Paleo Podcast, Fast Fat Loss, Free Paleo Recipes, and the Fat-Burning Man Show from Abel James
Ask Abel
Reader Interactions
I’m reading the wild diet which I am enjoying thoroughly. I have a question though.
In the book on the section about fats Abel says ‘eating fat isn’t fattening’ and this was a revelation to me. I am curious what does Abel recommend for someone on an 1800 calorie diet; as in:
How many grams of fat should a male be consuming daily. Also what are his recommended macros?
Right now I’m running at
40% Carbs
30% fat
30% protein
But halfway through the book I was woke to the fact that eating fat like peanuts isn’t something to steer clear and won’t make you fat. That it’s considered concentrated energy.
So lately my macros for fat have been going over 30%.
I always stay under my Carb macros
I go over my Protein and only lately go over my fat macro.
I’d really appreciate some insight into this.
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Keto Diet. I originally thought it was similar to the Wild Diet, but the percentages of food you eat are very different. Specifically the amount of fat.
Do you have thoughts on the Keto Diet? I don’t like the idea of having to keep such close track of the foods you eat. It also sounds like if you mess it up, your body may not be consuming fat.
I’ve been a long time listener of your podcast and I’m looking to start the Wild Diet in a few weeks. While reading info on your website and book, I wanted to ask about fasting and exercise.
Typically, I always try exercising first thing in the morning due to my work schedule and energy. This is usually followed by a whey protein shake and lean breakfast for recovery. If I was to incorporate fasting into my routine under the Wild Diet, would you still recommend this eating schedule for best results/recovery?
Usually, I’ll work out for at least 45 minutes at 5:30 AM, get ready for work and then eat by 7 AM the latest with lunch around noon and dinner at 6 PM. Would love to hear your thoughts on the combination of fasting and exercise.
I had my gallbladder removed 10 yrs ago. will consuming so much fat still slow me to loose weight without my gall bladder? Any supplements or advise you can offer?
Hey Abel I want to know if there’s a way for me to lose 30 pounds within 2 months I’m a football player and I was eating a little too much out of my diet and now I have to drop 30 before summer practice starts can you please help?
PURCHASED your diet and got the cheat PDF without problems but not the wild diet as when I press the link to the dashboard I always cannot sign in.
Your wonderful customer service gave me a new password but still cannot log in.
Cleared the Caches and cookies tried a different Browser etc.
Please send me the diet in a PDF.
I will pay extra fees but it is soooo important to me to get it as it might be a Chance for me to finally quit the binge eating disorder.
I read your book and purchased the 30 day meal guide. I am prepping to start it and I wondered if you had a list of all of the kitchen equipment that would be useful to have before starting this? Or do you have a list of must-have kitchen essentials for the Wild Diet?
I’m your challenge subject. I’m a flight attendant who is only home one to two days a week. It’s impossible to make food for the week and bring it with me. What do you suggest?
I have a question about snacking (good) vs. grazing (bad). I am doing the workout fast in the morning. When I’m done, I snack on berries, nuts, maybe a HB egg around 11:15am. Then, I go do a hike for 1 and 1/2 hours. After that, I have another snack before I can get home and have a real meal. Am I grazing at this point? What’s the difference? Should I eliminate the second snack?
Hi Able
I have two questions
This is my second round of losing weight. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago following your plan but turn 46 has made things really hard and I am back to where I was. I gained 30 pounds in a year. And my dieted hasn’t changed all that much. How do I keep this weight off with getting older?
Second question, What are some good protein options, sometimes I just don’t want to eat meat?
I am new to your program and loving it! I was losing weight fairly steadily, then I weighed myself this AM and shot up a few pounds! I didn’t change anything and I’m wondering if this is normal!? How long does it take to be fully fat adapted?
Second question. I’m trying intermittent fasting (16:8) and before my first meal can I have the bulletproof coffee?
I am highly addicted to sugar. I have been working to detox my body this last weeks and starting your program. I eat very little carbs except for tomatoes and other veggies. I also have been doing HIIT workouts and after these I feel a huge craving for sugar. I can’t decide if this craving is my body telling me I need the sugar after work out or my body is craving’s from my addiction. I think I need to start using some of the sweet potato recipes you have, however I am concerned this will feed my addiction and I won’t really be detoxing my body from sugar. Do you have any advice for me?
If you are allergic to coconut what other healthy fats or substitutes Would you suggest? I use grass fed butter and Olive Oil but it seems 95% of the recipies call for coconut oil, coconut flower and coconut aminos. Help..
Is there any type of supplement you recommend to get to ketosis sooner?
ps. How important is eating green vegetables with meals? (I had eggs, avocado and turkey for breakfast with kale juice)
I have low blood sugar and the sugar in my diet really helped me cope. Now that I have removed sugars from my diet how can I keep myself from feeling so weak. I don’t want to affect my results.
1. Do you have a 30 day plan that does not include nightshades? After using an autoimmune paleo diet for about a year I learned I am very sensitive to nightshades. They cause a lot of joint inflammation for me (unfortunately – I LOVE them!!).
Hopefully once the leaky gut issue is healed I will be able to eat them again 😉
2. Do you have recipes for the vegetables and leafy greens that are supposed to constitute 65% of our meals? Is breakfast also supposed to be 65% veggies? Looking through the recipes in the 30 day plan I find a lot of lovely looking dishes, but not many shake recipes or many greens/salads/veggies recipes. Maybe I just missed them?
THANK YOU!!! I am looking forward to making the lifestyle change to the wild diet 🙂
I’ve been looking for recipes on your site and am unable to find them. I’m going to start a ketogenic diet soon and I wasn’t to use a green smoothie for breakfast everyday. What I’m looking for: a recipe I can use everyday to get all my nutrients and have a good start to the day. I don’t know where to begin or where to look on google because of the immense search results. Where can I find the green smoothies you use and where can I find nutrition facts for vegetables (I think you said you had that on your site too)?Anyways please help much appreciated.
In your book, the shopping list ideas don’t mention coconut palm sugar, but some of the recipes do.
We have been given to believe that the process of harvesting the sap from the coconut palm to create palm sugar, renders the tree incapable of producing fruit and that it also shortens the life of the tree dramatically. Also, these tree take a long time to grow, and because of this we opted out of using it.
We have not been using refined sugar for years. We have been led to believe that natural minimally refined Cane sugar is the best available. What are thoughts on this issue and what can we substitute for coconut palm sugar in the dessert recipes in your book.
Thanks. Really enjoying your book, it is extremely informative.
Hello, Abel, I would love for you to touch upon a topic of “skinny-fat” people. How and why people get skinny-fat and what are some strategies on how can one reverse that condition.
This is my problem and usually, I look nice in the clothes but not without. When I ask people around me about how to lose fat I get the surprised looks with replies like “What are you talking about, you are fine as you are”. But I don’t want to be just fine, I want to be the best version of myself and this includes having a physique that gives me confidence both in clothes and without.
Hi Able,
thanks for all your work. Just finished your book and have been devouring all your podcasts! they are such a great wealth of knowledge. I have been eating mostly paleo for about 3 years now. I have two kids, husband, 2 dogs and various other animals. I’m attempting to start a little hobby farm to try to grow most of our own produce, and have chickens etc. Your book has helped inspire me to keep at that. i just signed up for the 30 days with you. I would love to loose this last 5 lbs but my husband needs to loose about 20, so I’m doing my best to support him through this. Although I’m pretty sure it will melt off him once he stops drinking beer. lol Everything is going pretty well my only question is with the intermittent fasting. i have no problem at all going 18 hours or even more sometimes without eating. But I’ve been doing it for about 6-8 weeks and haven’t lost any weight. it could be more related to what I’m consuming when i am eating so I’m now following your diet to see if that helps. But I’m worried that I’m not eating enough during the eating window? i eat till I’m full and I’m fine the next day so assuming thats how you tell? also is there any information regarding hormonal balance and adrenal fatigue with intermittent fasting? Should i consume more when I’m on my cycle? are there any signs that the fasting is depleting my adrenal glands? Thanks for you time!!
Jen Neuron
I was wondering how the Wild Diet 30 Meal Day Plan works for every person if they have to consume a different amount of calories. The recipes are made for 2-4 servings so would I just consume one serving or two servings? Should I be counting calories at all and/or focus on macros. I’m a petite female and after reading the manual I’d have to eat 1200-1600 calories per day to “aggressively” lose weight.
I bought your book on a whim last summer and read it from start to finish a couple of times before I dove in. I was amazed to find that so much of eating Wild is how I naturally eat. Aside from a “white” addiction (sugar and flour, separate and in the same dish) I was already eating Wild. I was eating close to 80/20 though – 80 junk, 20 good. Switched that and have been eating Wild for 17 days. I already feel better.
My question is how to deal with nay-sayers. I have very little support at home and am going to have to stick to it on my own. I know that in time the results will be the proof. How do you deal with people who want you to fail?
Hi Abel, I have downloaded your healthy eating guide and would like to fast but am getting over glandular fever, is it wise to fast or continue having breakfast until I’m 100%?
My second question is that I have an oxalate sensitivity, most raw veg (spinach, celery, kale, sweet potato) all the good ones unfortunately have to be boiled for 10 mins so that the oxalates have been removed and then I can eat them. I really want to follow the 30 day meal plan you have however the juices may be too much for my digestion and body sensitivity. Do you have any recommendations or options on this?
I’m at that point where I’ve done it all and nothing works. I have a doctors appointment Monday and I would like to know what kind of blood work should I ask the doctor to prescribe so I can find out why no matter what I do, I can’t lose weight. Thank you. I’ve struggled for 20 years and tried everything, please help me.
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Abel,
Îm over 50 and I would like to integrate fastening (from 8 to noon) in my program. Should I eat all the suggested meals in the day menu in 8 hours or do I just skip breakfast without missing any mineral, vitamin…? Also, I was wondering if I would get enough calcium with this program ?
Thank you!
I like to go off my diet on the weekends. Not go crazy and eat to make up for lost time, but just have a regular meal. Then go back to the diet on Sunday and continue the rest of the week. Good, bad, everything in moderation?
I read that you can consum olive oil in the amount if a shot glass and it can add quality calories and healthy benefits. If true, is your olive oil organic?
I have bought the book and the program. I have a question…
Can you eat too many leafy greens? Like in the big salad, if I have a whole cucumber and 2 giant handfuls of spinach or more, is that an issue?
Also, protein…you recommend up to 1 gram per pound of ideal or lean body weight. However, on IF fasting days, you don’t get nearly that.
How does all of that fit together?
I would just like to know, if i can do that 7 day sample diet you sent through, over and over again? Probably for 40 days..
