It’s super easy, versatile, delicious, and a nutritional powerhouse. If you want to burn fat, drink your green smoothie.
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Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
It’s super easy, versatile, delicious, and a nutritional powerhouse. If you want to burn fat, drink your green smoothie.
Learn MoreAre you sick of dietary propaganda? Me too. This week’s guest has been wiping the floor with ridiculous, government-mandated, top-down nutrition recommendations for decades now.
Learn MoreWe’re here with Dr. Vera Tarman, Medical Director of one of Canada’s largest treatment centers for substance abuse and author of “Food Junkies: Recovery from Food Addiction”.
Learn MoreWhat’s the best way to optimize our anabolic hormones? Two words: compound movements. Studies have found that explosive full-body movements will simultaneously increase our anabolic hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, etc) while decreasing circulating cortisol, lowering our body’s chronic stress response.
Learn MoreToday’s success story comes from the Netherlands. Before finding and implementing the strategies in the Wild Diet 30-Day Fat Loss System, Mitchel had all but given up hope of ever being able to see his abs. He just figured his body was not meant to have a flat stomach – following conventional bodybuilding “wisdom,” he […]
Learn MoreI just watched an episode of one of my favorite shows, “Conan,” and saw for the umpteenth time a commercial culminating in something that always amused and infuriated me: Wendy’s preposterous slogan, “You know when it’s real.” You guys are sharks. Your food is poison and you know it. Firstly, I just want to point […]
Learn MoreIf you’re a man who’s trying to lose weight and get fit, you have probably noticed that most of the books, magazines, and programs on these subjects are not aimed at you. Most diet, fitness, and nutrition programs are geared to the unique preferences and needs of women. And the other programs for men seem to […]
Learn More“Not dressing up the meal with color is like sending someone out of the house without clothes” – Japanese proverb I remember sitting down on one particular night years ago to a heaping plate of bread, noodles, mashed potatoes, and vanilla ice cream. (It was after football practice and I was starving. Lay off). I […]
Learn MoreFat is flavorful. Fat is Filling. Fat is not (necessarily) fattening. Fat is not a bad thing. Fat can help you – get this – burn fat. Personally, I’m a big fan of fat, and here’s why you should be too: As we’ve discussed before, ingesting fat does not necessarily translate into making YOU fat. […]
Learn MoreIt’s a foreboding thought, and one that is gathering steam. Glucose and high fructose corn syrup are toxic and excess. The truth about sugar is obvious and clear. While small amounts of sugar are essential for your body to function, most of us eat and drink far too much of it. And sugar’s effects will […]
Learn MoreGet your FAT-BURNING goodie bag that will teach you how to quickly and easily eliminate belly fat and reach optimal health. Just enter your email below and I’ll send it right to your inbox!