this week is our friend Ben Azadi.
Learn MoreAfter 15 years in the wine business, Todd’s life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition and how they think about consuming alcohol. And we’re getting into some fun and interesting topics on today’s show.
Learn MoreDr. Uma joins us to talk about some foods, like chocolate, that may positively impact your mood and even reduce anxiety.
Learn MoreWhen our survival and basic needs are threatened, our trust in authority figures broken and our human rights ignored, it’s pretty easy to lose your head. So how can we protect our brain and nervous system in these trying times? Well, I’m happy to say that returning to the show this week to help us out is Eliza Kingsford.
Learn MoreAre you feeling a little on edge lately? You’re not the only one. But thankfully, we have fellow health crusaders to help us navigate this increasingly fear-based landscape. Returning to the show this week is Dr. David Perlmutter, and I’m thrilled to say that joining us, as well, is his son, Dr. Austin Perlmutter.
Learn MoreCan changing your thought patterns actually improve your ability to heal? We’re here with Dr. Roy Vongtama, a Board Certified Cancer Specialist and you may even recognize his as an actor from the TV show 24.
Learn MoreThis show is with a personal friend of mine who I think has the best name ever for a brain and learning expert– Jim Kwik! We’ll be talking about how you can tune up your brain, on the spot, in real time… and what it was like to hang with the entire cast of X-Men.
Learn MoreCan praying over your food change the way you eat? This show with Nick Polizzi will turn your idea of alternative healing on its head.
Learn MoreOn this show with Marc David, you’re about to learn why the “calories in, calories out” model of weight loss is wrong, how your thoughts impact your nutritional metabolism, what to do before you eat your next meal.
Learn MoreGet your FAT-BURNING goodie bag that will teach you how to quickly and easily eliminate belly fat and reach optimal health. Just enter your email below and I’ll send it right to your inbox!