And is this diet a lot like “banting”
I have bought the book and the program. I have a couple questions that would help me tie the 2 together…
Can you eat too many leafy greens? Like in the big salad, if I have a whole cucumber and 2 giant handfuls of spinach or more, is that an issue?
Also, protein…you recommend up to 1 gram per pound of ideal or lean body weight. However, on IF fasting days, you don’t get nearly that. How does all of that fit together?
Seriously, I will take any help you can give. I lost like 5 pounds and am stalled completely at 1 month in. I even mixed in IF in the morning and don’t eat till noon.
How in the world can I eat my ideal weight in grams of protein? I have never weighed 130 pounds, but I made it my goal because I don’t want to eat any more protein than that. Isn’t it bad for my kidneys to eat that much protein? Even if I eat 4 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, 4 oz of steak and 4 oz of chicken I’m still not at 130 grams of protein. I added in an avocado and an ounce of raw almonds. Still not there. I started looking up my veggies to see if eating those would get me to 130, but it would take way more vegetables than I could even keep in my frig to get to 130. I can’t eat this much food. I must be doing something wrong and misunderstanding something. Please help!
Lost weight the first week, gained 4 lbs back after one cheat. I’m having a hard time and I feel down.. I am in post menopause as a younger age due to cancer.. I can’t lose weight!
Hi! I just signed up for both your wild diet fat loss and the fat-burning tribe. I am a Muslim, and every year we have to fast everyday for a month during the month of Ramadan. Well, that starts next Saturday. I have attached a link for the month’s timetable (time we start fast and break fast each day for the month):
During the fast, we are not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING, including water. What is the best version of the wild diet for this month? I’d like to primarily lose unhealthy fat from my body and possibly gain some muscle.
I am interested in trying the Wild Diet, I have food allergies below, is this diet right for me? Are there recommended substitutes available in the Wild Diet Program that will work for me?
My food allergies:
Red Meat (Beef and Pork)
Egg Whites
Hey there! Excited to start your program. I am 51, a woman and have hypothyroidism. Have really struggled to lose weight. Also, have a lot of weight to lose. Have done the low fat thing for years and my sugar addiction just got worse. I started the ketogenic diet May 1st, but after hearing your podcast- I think I could do your program for long term. Eating this way has amazed me that I hardly have sugar cravings. (Amazing!). I swim/ water aerobics 4 times a week.
My right knee gives me troubles- so the water is great for me.
Just wondered if you have any extra tips for thyroid issues. They have been increasing my medicine for a year and half and it isn’t the right level.
Thanks for any tips you might have. ?
I have a question that I’ve done a lot of google searching on and I just can’t seem to find a good answer. I typically eat a salad for lunch every day (spring mix, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, chicken breast, seeds & balsamic dressing) After about 30 minutes my digestive system hates me (especially if I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast). I feel bloated and gassy and my stomach is growling like crazy. Could it be that my body is having a hard time digesting the raw vegetables? How can I fix this? I don’t want to give up my salads for lunch because I love them and I know they are good for me.
I’ve been following the diet for almost over a month now and I’ve gained 4 lbs. and according to my smart scale it’s not muscle or water weight. Wondering if it’s the intermittent fasting maybe my body doesn’t like the fatty coffee? It seems to fill me up until about one or 2 o’clock perhaps I’m not eating enough calories in the allotted time? Or maybe I’m erring on the side of too much fat?
In your book you list avocados in two separate categories: once under vegetables that you can “eat as many as you want” and then a second time under fruit that you should “limit to 1-2 servings”. I’m guessing one of these is a typo. Which category should avocados be under? If I eat more than one a day am I consuming too much fat?
Hi Abel:
There is no good way of asking this question, lol. I bought your book and tried the meal plan, I did lose weight!! But unfortunately I was so constipated I was in extreme pain, so I said to heck with this filed away the book and started eating like I used to. Is there something that I could include in the plan to avoid ending up like that again?
I’ve recently started listening to your podcast, and I love it. I’m very interested in starting The Wild Diet, but I have an issue that makes your diet, or any other for that matter, difficult. I am an airline pilot. Being on the road 3-5 days in a row makes sticking to any plan a challenge. I can certainly bring food with me, but keeping items come for days at a time presents its own challenges. How doable would the Wild Diet be in my situation? Airport food and restaurants are usually not the most diet friendly places.
I’m not overweight, and I’m in good health as it stands -I would like to keep it that way! The airline pilot lifestyle can be tough on ones health, and I would like to stay ahead of it.
I’ve listened to many of your podcasts, read your book, subscribed to, and been following your diet (which I love) for nearly 4 months now. I’ve never been overweight, but I’ve always had a few extra pounds on my waist that’s never come off, that is, until now. I generally have more energy throughout the day and I feel great about the foods I’m putting in my body and my family’s bodies as well. It costs a little more to get the organic grass fed food, but I figure better to pay now than later. So thank you. You’ve made a small investment on your website turn into a huge investment in myself and my family.
Now, we all know you and your guests discuss how saturated fat can be your friend, and there are those in the media who’ve tried to push other un-healthy options upon us for profit, but my wife and I recently came across an article about the dangers of coconut oil. Since I follow your recipes, and they include coconut oil, I’d be curious to find our your take on this study. Is this propaganda for big food companies, or should I be concerned for my health?
Haven’t been able to look at your plan just yet w busy little ones. My only question is do you have a meal by meal plan I follow. I Love working out! I will do weights and outdoor cardio till pigs fly. But I do struggle with proper foods. Love healthy foods but on days where I don’t prep. Eeek?
My name’s Michael, and my wife and I have been reading and following the wild diet for about a month and a half now pretty consistently, and we love it! I have lost 15lbs and 5% body fat, and I have never felt better! However, my wife and I came across a documentary called, “What the health?” and it is shocking and confusing us. It seems built on a similar foundation as The Wild Diet, however it contradicts some major principles of the Wild diet. One thing it states is to not eat animal meats, because it causes cancer/diabetes. Also it states to NOT eat fat. This is so frustrating, because we have grown to love your guidance from the Wild diet, and it has been working so well for us! Now we feel like we don’t know what the heck to eat!! We both wanted to know what your stance was on this, and if you can offer any guidance? After finishing the documentary, it does seem to have a very ‘vegan agenda’. But honestly, nothing I have ever tried has made me feel as good as the Wild Diet. So thank you!! And thank you for your response!!
I am loving all that I am reading in the book, “The Wild Diet.” I have been in a continuous yo-yo cycle most of my adult life (I’m 39 years old) and looking for this to help break that rhythm. I am thankful for the new insight and raised awareness but have two questions. I love the concept of fasting in the morning and exercising during fast. I have always been taught and practiced that you eat something within 30 minutes of ending exercise for recovery purposes. I am overweight by about 35-40 pounds and have always eaten every 2-3 hours to “keep metabolism up” when eating clean. I know my body will have to take time to adjust but with all that said.
1. What do you recommend for after exercising as I usually exercise early in the morning?
2. One of my biggest battles is late night snacking. What are proper late night snacks if I do give in (the hope is to not).
Thanks so much as I’m starting this lifestyle change today.
First, thank you. I listened to your book a few months ago and have been studying your site and listening to your podcasts. I have a background in medicine and I get it, it now all makes sense. My biggest question is this, I had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago (Roux-en-y procedure), and have read conflicting information that this way of eating is contradictory. But from a health perspective it seems like it should be ok? Any history with other people being successful? I am still going to give this a good go, but just curious if there are roadblocks that I need to be looking out for?
I would like to know your opinion on heart health. I hear you and Vinnie Tortorich talk alot about eating meat and butter, but I never hear you talk about heart health ( I am a fairly new listener, so mabey you have talked about it) I’ve always been told to stay away from such items to keep cholesterol low and arteries clear. Please help me with my confusion. I would like to be more paleo instead if vegan but my family history of heart disease keeps me from switching.
on average I teach 20 hrs per week fitness classes
moderate levels try to stay away from boot camp and high impact cardio classes (due to my knees)I try to stay away from gluten and refined sugar
how much protein do I actually need
and my body composition is ok for my age but I HATE the fat around my mid section
Hi Abel, My wife and I are looking forward to starting this program tomorrow. I work 3rd shift (off at 6am), but I’d like to stay on the same meal schedule as the family. I wake-up around 2pm can I switch up breakfast, lunch, and dinner and expect the same results? Thanks,
I can’t seem to stay in track on weekend trips an so fourth. I take snacks but always end up failing an just eating whatever. Need help with this I travel often to my daughters an can’t seem to conquer this issue
What do I do when this kind of eating doesn’t help me lose weight?? I have dieted since I was 14. I am 70. I did Atkins in 2002 & lost 80 lbs. when my parents became ill & I was in charge of their care & burials took their toll on me from 2007-14. Then I had lesions & nodules on my thyroid / it was removed & instead of helping my weight loss I added back 30 lbs. I also have degenerative disc disease which puts me in agony when I have to walk much without a shopping cart. I am doing a low impact yoga & trying to do Tai Chi.
I have counted calories, done Atkins, the A-list diet, and your diet. I lost 15 lbs in the A-list diet during its initial phase with the added amino acids, but NOTHING SINCE. I CAN’T lose any more weight no matter what I do.
Please give me some suggestions. My doctor suggested your diet.
My friends and I have been following the wild diet book, and we love it! We even have a little support group going. We’ve all lost weight, but the best part is we all feel better. I have a 10-year-old, and she’s even started to read labels with me and is being more conscientious of what she’s eating.
Later this month (late July/early August), we will be making a trip from Texas to the east coast (Maryland) on our motorcycles. Since we’ve been trying to stay true to the wild diet, clean eating way of life, I’m a little worried about staying hydrated while we are traveling during our trip on only water. Is there anything that you’d suggest for us to add along with water, or is water enough?
Hi Abel, my name is Landen Conner, and I’m incorporating your information into my lifestyle change. Thank you for your information BTW!! I did have a question. I was wondering how are your feelings toward the documentary called “What the Health.” It’s on youtube and Netflix. Do you agree or disagree with documentary. Also I am a pharmacist, where do you find the most reliable source of ACCURATE, non altered information about products and how harmful they are to the body?
Hi Abel,
Really excited to start this plan. The information you’ve shared is awesome! I am pretty familiar with clean eating and training, though life always seems to get in the way of my consistency (excuses, I know) which has made things evolve VERY slowly. I’m ready to plow through that business and stay consistent to reach my goals… my wedding is in three months so it’s now or never!
I’ve been intermittent fasting for about a week(16:8), I believe in the science behind it and have been doing great so far. I just need a little bit of guidance on food ratios for my feasting times.
You mentioned not to worry about portion sizes or counting calories BUT I personally do so much better with a solid guide. In the past I have been a macro counter and use MFP a lot. I don’t count calories, just macros. This just CLICKS with me and it gives me confidence in knowing I am doing things properly.
