So, you thought you had to give up Italian food on The Wild Diet? Think again. This classic Italian dish is so rich and full of flavor that you’ll never want to go back to a boring old plate of spaghetti and bread again.
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Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
So, you thought you had to give up Italian food on The Wild Diet? Think again. This classic Italian dish is so rich and full of flavor that you’ll never want to go back to a boring old plate of spaghetti and bread again.
Learn MoreLooking for a quick and tasty dinner? These Maple Bacon Duck Burgers rock and literally take about 15 minutes to make.
Learn MoreThis juicy burger has bacon on it… and in it! Laid on top of fresh lettuce and topped with the classic onion-and-tomato combo, you can be sure that burger night just got a little bit baconer—I mean, better.
Learn MoreWild-caught salmon is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and this mouth-watering salmon recipe is a snap to make. You’ll have the whole thing done in 20 minutes flat.
Learn MoreLooking for a quick and tasty dinner? These shrimp tacos rock and literally take about 10 minutes to make.
Learn MoreThe epic feast is finished, the dishes are cleaned, and the company has all gone home… here are some delicious Paleo recipes that will use up your leftovers without making you feel like you’re eating the same meals over and over again.
Learn MoreSlathered in Chimichurri sauce, this steak comes together in minutes but tastes like you slaved all day. Serve it with your favorite roasted veggie like Brussels sprouts or a big salad.
Learn MoreWhen gathered around the table at the end of the day, we always knew where our dinner had come from. The greens, broccoli and carrots had been freshly picked just minutes before; sweet, spicy and savory flavors were grown in our mom’s carefully-tended herb garden; and the eggs were produced by the dwindling flock of chickens that had managed to outwit the neighborhood dogs.
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