Having dogs or pets around has been an integral part of the human experience for ages. But do you know what the biologically appropriate diet really is for your furry friend?
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Kara Collier: How to Use Technology to Quantify Health & Improve Habits
Have you ever tried measuring your blood glucose? There’s never been a better time to use cutting edge technology to quantify and optimize your health.
Learn MoreCynthia Thurlow: Does Intermittent Fasting Actually Work?
Does intermittent fasting actually work? We have the perfect guest for you here today—the wonderful Cynthia Thurlow, podcaster, functional nutritionist and nurse practitioner for 20+ years.
Learn MoreTara Garrison: Keto Scams, Lifting & Intermittent Fasting for Women
How do we scale our intake of fat, protein, and carbs, to achieve our ideal body composition? Today, we’re here with a perfect person to talk about it, the wonderful and talented, Tara Garrison.
Learn MoreDr. Cate Shanahan: Exposing The Inflammatory Effects of Vegetable Oils
Dr. Cate Shanahan returns to the show to help us look at some everyday ingredients that we would do well to remove from our diets all together, including vegetable oils.
Learn MoreJoshua Weissman: Slim Palate, How to Lose 100 Pounds at 17, & Why Quitting Soda is So Dang Hard
We’re here this week with one of our show-listeners, 18 year-old Joshua Weissman. Joshua is the foodie behind the delicious Paleo recipes at the blog Slim Palate and today we talk about how he lost over 100 pounds as a 17 year old!
Learn MoreSummer Bock: New Year’s Resolutions, Cleanses, Probiotics & The Golden Poo
We’re here with a master fermentationist, avid outdoorswoman, and good friend, Summer Bock. You’re going to learn how to upgrade your gut health with probiotics, how to properly complete a cleanse, and I’ll even share a few tips to help you with your New Year’s Resolutions.
Learn MoreMelissa Urban: Food Freedom Forever, Beating Addiction & The Whole30
If you could change your relationship with food in just 30 days, would you do it? Learn more in this interview with #1 best-selling author of Whole 30, Melissa Urban.
Learn MoreDr. William Davis: Wheat Belly, Going Gluten-Free, & Why Grains Cause Heart Disease
After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Dr. William Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic—and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health.
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