I am just wondering if you have a suggestion on food ratios (actual percentages to follow) for fat loss. I already know the calorie range to stay in but I think I’ve overwhelmed myself with trying to figure out if I should do low carb/high-er fat most days(not interested in Keto due to the lack of sustainability), high carb/low fat on training days, equal carbs and fat all the time? (I will be training as you advised in your plan.)
I reviewed the ratio diagram you provided and it’s helpful! I’m just such a numbers person since don’t feel confident unless I have a structured plan. I really appreciate your advice!! Sorry to be so long-winded!
(in addition to my question above)
I suppose it would be helpful to mention, I am aiming for a 25lb loss. I understand it may not be doable by wedding time(3m), but getting close would be great and establishing a concrete plan to follow as a lifestyle change is the ultimate(and most important) goal. I’m at about 1200cal a day for my deficit. I have done 40c/40p/20f before but I don’t know if that is the most ideal to torch fat. Thanks again!
Hello Abel,
I began the Wild diet today as well as incorporating intermittent fasting. Will that increase my fat lost quicker. I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, just need to burn some fat. I am starting a workout program as well when some lifting.
I’ve heard to drink bullet proof coffee. Should I be drinking that during my fasting him or during the time I should be eating?
Can you help me understand if grass fed beef that is grain or corn silage finished is just as bad as feedlot beef that have an all corn or grain diet? Would the corn silage finish eliminate the extra beta carotene and omega 3 in the grass fed beef fat?
I am an avid listener to your show. I’m literally starting at the beginning of your podcasts and working my way to the most recent. I find it fascinating that you are able to get so many guests on the show. I like that you have some differing opinions represented. Even so, whole foods is the name of the game, and like you said, the details can be determined with your own experimentation.
Anyway, I’m wondering if you can point me in the right direction on where to find some accredited research about high fat vs. low carb and the like.
I whole heartedly believe in your message, however, I’m not sure where to get the facts to back it up when confronted by the opposition. I don’t want to argue, just have the facts speak for themselves. I also know you had a guest in the past, and probably several, that are very big in the research and seem to be very credible sources because they are willing to be wrong if that’s what science indicates. If you can point me in the direction of some sources like that, that would be helpful.
Hi! Just bought the book today and am very excited to change my families life. I crossfit at 8am daily and wondered if you could explain how just protein and fats gives enough energy for the workouts, I’m just always learned you need slow digesting carbs preworkout and fast digesting carbs post wod? Also could you please recommend a protein powder to add to my green smoothies? Thanks and I will be submitting updates from my whole family because it will be a miracle in the making (they are all digging in their heels on this but we are
Gonna do it!) thanks for a you do
I am a single person on a budget. All of the recipes and shopping lists are developed around 2-4 people. Without having to go through each recipe each day of each week is there any weekly meal plans/shopping list for individuals?
I am looking to get back to where I was as far as my weight and how I feel. Within the last year I have reverted back to unhealthy eating habits and need to lose about 20 pounds.
Abel, following your plan and down 23# in 2 months. Finally out of the 400’s! I am a third shifter and my eating window is 1030 to 230pm. On the weekends I try to get on a normal schedule which pushes my eating window later in the afternoon or early evening. My question is will this affect ketosis?
Hi abel,
Im having problem with low sex drive lately. I have been eating primal for over a year now and in the 6 months i just havent been interested at all. Just turned 38 but checked testosterone last year and was good. Havent checked it since this problem started but will be soon. Puttindg a real strain on my marriage and looking for help!
I notice the weekly shopping list seems pretty daunting but are these things that will carry over from week to week? Like some of the items ask for very small amounts but can’t be purchased in anything that limited.
I am a busy mother of 7 with not much time to cook (or grocery shop for that matter!) and found the menu options pretty overwhelming. I am wondering if there is a simplified version of what to eat and when…something more along the lines of “chicken and vegetables” or ‘ veggies and protein’ instead of the extravagant dishes with tons of ingredients?
hey Abel, so yesterday I started this diet, I only eat food twice a day (when I’m hungry) and I only drink water and tea( no milk just 2 tbsp of sugar and lemon tea), I also lift light weights, so how much kilograms of fat would I loose before September
I was looking over the shopping list for the Wild Diet and had a question about plain yogurt. Most of the yogurts in the stores are low-fat or non-fat, I usually get Non-Fat Greek yogurt with the lowest grams of sugar. However, I’m wondering if I should look for Full-Fat yogurt instead.
I just read your book “ the Wild diet” and I am unsure about using cows milk? I see cheeses and cream and stuff but no mention of cows milk. I love my lattes!
Also, I am confused about the secondary foods. We are only supposed to have 2 total daily . It looks like on your 7 day meal plan, page 294. Example : For day 1 There is for breakfast bacon and 1/2 grape fruit. Then lunch avocado, feta cheese. Snack is berries and yogurt. Desert is strawberries and whipped cream. Aren’t all these secondary foods? Is it 2 per category or two per secondary foods in total? Could you please confirm what is correct? thanks!
I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Some of the foods that are on this plan I’ve never even tried before, and am unsure how to prepare them. Is there something for beginners?
I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I’ve never tried some of the foods on this plan and I am unsure how to prepare them. What if I don’t like the food? Is there something for beginners? Do I sound like a big baby?
Hi Abel,
Can your shopping list be fulfilled at HEB stores?
I’m told to make bone broth using uncommon parts (evidently for the collagen boost) such as chicken feet 😜 necks and wings. If the package says no hormones is that good enough?
I don’t see myself shopping Whole Foods so I need to know if your WILD lifestyle is achievable in my geographical area.
Thanks so much!
I just stared the Wild Diet and I am excited about all the delicious foods!
My question is do you have any tips on sticking to the diet while traveling? I travel for 1 week every month for work. I fly into one state and drive from place to place for 5 days. I am never in the same hotel for more than 1 night. Most of the time I travel through Small Town USA and the only thing in sight is horrid fast food restaurants. I love cooking at home, so when I am not traveling it won’t be a problem sticking to the Wild Diet. I just don’t know what to do when I am on the road. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I am about one week into this wild diet full force. I ate paleo 2 years ago for about 6 months and then fell off track. Over the past year I have been focusing on eating healthy at home while ignoring the facts when I go out to eat so long story short this is my first week fully committed to the Wild Diet
All that being said I am wondering how common it is to not feel hungry at all? I am worried I am not consuming enough calories for my activity. I have a desk job 8-5 but I coach every night and also train for myself in adition to hitting crossfit gym 3-4 times a week. It’s almost 230pm and I have had green tea with heavy cream, almonds and beef jerky today with no desire to eat lunch. I feel like i am having to force feed myself just so I can have lunch before I leave work. It’s a drastic change from my previous self eating breakfast, 2 snacks and a lunch everyday at work. Don’t get me wrong, I could stand to loose 10-12 lbs but I want to make sure my body has the fuel it needs…what are your thoughts?
I’m currently living in a dorm and have minimal ability to cook short of a slow cooker and a microwave. Any suggestions of how to tweak would be super welcomed!!
My name is Nikolaj I’ve been in Ketosis for 3 months now strict, I’ve had gut problems in the past(Kandida) and I wanted to lose a litlle bodyfat (I do sports everyday, long distance running or swimming).
I want to take a “break” from keto, because I’ve lost appetite, I don’t enjoy food and I want to eat fruits,oats, lentils,beans,potatoes.
I’m still going to do intermittent fasting though.
Currently I’m satisfied with my weight, I just want to maintain it and be in my top mental and physical performance, but since I was on keto I’ve completely lost my appetite. And currently I’m to skeptical to eat carbs beacuse i think I will gain weight etc.
My question is will I have some negative physical and mental effects if I go to low-mid carb type of eating?
Is combination of carbs and fat unhealthy or carbs+ protein, for ex., if I have coocked potatoes with a steak and a whole lot of veggies, will it spike my insulin or?
Will I gain the weight back?
Will my physical performance decrease?
And when to eat fruits?
I’ve been doing the Wild Diet off and on since May. My biggest hang up is going for a few days no problem and then I binge eat. There’s been a lot of stress around work, my relationship, and not getting enough sleep at night since our dog gets up at all hours. In May 2013, I started my weight loss journey and lost 50lbs in 6 months. Since June of this year, I’ve gone on major binge benders resulting in me gaining about 15 lbs despite me working out consistently not tied to a treadmill. This go around I started journaling; my meals, exercise, sleep, and mindset. It’s been so helpful to see where my hangups are.
My biggest question is have you ever had an issue with falling into bingeing habits? If so, what have you done to get out of them?
Hi Abel,
I listened to one of your podcasts regarding intermittent fasting and I remember the speaker had said that when you break your fast don’t eat carbs; rather have fats to retrain your body to crave fats and utilize them for energy. However, I was also reading some of your wild diet tips and hacks and noticed that you said post workout you should eat carbs and protein and avoid fat because it slows the breakdown of carbs of protein. Thus, my question is what do you eat when you fast, have a fasted workout and then break your fast with a post workout meal. Should you eat carbs, fat and/or protein? Also, please let my know if I misunderstood either of the above points. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!!
I’ve started intermittent fasting 16:8. I eat around 11am and try to have dinner by 6:30pm. My sleeping pattern just took a dive.
Prior was going to sleep at 9:30 and waking up at 3:30am. Now I’m suddenly waking up at 12:30am. I’ve been going back to sleep around 4:30am and that’s causing me to miss my 5:15am workouts. Help!
What is going on with my body?
I am starting the wild man diet as well as ketogenic fasting. I normally try to stay away from hot coffee and stick with cold brew due to gastrointestinal issues. All the fatty coffee recipes I can find are for hot coffee, do you have a recipe for fatty cold brew coffee? Thank you for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.
Okay, I have to ask a very sensitive question, lol. What can you eat to avoid constipation. I tried the meal plan and lost weight but I got to be in extreme pain and couldn’t continue with it. I had bought your book but unfortunately when I wan’t feeling so great I put it away somewhere. I had asked this question at the time, but I guess it got lost along the way because I never did discover the answer. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and then I can start looking for the book again!! Thanks, Glenda
I really enjoy your blog and podcast. It’s enlightened me a lot. I figured if anyone could help it would be you. So my daughter is allergic to egg whites. Which is not a problem for lunch or dinner, but breakfast is a little difficult with a HFLC lifestyle. I’ve made a scrambled egg yokes omelet with some success, but that’s it. Do you have any recipes or other suggestions for a HFLC breakfast for my daughter with an egg white allergy?
So I’ve been doing keto for several months and lost the twenty-something I’ve been wanting. In the midst of all that I bought the wild diet book and stepped away from strict keto. Well done BTW!
