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We’ve made a dent, but we’re just getting started and need your help to reach even more people.
From Lone Wolf to the Fat-Burning Man Team
At first, I did the show myself – recording, production, uploading/downloading, hosting, scheduling, and everything else. But as the listener base has grown, I’ve done my best to improve the quality and content, and that’s only been possible by hiring an awesome team to help bring the show, blog posts, and videos to you. (Big thanks to Alyson, Ian, Melinda, Michel, Laura, Shoshannah, Chase, and Bailey – you guys rock!)
The show is 100% free and without any commercial interruption or influence, and I intend to keep it that way.
Truth be told, I’ve turned down more than a million dollars from companies that wanted to do everything from buy the show and my websites for their own marketing purposes to advertising deals for ridiculous fat-burning miracle weight loss potions, sicky-sweet protein bars, and absurdly expensive supplements.
But I always say no, because I don’t do this for the money and those products won’t help you. I do this show because I want to change the world of health, and I believe we can.
Why is it important that we reach more people with the show?
Because it changes lives! Check out some of the reviews below…
So, we ask you with no pressure – if you love this show, if you support the way we approach doing it, if you think we could make it better, if you believe in the no-nonsense nature of our message and want to see it continue, please consider donating.
If you donate just $3 or $9, it more than covers the cost of getting the show to you online. Every little bit helps!
If you wish to support the show, please accept our thanks. Not only do kind donations such as yours support the Fat-Burning Man Show directly, they also provide access to the commercial-free podcast for other listeners who otherwise could not hear the program.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and help us spread the message of health. We really do want to change the world and sincerely appreciate your support.
So many thanks,
Abel, Alyson, Ian, Melinda, Shoshannah, Chase, and Bailey the Paleo Puppy
The Fat-Burning Man Team
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the money go?
To bringing the show to you with the latest cutting-edge content in alternative health! You help our producer, Alyson, schedule guests, review the show, and publish each episode with the team. Ian edits the video and audio versions of the podcast together, adjusting sound levels of guests, edits out the Robb Wolf F-Bombs, upload/download files. Melinda helps with social media and raw transcipts. Chase designs the Fat-Burning Man show episode thumbnails and quote images. Shoshannah adds the show notes to the website and uploads the video and audio files to our various platforms on Vimeo, YouTube, and Libsyn. And Bailey the Paleo Puppy gives us kisses while we’re working hard.
Finally, donations cover the considerable hosting costs that come along with reaching so many listeners (for video, audio, and this website, it comes to well over $1,500 a month!) Add in the staff costs for production, email hosting, rent, utilities, transportation, etc. and you can see how this adds up. But we’ve been at it for 10+ years full-time, and won’t stop until we croak.
What do I get for donating?
2 surprise special gifts, and access to our Wild Guild private community on Discord! Join the Cuppa Coffee Club, Bagga Coffee Club, or get some one-on-one virtual coaching with Abel. Check out all the options on our Patreon.
Thanks again – see you in the member’s area and the coffee club!