But here’s the question that keeps coming up over and over again. What sugar is really healthy for us, taste good and not going to cause me to regain the weight I’ve lost. Everywhere I look I see that coconut palm sugar is not keto friendly, spikes blood sugar etc. I noticed that you use it in your recipes but can’t find where you address why you chose that sweetener as opposed to the many other.
If you have already addressed this could you point me to where? I’d be much obliged! If not I’d love to know why you choose it and if I need to be careful when using it as to not regain the weight I’ve lost!
Great book and download material with the diet plans in it. I’ve tried a few of the recipes in it which are awesome. I have a question re exercise in that you mention that when you exercise, you should eat something with protein and carbs in it within 60 minutes to help replenish the muscles etc.
However, I can only exercise to dvd’s once the kids have gone to bed in the evening, as this is the only time I have it peaceful enough – so I am unable to eat anything afterwards as I am practicing intermittant fasting with your plan most days.
Will this be harmful in the long run or should I only exercise on evenings where I am not then fasting afterward?
I have several food allergies. I have made the necessary modifications to the food plan, but I have a question about the cheese. I am allergic to all dairy, even goat and sheep. I make a great fermented and aged cashew cheese. Can I substitute this for the feta and different cheese options? Also, I am hungry for more than these 4 meals a day that are on the food plan, is it detrimental to eat a little extra at each meal?
I was also wondering if grapeseed oil is acceptable on this plan. I male my mayo with it because I was under the impression that it was one of the more stable oils.
Hi, I’m just getting started…or trying to but am having such a hard time staying clear of sugar! What are your best tips? I know ridding the house of all candy and junk is ideal, however I have a husband and two kids who do not want to follow the same plan as me. I’m trying to incorporate little changes to convert over to the wild diet since I’m afraid if I go all in I will binge on the foods that do not support the plan but am needing a little help or motivation.
Hello there,
Have heard a bunch of great things about your book and lifestyle strategies. I see that you do drink alcohol, so that is allowed? The other question I had was about vegetarians. I am not strict vegan/vegetarian, but have inflammation issues with meat products. Is your plan something I could follow? Thank you in advance!
Hello Abel,
My total cholesterol is typically around 200 and in October i did the Whole 30 diet/cleanse. I ate only veggies and fruits, nothing processed or anything with added sugar. i only ate meat about 4 times the whole month of October. my cholesterol dropped to 150.
Can you share you lab results. i want to do the wild diet but also want my cholesterol numbers staying in line. thx
My husband and I just began the wild diet 30 day meal plan. We love it and we are interested to see how it will work out for a powerlifter (my husband is ranked 33rd in the nation)! I am curious, in the fat loss manual it says that we can include cheat days to boost our metabolism and such, which is great, but will that switch our body from primarily utilizing fat for energy to using the sugars? Or, since it is just one meal, will it just burn those sugars and quickly jump back in to burning fat? I have been struggling a lot with hormonal issues and fat loss, so I really don’t want to mess things up.
Hello Abel , I am new to the tribe , but not to the wild diet concept ! I have read the Wild Diet book twice and I’ve been following the podcast for the past 2 years . I had a great start loosing 13 pounds !!
Unfortunately social and business life had drifted me away from my goals …
I am a 43 years old ophthalmologist from Brazil and I am willing to lose viceral fat ( belly fat ) and improve my blood index . Usually I train 3 times a week early in the morning ( I like to lift weights at the gym ) and I always do it fasted . After that I eat 3 eggs , cheese , lettuce and tomato . Usually I have lunch but sometimes I have to skip it . Once a week I have to exercise at night ( a pretty intense functional exercise ) and I wonder what should I eat after and before it ?? In this day have breakfast ( usually eggs and cheese ) at 7:30am , lunch at 1pm and I train between 7:30pm and 8:30pm ( I usually go to bed at 10pm ) . Any advice Abel James Bascom ?
Thank you!
PS : I have asked this question on the Facebook but I’ve got no answer. That’s why I am trying this way!!
Best wishes
I love your work and have been following the wild diet food plan for a couple of weeks now. I’m finding that at @2pm each day I get a serious slump in energy and feel completely wiped out. Why is this and can you suggest anything to do to counteract it.
Hi Abel,
I have been brought up vegetarian and am very aware of the greater longevity of people in the blue zones.
I have also listened to Dr MacDougall and Dr Fuhrman (who does have some meat).
I have tried MacDougall but find the no fat component hard and I didn’t lose weight.
I have lost weight fasting for the first time but I have increased rate of migraine so I have had to stop that. I have stumbled on your podcast and I love it but I am struggling to believe meat is healthy in light of the China study etc.
Your results are obvious and I have tried dieting for 30 years with little results until the fasting when I have lost 7kg. (My thyroid is atrophied from Hashimotos).
I am frustrated because fasting works and I feel great in other ways but it’s putting me in migraine land.
Just wondering how you see the increased longevity and health results for vegetarians and how the benefits of eating meat can negate those statistics?
I have purchased your program and have never eaten meat but I’m willing to try if that will help me to be healthier but I still have some doubts.
I purchased two books “The No Meat Athlete Cookbook” and “The Wild Diet.” One says to not eat any meat whatsoever while the other says it is okay to eat clean grass fed organic meat in moderation. I see people saying to eat meat and people saying to not eat meat but I don’t know which to choose. Both have pros and cons and I find it difficult to decide. I’m sure you’ve heard of the forks over knives documentary where they say that a whole foods plant based diet is the way to go but do these studies showing how unhealthy meat eaters are true and unbiased? I feel like if you eat fried meat or too much meat then sure it could hurt your health but what if you eat it the correct way in the right amounts? Thank you for the help! 🙂
I purchased your program and I am getting ready to start. Why isn’t peanut oil listed as one of the preferred oils and also why not peanuts for snacks?
I’ve done Keto for over a year, and found it way too strict in not allowing fruit or even a sweet potato, which brought me to you. I have 3 questions,:
1. your recipes say serving for 2 or 4. So, do I aim for 1 serving and quarter each recipe (doing this just for me) or is it 2 if I’m hungry? Also, could you consider a scaled down version of your shopping list? Killing me to cut everything into 4ths.
2. Other than that, you don’t seem to recommend “snack sizes” a couple or eggs or some nuts (ect) I am not usually a snacker, but notice this diet although not counting calories is pretty tight with portion control, so a bit more exact would help. Lastly…
3. I believe I read that folks should have days when they indulge. Is this after you have achieved weight loss goals? Because the program has 7 days a week menus for the 30 days. (I could have read that wrong….a lot of read off a computer screen, guess I would have preferred a hard copy (easier to refer back to, don’t have my laptop everywhere I go, a book would be easier)
Okay, that’s it for now. Excited to get started!
So I still see folks bogging in about “I eat like a king” or “Eat any amount I want as long as it’s on the acceptable list” . However, the recipes, for 1 serving can be extremely small for example “The Tomato Feta for Breakfast recipe” if you make it for one serving comes out to
1/2 ounce feta, 1/8c cherry tomatoes, 1/16c. basil 1/4c spinach. Doesn’t that seem like a small portion? Can you give me some guidance here?
What about a shopping class on a budget??? Some of the options that are required for the diet can run spendy. Can this plan work with groceries from Walmart???
I believe in your plan and, as an extremely overweight 51 year old disabled Navy veteran who is also diabetic and has arthritis running rampant through his body, I desperately need this plan. I’ve seen the results because I have tried and saw blood sugar results.
I did not continue because of the need to shop at stores that put a dent into our budget and put us into a bind that we eventually slid right back into our bad habits. As you know, starches and high carbs are the least expensive items to choose to feed a family. I know this plan works, what I need is help finding how and where to find ingredients that are economically beneficial.
I enjoy this new lifestyle. Its very good for my wife and I preparing meals together.
I’ve read and listened to your Podcasts about sugar and how to cut back.
I would like to hear you speak about beer and wine. My wife and I enjoy both while preparing and eating dinner. I’m sitl achieving my goals however i’m sure much slower than I would be if I could curb alcohol.
Your thoughts?
Hi Abel, I started 16/8 intermittent fasting 3 months ago as I heard it was a great anti inflammatory and I suffer from arthritis. It has worked fantastic and if I dont eat before 12 I have no pain and now off all medication. (brilliant outcome) But at the same time at 54yrs I need to lose 20kgs. So I started a full exercise program 3-4 sessions of high intensity exercise mainly boxing and weights which I added to my 6km walking schedule which I do 6 days a week. But over 3 months I have lost size and feel great but I have lost hardly any weight. (3kgs) So frustrated. So many people have advised me I am not eating enough and that at my age and menopausal I just may not drop weight with fasting….. With this I started back eating breakfast and my pain returned immediately. So fasting it is for me for the rest of my life but how can I drop weight and fast at at the same time? Any advice would be really appreciated. I only found your program this week and have started but anything I can do to fasten weight loss would be greatly appreciated.
Able, I listen to your pod cast and can’t find an answer to a specific question. I race off-road motorcycles and mountain bikes sometimes over a hundred miles. At the end of the race I’m sore for days. Do you think fasting afterwards is beneficial for reducing inflammation from over exersion? I’m over forty and currently work out five days a week between races.
I notice that you often comment that losing weight is 80% diet. This is a primary reason I am writing.
I am a 54 years old male, 6′, currently 240. I have been eating clean for 12 weeks and losing the normal 2 pounds per week. I exercise a good 5 days each each (3 lift days with some cardio, 2 run days).
Over the past 12 weeks I have had to travel for two of the weeks. When I travel, I pay careful attention to keep eating clean. I always sub veggies for things like rice and beans, never have bread, etc. I also was able to go for a run (once) each trip.
My question is asked because on each trip I saw a weight gain of 2 & 3 pounds. Is this just my body reacting to the lack of exercise, of regrouping, etc.? If I weren’t able to exercise for a few weeks, would I keep seeing weight gain? I love exercising, and the diet and lifestyle is definitely sustainable, it is just that these two weeks make me wonder how my body is reacting to the diet compared to exercising. At best, for me at least, it feels like a 50-50 deal, if not that exercising is more important.
I recently read Abel book. In the how to order at restaurants section Abel mentions avoiding baked. The question is is that true for home cooking? Is baking roasting and broiling acceptable options for home cooking? I frequently roast veggies and broil meat.
I’ve been enjoying your podcast for a few months now and appreciate your down-to-earth, non-sensationalized, honest approach to health. So keep it coming!
I recently listened to a podcast in which you briefly mentioned that you don’t think ashwagandha should be taken on a daily, long-term basis.
I was just hoping to get some clarity on this topic.
I started off every morning with the same routine for years, and am wondering if maybe I’m off track:
1. Drink 30 ounces of fresh spring water.
2. Take 1 teaspoon of sole salt water.
3. Take an adrenal support supplement (from Vital Nutrients) with the following:
– 100mg pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
– 300mg adrenal (whole) bovine
– 150mg adrenal (cortex) bovine
– 200mg eleuthera root extract
– 200mg ashwagandha root extract
– 100mg cordyceps sinensis mycelium extract
4. No food or supplements until 10am (for a 7 hour eating window).
I guess I always assumed that because ashwagandha is an adaptogen that it was safe for daily use (and figured the morning – when cortisol – was the best time of day to take it)?
Can you help me get my thinking on track with this topic?
Trying to find my way with diet and weight loss. Have done Keto in the past, loved it, but my cholesterol went up 80 points to 269. I went back to regular eating and have my levels down to 183. I’m now looking at your plan.
I’m a 56 year old male, 5′ 7″. My 2 month goal is to go from 170 to 150 – pretty much my ideal weight. I eat very close to your plan during the day, but have a nightly habit of snacking and wine, which I am willing to give up.
I also do Orange Theory Fitness and work out hard 3 to 4 times per week. Here’s the question. Your plan says no grains (I think) yet advocates rice for those who exercise. Knowing I want to loose my final 20 lbs in 2 months, yet want energy to work out hard, would you recommend rice and other complex carbs in a limited quantity?
I have some body fat on the love handle area a little on the tummy. Maybe at 15% body fat. I have tried every thing under the sun to rid of this body fat. Maybe it’s stress., lack sleep, who knows but have been trying for years. I eat like your food plan too. Any ideas?
I was listening to the Dr. Perlmutter episode today. For a while I’ve had a feeling I’ve eaten too much protein. However when De. Perlmutter gave his equation for protein as being .8x1kg if desired weight, I found that to be shockingly low and almost impossible to do. I’m a woman 5’5 with a goal weight of 120. I do weights 2-3 times per week. That calculation would mean I should only eat about 45 grams per day. Did I hear this correctly? Can you please confirm? I take the information I learn on your podcast very seriously and am concerned that my average daily intake is around 100g per day.
Hey Abel – I am celiac and eat gluten free, watch carb intake, and am active in that I am on my feet a lot as a nurse. No prior medical history but my total cholesterol and LDL came back slightly elevated.
Any experience with this? Any recommendations?
Thanks so much.
Hi Abel,
I’m on the first week of the diet and was hoping that following it will stop my chronic reflux which wakes me up every morning at 4am. Unfortunately it hasn’t changed and I was wondering if you can advise what I can improve in my diet (I always thought that sugar at night was causing it but now I know it wasn’t). Thanks!
Hi Abel!! I read your book about 2 years ago, and lost some weight and started eating more healthy as a result. The book is excellent, thank you.
So!! I am 69 years old, and in about 1-1/2 months will need to have Prostate Removal Surgery. I am doing my best to see this as a very positive thing, and setting up many things to do that will be beneficial to my health.
I view the surgery as an opportunity for improvement. One of my goals is losing about 20 pounds of weight in the 2 months or so after the surgery, when I am recovering. I know will not be able to do much exercise and walking in month or so after the surgery….but want to do good things to promote weight loss and improved health.
I would love your advice for best approaches and maybe some specific eating plans for doing this. I promise to talk about my success in doing this in my Golf Improvement blogs and podcasts after my surgery.
Will I get a hard copy of the diet I ordered from you for $2? I hate having going to the computer every time I need to look up something. If we do get hard copies about how long will it take? Thanks.
I’m 59, with an aortic dissection and finally decided to do something about my health (depression is a b***h!).
My big issue is the dissection imposes serious limits on what I can do: HR < 130; BP below 130; no straining to lift (if I need to brace or tighten to lift something the answer is NO!).
This was tough because in my youth I trained at the USOC training center in Colo. Spgs. As an adult I was an avid CrossFitter – PR’d 405 in the deadlift; and loved to snorkel and scuba dive. That all ended in August 2013. I sank into a deep funk and gained 70 lbs.
What I want to share with you is the new path I’m finding. Dr Peter Attia mentioned that he wanted to do well at the “Centenarian Olympics” – living well at 100. That got me thinking, what skills do I need to live well at 100? Here’s what I’ve come up with:
100 yr old Skills goals:
Walk stairs without assistance up/down – multiple flights, with 10 lbs in each hand
{carry groceries up a 2-3 story walk up}
Do a 30# goblet squat for several reps.
{picking up a small grandchild}
Pull yourself out of the pool “effortlessly” without use of ladder or steps.
{lifesaving skill. Measure of upper body skill, lower body flexibility and coordination}
Walk for a couple hours at a steady pace without assistance across varied surfaces and mild elevation changes.
{general life functionality}
Be able get on and off the lowest toilets without holding anything or dropping into the sitting position (elementary school toilet)
{lower body strength and mobility; functional life strength}
Be able to reach fully overhead, in front, behind, and to the sides
{full shoulder mobility}
Lift 30 lbs overhead (carryon luggage)
{desired life skill for travel mobility}
Do 5 pull-ups
{upper body strength and mobility}
Do a dead hang for 45+seconds
{grip strength}
Do 25 push-ups
{upper body strength}
Get up/down from the floor easily – ideally without hands
{critical life skill}
To step up/down comfortably from 18” and jump down from 30” (typical truck open tailgate)
{mobility and durability skill}
Be able to standing long jump x’ minimum.
{retention of some explosive power. Perhaps body height}
That is my list so far. It’s worth noting that there are several things on the list that I can’t do now, which is sad.
So now starts the training process. One could start as basic as needed. For me it’s a 1 mile walk with 2 lb hand weights 5-6 days/week. Once a month I’ll evaluate and add a little distance for the next month. If it takes years to work up to 2 hours, who cares! This is an ultramarathon, not a sprint!
I’ve learned a lot from Laird, Pavel, Kelly, and many others; though none of them really fit centenarian olympic model yet. I’d love to see what they’ll come up with as they age.
For now, this is my path. I’m approaching diet similarly – small changes that will add up over time, maybe one change every month or so. Currently it’s to cut out sugars. Some days are easy, some aren’t. I just work to do better each day, and to forgive my failures.
I hope this spurs some discussion among you and your peers. I just know that if I want to be meeting this standard at 100, I need to train to meet it in my sixties and every decade in between. The one thing that I’ve learned in the last six years – move it or lose it (and you’ll lose it fast!); so move, a lot!!
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I’m reading the wild diet which I am enjoying thoroughly. I have a question though.
In the book on the section about fats Abel says ‘eating fat isn’t fattening’ and this was a revelation to me. I am curious what does Abel recommend for someone on an 1800 calorie diet; as in:
How many grams of fat should a male be consuming daily. Also what are his recommended macros?
Right now I’m running at
40% Carbs
30% fat
30% protein
But halfway through the book I was woke to the fact that eating fat like peanuts isn’t something to steer clear and won’t make you fat. That it’s considered concentrated energy.
So lately my macros for fat have been going over 30%.
I always stay under my Carb macros
I go over my Protein and only lately go over my fat macro.
I’d really appreciate some insight into this.
Kind Regards
Hello Abel,
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Keto Diet. I originally thought it was similar to the Wild Diet, but the percentages of food you eat are very different. Specifically the amount of fat.
Do you have thoughts on the Keto Diet? I don’t like the idea of having to keep such close track of the foods you eat. It also sounds like if you mess it up, your body may not be consuming fat.
Thank you in advance for your thoughts,
Sugar cravings and just being consistent and
Sugar and just being consistent
Just looking for more snack ideas..I’m a driver for UPS so always on the go
Hi Abel and Alyson,
I’ve been a long time listener of your podcast and I’m looking to start the Wild Diet in a few weeks. While reading info on your website and book, I wanted to ask about fasting and exercise.
Typically, I always try exercising first thing in the morning due to my work schedule and energy. This is usually followed by a whey protein shake and lean breakfast for recovery. If I was to incorporate fasting into my routine under the Wild Diet, would you still recommend this eating schedule for best results/recovery?
Usually, I’ll work out for at least 45 minutes at 5:30 AM, get ready for work and then eat by 7 AM the latest with lunch around noon and dinner at 6 PM. Would love to hear your thoughts on the combination of fasting and exercise.
Hi Abel
I have watch the TV show Diet wars and is very impressed with your program, I have been on so many diets with no long term success.
I am looking for a life style change that is long lasting and quick to get the results.
I want to lose 45lb and a lot of body fat and wants to keep it of.
Who will the Wild Diet book help me with this?
I had my gallbladder removed 10 yrs ago. will consuming so much fat still slow me to loose weight without my gall bladder? Any supplements or advise you can offer?
Hey Abel I want to know if there’s a way for me to lose 30 pounds within 2 months I’m a football player and I was eating a little too much out of my diet and now I have to drop 30 before summer practice starts can you please help?
PURCHASED your diet and got the cheat PDF without problems but not the wild diet as when I press the link to the dashboard I always cannot sign in.
Your wonderful customer service gave me a new password but still cannot log in.
Cleared the Caches and cookies tried a different Browser etc.
Please send me the diet in a PDF.
I will pay extra fees but it is soooo important to me to get it as it might be a Chance for me to finally quit the binge eating disorder.
HI Abel,
I read your book and purchased the 30 day meal guide. I am prepping to start it and I wondered if you had a list of all of the kitchen equipment that would be useful to have before starting this? Or do you have a list of must-have kitchen essentials for the Wild Diet?
I’m your challenge subject. I’m a flight attendant who is only home one to two days a week. It’s impossible to make food for the week and bring it with me. What do you suggest?
I have a question about snacking (good) vs. grazing (bad). I am doing the workout fast in the morning. When I’m done, I snack on berries, nuts, maybe a HB egg around 11:15am. Then, I go do a hike for 1 and 1/2 hours. After that, I have another snack before I can get home and have a real meal. Am I grazing at this point? What’s the difference? Should I eliminate the second snack?
Hi Able
I have two questions
This is my second round of losing weight. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago following your plan but turn 46 has made things really hard and I am back to where I was. I gained 30 pounds in a year. And my dieted hasn’t changed all that much. How do I keep this weight off with getting older?
Second question, What are some good protein options, sometimes I just don’t want to eat meat?
Hi, Abel! A few quick questions…
I am new to your program and loving it! I was losing weight fairly steadily, then I weighed myself this AM and shot up a few pounds! I didn’t change anything and I’m wondering if this is normal!? How long does it take to be fully fat adapted?
Second question. I’m trying intermittent fasting (16:8) and before my first meal can I have the bulletproof coffee?
Hi Abel,
I am highly addicted to sugar. I have been working to detox my body this last weeks and starting your program. I eat very little carbs except for tomatoes and other veggies. I also have been doing HIIT workouts and after these I feel a huge craving for sugar. I can’t decide if this craving is my body telling me I need the sugar after work out or my body is craving’s from my addiction. I think I need to start using some of the sweet potato recipes you have, however I am concerned this will feed my addiction and I won’t really be detoxing my body from sugar. Do you have any advice for me?
If you are allergic to coconut what other healthy fats or substitutes Would you suggest? I use grass fed butter and Olive Oil but it seems 95% of the recipies call for coconut oil, coconut flower and coconut aminos. Help..
Is there any type of supplement you recommend to get to ketosis sooner?
ps. How important is eating green vegetables with meals? (I had eggs, avocado and turkey for breakfast with kale juice)
What are your thoughts on the sweetener Swerve?
Hi Abel
I have low blood sugar and the sugar in my diet really helped me cope. Now that I have removed sugars from my diet how can I keep myself from feeling so weak. I don’t want to affect my results.
I have 2 questions for anyone with answers 🙂
1. Do you have a 30 day plan that does not include nightshades? After using an autoimmune paleo diet for about a year I learned I am very sensitive to nightshades. They cause a lot of joint inflammation for me (unfortunately – I LOVE them!!).
Hopefully once the leaky gut issue is healed I will be able to eat them again 😉
2. Do you have recipes for the vegetables and leafy greens that are supposed to constitute 65% of our meals? Is breakfast also supposed to be 65% veggies? Looking through the recipes in the 30 day plan I find a lot of lovely looking dishes, but not many shake recipes or many greens/salads/veggies recipes. Maybe I just missed them?
THANK YOU!!! I am looking forward to making the lifestyle change to the wild diet 🙂
I’ve been looking for recipes on your site and am unable to find them. I’m going to start a ketogenic diet soon and I wasn’t to use a green smoothie for breakfast everyday. What I’m looking for: a recipe I can use everyday to get all my nutrients and have a good start to the day. I don’t know where to begin or where to look on google because of the immense search results. Where can I find the green smoothies you use and where can I find nutrition facts for vegetables (I think you said you had that on your site too)?Anyways please help much appreciated.
Ccouple of questions:
In your book, the shopping list ideas don’t mention coconut palm sugar, but some of the recipes do.
We have been given to believe that the process of harvesting the sap from the coconut palm to create palm sugar, renders the tree incapable of producing fruit and that it also shortens the life of the tree dramatically. Also, these tree take a long time to grow, and because of this we opted out of using it.
We have not been using refined sugar for years. We have been led to believe that natural minimally refined Cane sugar is the best available. What are thoughts on this issue and what can we substitute for coconut palm sugar in the dessert recipes in your book.
Thanks. Really enjoying your book, it is extremely informative.
Wendy-Lynne and Alan
Hi Abel,
I’m on day 4 of the wild diet, I’m starting to have trouble sleeping at night. Just wanted to find out if this is a normal transition?
Hello, Abel, I would love for you to touch upon a topic of “skinny-fat” people. How and why people get skinny-fat and what are some strategies on how can one reverse that condition.
This is my problem and usually, I look nice in the clothes but not without. When I ask people around me about how to lose fat I get the surprised looks with replies like “What are you talking about, you are fine as you are”. But I don’t want to be just fine, I want to be the best version of myself and this includes having a physique that gives me confidence both in clothes and without.
Many thanks,
Hi Able,
thanks for all your work. Just finished your book and have been devouring all your podcasts! they are such a great wealth of knowledge. I have been eating mostly paleo for about 3 years now. I have two kids, husband, 2 dogs and various other animals. I’m attempting to start a little hobby farm to try to grow most of our own produce, and have chickens etc. Your book has helped inspire me to keep at that. i just signed up for the 30 days with you. I would love to loose this last 5 lbs but my husband needs to loose about 20, so I’m doing my best to support him through this. Although I’m pretty sure it will melt off him once he stops drinking beer. lol Everything is going pretty well my only question is with the intermittent fasting. i have no problem at all going 18 hours or even more sometimes without eating. But I’ve been doing it for about 6-8 weeks and haven’t lost any weight. it could be more related to what I’m consuming when i am eating so I’m now following your diet to see if that helps. But I’m worried that I’m not eating enough during the eating window? i eat till I’m full and I’m fine the next day so assuming thats how you tell? also is there any information regarding hormonal balance and adrenal fatigue with intermittent fasting? Should i consume more when I’m on my cycle? are there any signs that the fasting is depleting my adrenal glands? Thanks for you time!!
Jen Neuron
I was wondering how the Wild Diet 30 Meal Day Plan works for every person if they have to consume a different amount of calories. The recipes are made for 2-4 servings so would I just consume one serving or two servings? Should I be counting calories at all and/or focus on macros. I’m a petite female and after reading the manual I’d have to eat 1200-1600 calories per day to “aggressively” lose weight.
I bought your book on a whim last summer and read it from start to finish a couple of times before I dove in. I was amazed to find that so much of eating Wild is how I naturally eat. Aside from a “white” addiction (sugar and flour, separate and in the same dish) I was already eating Wild. I was eating close to 80/20 though – 80 junk, 20 good. Switched that and have been eating Wild for 17 days. I already feel better.
My question is how to deal with nay-sayers. I have very little support at home and am going to have to stick to it on my own. I know that in time the results will be the proof. How do you deal with people who want you to fail?
Hi Abel, I have downloaded your healthy eating guide and would like to fast but am getting over glandular fever, is it wise to fast or continue having breakfast until I’m 100%?
My second question is that I have an oxalate sensitivity, most raw veg (spinach, celery, kale, sweet potato) all the good ones unfortunately have to be boiled for 10 mins so that the oxalates have been removed and then I can eat them. I really want to follow the 30 day meal plan you have however the juices may be too much for my digestion and body sensitivity. Do you have any recommendations or options on this?
I’m at that point where I’ve done it all and nothing works. I have a doctors appointment Monday and I would like to know what kind of blood work should I ask the doctor to prescribe so I can find out why no matter what I do, I can’t lose weight. Thank you. I’ve struggled for 20 years and tried everything, please help me.
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Abel,
Îm over 50 and I would like to integrate fastening (from 8 to noon) in my program. Should I eat all the suggested meals in the day menu in 8 hours or do I just skip breakfast without missing any mineral, vitamin…? Also, I was wondering if I would get enough calcium with this program ?
Thank you!
I know you don’t recommend soy products, but what about miso? Does the fact that its organic and fermented make it better?
Yes, traditionally fermented foods are good – just steer clear of GMO soy. Hope this helps!
I am super allergic to fish. And I mean all fish. What would you suggest that I replace the fish based meals with?
Any Wild-friendly meats or proteins will do, chicken, beef, lamb, nuts, and even beans are all great protein sources
I like to go off my diet on the weekends. Not go crazy and eat to make up for lost time, but just have a regular meal. Then go back to the diet on Sunday and continue the rest of the week. Good, bad, everything in moderation?
You mention chocolate as a great sweet treat. Could I substitute carob instead? I’m allergic to chocolate.
You sure can, Alyson subs carob for chocolate all the time!
I read that you can consum olive oil in the amount if a shot glass and it can add quality calories and healthy benefits. If true, is your olive oil organic?
I have bought the book and the program. I have a question…
Can you eat too many leafy greens? Like in the big salad, if I have a whole cucumber and 2 giant handfuls of spinach or more, is that an issue?
Also, protein…you recommend up to 1 gram per pound of ideal or lean body weight. However, on IF fasting days, you don’t get nearly that.
How does all of that fit together?
Hi Abel
I would just like to know, if i can do that 7 day sample diet you sent through, over and over again? Probably for 40 days..
And is this diet a lot like “banting”
Kind regards 🙂
What side effects can I expect from staring this? fatigue? irritability? etc?
I have bought the book and the program. I have a couple questions that would help me tie the 2 together…
Can you eat too many leafy greens? Like in the big salad, if I have a whole cucumber and 2 giant handfuls of spinach or more, is that an issue?
Also, protein…you recommend up to 1 gram per pound of ideal or lean body weight. However, on IF fasting days, you don’t get nearly that. How does all of that fit together?
Thanks a ton.
Seriously, I will take any help you can give. I lost like 5 pounds and am stalled completely at 1 month in. I even mixed in IF in the morning and don’t eat till noon.
I would appreciate it.
How in the world can I eat my ideal weight in grams of protein? I have never weighed 130 pounds, but I made it my goal because I don’t want to eat any more protein than that. Isn’t it bad for my kidneys to eat that much protein? Even if I eat 4 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, 4 oz of steak and 4 oz of chicken I’m still not at 130 grams of protein. I added in an avocado and an ounce of raw almonds. Still not there. I started looking up my veggies to see if eating those would get me to 130, but it would take way more vegetables than I could even keep in my frig to get to 130. I can’t eat this much food. I must be doing something wrong and misunderstanding something. Please help!
If I’m starting to tire of eggs in a major way as in don’t want to see them for awhile I’m guessing it’s ok to switch things around in the menu?
Lost weight the first week, gained 4 lbs back after one cheat. I’m having a hard time and I feel down.. I am in post menopause as a younger age due to cancer.. I can’t lose weight!
Hi! I just signed up for both your wild diet fat loss and the fat-burning tribe. I am a Muslim, and every year we have to fast everyday for a month during the month of Ramadan. Well, that starts next Saturday. I have attached a link for the month’s timetable (time we start fast and break fast each day for the month):
During the fast, we are not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING, including water. What is the best version of the wild diet for this month? I’d like to primarily lose unhealthy fat from my body and possibly gain some muscle.
I am interested in trying the Wild Diet, I have food allergies below, is this diet right for me? Are there recommended substitutes available in the Wild Diet Program that will work for me?
My food allergies:
Red Meat (Beef and Pork)
Egg Whites
I haven’t received it yet
Hey there! Excited to start your program. I am 51, a woman and have hypothyroidism. Have really struggled to lose weight. Also, have a lot of weight to lose. Have done the low fat thing for years and my sugar addiction just got worse. I started the ketogenic diet May 1st, but after hearing your podcast- I think I could do your program for long term. Eating this way has amazed me that I hardly have sugar cravings. (Amazing!). I swim/ water aerobics 4 times a week.
My right knee gives me troubles- so the water is great for me.
Just wondered if you have any extra tips for thyroid issues. They have been increasing my medicine for a year and half and it isn’t the right level.
Thanks for any tips you might have. ?
Hi Abel,
I have a question that I’ve done a lot of google searching on and I just can’t seem to find a good answer. I typically eat a salad for lunch every day (spring mix, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, chicken breast, seeds & balsamic dressing) After about 30 minutes my digestive system hates me (especially if I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast). I feel bloated and gassy and my stomach is growling like crazy. Could it be that my body is having a hard time digesting the raw vegetables? How can I fix this? I don’t want to give up my salads for lunch because I love them and I know they are good for me.
Thank you in advance for your advice!
Hi! I love coffee and have been wanting to try fatty coffee but normally avoid coffee due to a minor heart condition. Will decaf work?
I am curious if I can still achieve good results considering my entire thyroid was removed? I would also like to know if it would be considered safe?
Can I use this pattern of eating if I have had a complete thyroidectomy?
I’ve been following the diet for almost over a month now and I’ve gained 4 lbs. and according to my smart scale it’s not muscle or water weight. Wondering if it’s the intermittent fasting maybe my body doesn’t like the fatty coffee? It seems to fill me up until about one or 2 o’clock perhaps I’m not eating enough calories in the allotted time? Or maybe I’m erring on the side of too much fat?
During fasting is it ok to eat Avocado slices? Is that an ok fat?
Is it ok to eat avocado during fasting?
What is the best duration for fasting?
In your book you list avocados in two separate categories: once under vegetables that you can “eat as many as you want” and then a second time under fruit that you should “limit to 1-2 servings”. I’m guessing one of these is a typo. Which category should avocados be under? If I eat more than one a day am I consuming too much fat?
Hi.. What’s the deal with alcohol. Wine for example. Red or white.
And should I only have fatty coffee once a day?
Hi Abel:
There is no good way of asking this question, lol. I bought your book and tried the meal plan, I did lose weight!! But unfortunately I was so constipated I was in extreme pain, so I said to heck with this filed away the book and started eating like I used to. Is there something that I could include in the plan to avoid ending up like that again?
I’ve recently started listening to your podcast, and I love it. I’m very interested in starting The Wild Diet, but I have an issue that makes your diet, or any other for that matter, difficult. I am an airline pilot. Being on the road 3-5 days in a row makes sticking to any plan a challenge. I can certainly bring food with me, but keeping items come for days at a time presents its own challenges. How doable would the Wild Diet be in my situation? Airport food and restaurants are usually not the most diet friendly places.
I’m not overweight, and I’m in good health as it stands -I would like to keep it that way! The airline pilot lifestyle can be tough on ones health, and I would like to stay ahead of it.
Thanks for any help/suggestions you can provide.
Hi Abel,
I’ve listened to many of your podcasts, read your book, subscribed to, and been following your diet (which I love) for nearly 4 months now. I’ve never been overweight, but I’ve always had a few extra pounds on my waist that’s never come off, that is, until now. I generally have more energy throughout the day and I feel great about the foods I’m putting in my body and my family’s bodies as well. It costs a little more to get the organic grass fed food, but I figure better to pay now than later. So thank you. You’ve made a small investment on your website turn into a huge investment in myself and my family.
Now, we all know you and your guests discuss how saturated fat can be your friend, and there are those in the media who’ve tried to push other un-healthy options upon us for profit, but my wife and I recently came across an article about the dangers of coconut oil. Since I follow your recipes, and they include coconut oil, I’d be curious to find our your take on this study. Is this propaganda for big food companies, or should I be concerned for my health?
Look forward to your opinion.
Haven’t been able to look at your plan just yet w busy little ones. My only question is do you have a meal by meal plan I follow. I Love working out! I will do weights and outdoor cardio till pigs fly. But I do struggle with proper foods. Love healthy foods but on days where I don’t prep. Eeek?
Hey Abel!
My name’s Michael, and my wife and I have been reading and following the wild diet for about a month and a half now pretty consistently, and we love it! I have lost 15lbs and 5% body fat, and I have never felt better! However, my wife and I came across a documentary called, “What the health?” and it is shocking and confusing us. It seems built on a similar foundation as The Wild Diet, however it contradicts some major principles of the Wild diet. One thing it states is to not eat animal meats, because it causes cancer/diabetes. Also it states to NOT eat fat. This is so frustrating, because we have grown to love your guidance from the Wild diet, and it has been working so well for us! Now we feel like we don’t know what the heck to eat!! We both wanted to know what your stance was on this, and if you can offer any guidance? After finishing the documentary, it does seem to have a very ‘vegan agenda’. But honestly, nothing I have ever tried has made me feel as good as the Wild Diet. So thank you!! And thank you for your response!!
I am loving all that I am reading in the book, “The Wild Diet.” I have been in a continuous yo-yo cycle most of my adult life (I’m 39 years old) and looking for this to help break that rhythm. I am thankful for the new insight and raised awareness but have two questions. I love the concept of fasting in the morning and exercising during fast. I have always been taught and practiced that you eat something within 30 minutes of ending exercise for recovery purposes. I am overweight by about 35-40 pounds and have always eaten every 2-3 hours to “keep metabolism up” when eating clean. I know my body will have to take time to adjust but with all that said.
1. What do you recommend for after exercising as I usually exercise early in the morning?
2. One of my biggest battles is late night snacking. What are proper late night snacks if I do give in (the hope is to not).
Thanks so much as I’m starting this lifestyle change today.
First, thank you. I listened to your book a few months ago and have been studying your site and listening to your podcasts. I have a background in medicine and I get it, it now all makes sense. My biggest question is this, I had gastric bypass surgery 10 years ago (Roux-en-y procedure), and have read conflicting information that this way of eating is contradictory. But from a health perspective it seems like it should be ok? Any history with other people being successful? I am still going to give this a good go, but just curious if there are roadblocks that I need to be looking out for?
I would like to know your opinion on heart health. I hear you and Vinnie Tortorich talk alot about eating meat and butter, but I never hear you talk about heart health ( I am a fairly new listener, so mabey you have talked about it) I’ve always been told to stay away from such items to keep cholesterol low and arteries clear. Please help me with my confusion. I would like to be more paleo instead if vegan but my family history of heart disease keeps me from switching.
Thank you,
so I am 61 years old
on average I teach 20 hrs per week fitness classes
moderate levels try to stay away from boot camp and high impact cardio classes (due to my knees)I try to stay away from gluten and refined sugar
how much protein do I actually need
and my body composition is ok for my age but I HATE the fat around my mid section
Hi Abel, My wife and I are looking forward to starting this program tomorrow. I work 3rd shift (off at 6am), but I’d like to stay on the same meal schedule as the family. I wake-up around 2pm can I switch up breakfast, lunch, and dinner and expect the same results? Thanks,
I can’t seem to stay in track on weekend trips an so fourth. I take snacks but always end up failing an just eating whatever. Need help with this I travel often to my daughters an can’t seem to conquer this issue
What do I do when this kind of eating doesn’t help me lose weight?? I have dieted since I was 14. I am 70. I did Atkins in 2002 & lost 80 lbs. when my parents became ill & I was in charge of their care & burials took their toll on me from 2007-14. Then I had lesions & nodules on my thyroid / it was removed & instead of helping my weight loss I added back 30 lbs. I also have degenerative disc disease which puts me in agony when I have to walk much without a shopping cart. I am doing a low impact yoga & trying to do Tai Chi.
I have counted calories, done Atkins, the A-list diet, and your diet. I lost 15 lbs in the A-list diet during its initial phase with the added amino acids, but NOTHING SINCE. I CAN’T lose any more weight no matter what I do.
Please give me some suggestions. My doctor suggested your diet.
Anita McDaniel
My friends and I have been following the wild diet book, and we love it! We even have a little support group going. We’ve all lost weight, but the best part is we all feel better. I have a 10-year-old, and she’s even started to read labels with me and is being more conscientious of what she’s eating.
Later this month (late July/early August), we will be making a trip from Texas to the east coast (Maryland) on our motorcycles. Since we’ve been trying to stay true to the wild diet, clean eating way of life, I’m a little worried about staying hydrated while we are traveling during our trip on only water. Is there anything that you’d suggest for us to add along with water, or is water enough?
Thanks for any advice/help you can give!
Hi Abel, my name is Landen Conner, and I’m incorporating your information into my lifestyle change. Thank you for your information BTW!! I did have a question. I was wondering how are your feelings toward the documentary called “What the Health.” It’s on youtube and Netflix. Do you agree or disagree with documentary. Also I am a pharmacist, where do you find the most reliable source of ACCURATE, non altered information about products and how harmful they are to the body?
Thank you in advance!!
Hi Abel,
Really excited to start this plan. The information you’ve shared is awesome! I am pretty familiar with clean eating and training, though life always seems to get in the way of my consistency (excuses, I know) which has made things evolve VERY slowly. I’m ready to plow through that business and stay consistent to reach my goals… my wedding is in three months so it’s now or never!
I’ve been intermittent fasting for about a week(16:8), I believe in the science behind it and have been doing great so far. I just need a little bit of guidance on food ratios for my feasting times.
You mentioned not to worry about portion sizes or counting calories BUT I personally do so much better with a solid guide. In the past I have been a macro counter and use MFP a lot. I don’t count calories, just macros. This just CLICKS with me and it gives me confidence in knowing I am doing things properly.
I am just wondering if you have a suggestion on food ratios (actual percentages to follow) for fat loss. I already know the calorie range to stay in but I think I’ve overwhelmed myself with trying to figure out if I should do low carb/high-er fat most days(not interested in Keto due to the lack of sustainability), high carb/low fat on training days, equal carbs and fat all the time? (I will be training as you advised in your plan.)
I reviewed the ratio diagram you provided and it’s helpful! I’m just such a numbers person since don’t feel confident unless I have a structured plan. I really appreciate your advice!! Sorry to be so long-winded!
(in addition to my question above)
I suppose it would be helpful to mention, I am aiming for a 25lb loss. I understand it may not be doable by wedding time(3m), but getting close would be great and establishing a concrete plan to follow as a lifestyle change is the ultimate(and most important) goal. I’m at about 1200cal a day for my deficit. I have done 40c/40p/20f before but I don’t know if that is the most ideal to torch fat. Thanks again!
Hello Abel,
I began the Wild diet today as well as incorporating intermittent fasting. Will that increase my fat lost quicker. I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, just need to burn some fat. I am starting a workout program as well when some lifting.
I’ve heard to drink bullet proof coffee. Should I be drinking that during my fasting him or during the time I should be eating?
Can you help me understand if grass fed beef that is grain or corn silage finished is just as bad as feedlot beef that have an all corn or grain diet? Would the corn silage finish eliminate the extra beta carotene and omega 3 in the grass fed beef fat?
Hi Abel,
I am an avid listener to your show. I’m literally starting at the beginning of your podcasts and working my way to the most recent. I find it fascinating that you are able to get so many guests on the show. I like that you have some differing opinions represented. Even so, whole foods is the name of the game, and like you said, the details can be determined with your own experimentation.
Anyway, I’m wondering if you can point me in the right direction on where to find some accredited research about high fat vs. low carb and the like.
I whole heartedly believe in your message, however, I’m not sure where to get the facts to back it up when confronted by the opposition. I don’t want to argue, just have the facts speak for themselves. I also know you had a guest in the past, and probably several, that are very big in the research and seem to be very credible sources because they are willing to be wrong if that’s what science indicates. If you can point me in the direction of some sources like that, that would be helpful.
Any info is much appreciated! Stay wild!
Hi! Just bought the book today and am very excited to change my families life. I crossfit at 8am daily and wondered if you could explain how just protein and fats gives enough energy for the workouts, I’m just always learned you need slow digesting carbs preworkout and fast digesting carbs post wod? Also could you please recommend a protein powder to add to my green smoothies? Thanks and I will be submitting updates from my whole family because it will be a miracle in the making (they are all digging in their heels on this but we are
Gonna do it!) thanks for a you do
I am a single person on a budget. All of the recipes and shopping lists are developed around 2-4 people. Without having to go through each recipe each day of each week is there any weekly meal plans/shopping list for individuals?
I am looking to get back to where I was as far as my weight and how I feel. Within the last year I have reverted back to unhealthy eating habits and need to lose about 20 pounds.
Abel, following your plan and down 23# in 2 months. Finally out of the 400’s! I am a third shifter and my eating window is 1030 to 230pm. On the weekends I try to get on a normal schedule which pushes my eating window later in the afternoon or early evening. My question is will this affect ketosis?
Hi abel,
Im having problem with low sex drive lately. I have been eating primal for over a year now and in the 6 months i just havent been interested at all. Just turned 38 but checked testosterone last year and was good. Havent checked it since this problem started but will be soon. Puttindg a real strain on my marriage and looking for help!
I notice the weekly shopping list seems pretty daunting but are these things that will carry over from week to week? Like some of the items ask for very small amounts but can’t be purchased in anything that limited.
I am a busy mother of 7 with not much time to cook (or grocery shop for that matter!) and found the menu options pretty overwhelming. I am wondering if there is a simplified version of what to eat and when…something more along the lines of “chicken and vegetables” or ‘ veggies and protein’ instead of the extravagant dishes with tons of ingredients?
I hope so as I really want to do this! 🙂
hey Abel, so yesterday I started this diet, I only eat food twice a day (when I’m hungry) and I only drink water and tea( no milk just 2 tbsp of sugar and lemon tea), I also lift light weights, so how much kilograms of fat would I loose before September
What’s your input on rum and tequila as they are plant based?
Hello Abel,
I was looking over the shopping list for the Wild Diet and had a question about plain yogurt. Most of the yogurts in the stores are low-fat or non-fat, I usually get Non-Fat Greek yogurt with the lowest grams of sugar. However, I’m wondering if I should look for Full-Fat yogurt instead.
I just read your book “ the Wild diet” and I am unsure about using cows milk? I see cheeses and cream and stuff but no mention of cows milk. I love my lattes!
Also, I am confused about the secondary foods. We are only supposed to have 2 total daily . It looks like on your 7 day meal plan, page 294. Example : For day 1 There is for breakfast bacon and 1/2 grape fruit. Then lunch avocado, feta cheese. Snack is berries and yogurt. Desert is strawberries and whipped cream. Aren’t all these secondary foods? Is it 2 per category or two per secondary foods in total? Could you please confirm what is correct? thanks!
I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Some of the foods that are on this plan I’ve never even tried before, and am unsure how to prepare them. Is there something for beginners?
I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I’ve never tried some of the foods on this plan and I am unsure how to prepare them. What if I don’t like the food? Is there something for beginners? Do I sound like a big baby?
Hi Abel,
Can your shopping list be fulfilled at HEB stores?
I’m told to make bone broth using uncommon parts (evidently for the collagen boost) such as chicken feet 😜 necks and wings. If the package says no hormones is that good enough?
I don’t see myself shopping Whole Foods so I need to know if your WILD lifestyle is achievable in my geographical area.
Thanks so much!
Hi Abel,
I just stared the Wild Diet and I am excited about all the delicious foods!
My question is do you have any tips on sticking to the diet while traveling? I travel for 1 week every month for work. I fly into one state and drive from place to place for 5 days. I am never in the same hotel for more than 1 night. Most of the time I travel through Small Town USA and the only thing in sight is horrid fast food restaurants. I love cooking at home, so when I am not traveling it won’t be a problem sticking to the Wild Diet. I just don’t know what to do when I am on the road. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
Hi Abel and Fat Burning Community,
I am about one week into this wild diet full force. I ate paleo 2 years ago for about 6 months and then fell off track. Over the past year I have been focusing on eating healthy at home while ignoring the facts when I go out to eat so long story short this is my first week fully committed to the Wild Diet
All that being said I am wondering how common it is to not feel hungry at all? I am worried I am not consuming enough calories for my activity. I have a desk job 8-5 but I coach every night and also train for myself in adition to hitting crossfit gym 3-4 times a week. It’s almost 230pm and I have had green tea with heavy cream, almonds and beef jerky today with no desire to eat lunch. I feel like i am having to force feed myself just so I can have lunch before I leave work. It’s a drastic change from my previous self eating breakfast, 2 snacks and a lunch everyday at work. Don’t get me wrong, I could stand to loose 10-12 lbs but I want to make sure my body has the fuel it needs…what are your thoughts?
Thank you!
In regards to dairy consumption, how much do you recommend daily for healthy fat loss?
Hi Abel,
I’m currently living in a dorm and have minimal ability to cook short of a slow cooker and a microwave. Any suggestions of how to tweak would be super welcomed!!
Thank you,
Hi Abel!
My name is Nikolaj I’ve been in Ketosis for 3 months now strict, I’ve had gut problems in the past(Kandida) and I wanted to lose a litlle bodyfat (I do sports everyday, long distance running or swimming).
I want to take a “break” from keto, because I’ve lost appetite, I don’t enjoy food and I want to eat fruits,oats, lentils,beans,potatoes.
I’m still going to do intermittent fasting though.
Currently I’m satisfied with my weight, I just want to maintain it and be in my top mental and physical performance, but since I was on keto I’ve completely lost my appetite. And currently I’m to skeptical to eat carbs beacuse i think I will gain weight etc.
My question is will I have some negative physical and mental effects if I go to low-mid carb type of eating?
Is combination of carbs and fat unhealthy or carbs+ protein, for ex., if I have coocked potatoes with a steak and a whole lot of veggies, will it spike my insulin or?
Will I gain the weight back?
Will my physical performance decrease?
And when to eat fruits?
Thanks, Looking forward for your reply.
Hey Abel!
I’ve been doing the Wild Diet off and on since May. My biggest hang up is going for a few days no problem and then I binge eat. There’s been a lot of stress around work, my relationship, and not getting enough sleep at night since our dog gets up at all hours. In May 2013, I started my weight loss journey and lost 50lbs in 6 months. Since June of this year, I’ve gone on major binge benders resulting in me gaining about 15 lbs despite me working out consistently not tied to a treadmill. This go around I started journaling; my meals, exercise, sleep, and mindset. It’s been so helpful to see where my hangups are.
My biggest question is have you ever had an issue with falling into bingeing habits? If so, what have you done to get out of them?
Hi Abel,
I listened to one of your podcasts regarding intermittent fasting and I remember the speaker had said that when you break your fast don’t eat carbs; rather have fats to retrain your body to crave fats and utilize them for energy. However, I was also reading some of your wild diet tips and hacks and noticed that you said post workout you should eat carbs and protein and avoid fat because it slows the breakdown of carbs of protein. Thus, my question is what do you eat when you fast, have a fasted workout and then break your fast with a post workout meal. Should you eat carbs, fat and/or protein? Also, please let my know if I misunderstood either of the above points. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!!
I’ve started intermittent fasting 16:8. I eat around 11am and try to have dinner by 6:30pm. My sleeping pattern just took a dive.
Prior was going to sleep at 9:30 and waking up at 3:30am. Now I’m suddenly waking up at 12:30am. I’ve been going back to sleep around 4:30am and that’s causing me to miss my 5:15am workouts. Help!
What is going on with my body?
Hello Abel,
I am starting the wild man diet as well as ketogenic fasting. I normally try to stay away from hot coffee and stick with cold brew due to gastrointestinal issues. All the fatty coffee recipes I can find are for hot coffee, do you have a recipe for fatty cold brew coffee? Thank you for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Abel:
Okay, I have to ask a very sensitive question, lol. What can you eat to avoid constipation. I tried the meal plan and lost weight but I got to be in extreme pain and couldn’t continue with it. I had bought your book but unfortunately when I wan’t feeling so great I put it away somewhere. I had asked this question at the time, but I guess it got lost along the way because I never did discover the answer. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and then I can start looking for the book again!! Thanks, Glenda
TGITuesday Abel:)
I really enjoy your blog and podcast. It’s enlightened me a lot. I figured if anyone could help it would be you. So my daughter is allergic to egg whites. Which is not a problem for lunch or dinner, but breakfast is a little difficult with a HFLC lifestyle. I’ve made a scrambled egg yokes omelet with some success, but that’s it. Do you have any recipes or other suggestions for a HFLC breakfast for my daughter with an egg white allergy?
Thanks ahead of time,
Baffled Keto Dad
Hello Abel
So I’ve been doing keto for several months and lost the twenty-something I’ve been wanting. In the midst of all that I bought the wild diet book and stepped away from strict keto. Well done BTW!
But here’s the question that keeps coming up over and over again. What sugar is really healthy for us, taste good and not going to cause me to regain the weight I’ve lost. Everywhere I look I see that coconut palm sugar is not keto friendly, spikes blood sugar etc. I noticed that you use it in your recipes but can’t find where you address why you chose that sweetener as opposed to the many other.
If you have already addressed this could you point me to where? I’d be much obliged! If not I’d love to know why you choose it and if I need to be careful when using it as to not regain the weight I’ve lost!
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Abel,
Great book and download material with the diet plans in it. I’ve tried a few of the recipes in it which are awesome. I have a question re exercise in that you mention that when you exercise, you should eat something with protein and carbs in it within 60 minutes to help replenish the muscles etc.
However, I can only exercise to dvd’s once the kids have gone to bed in the evening, as this is the only time I have it peaceful enough – so I am unable to eat anything afterwards as I am practicing intermittant fasting with your plan most days.
Will this be harmful in the long run or should I only exercise on evenings where I am not then fasting afterward?
Many thanks.
Hi Able,
I have several food allergies. I have made the necessary modifications to the food plan, but I have a question about the cheese. I am allergic to all dairy, even goat and sheep. I make a great fermented and aged cashew cheese. Can I substitute this for the feta and different cheese options? Also, I am hungry for more than these 4 meals a day that are on the food plan, is it detrimental to eat a little extra at each meal?
I was also wondering if grapeseed oil is acceptable on this plan. I male my mayo with it because I was under the impression that it was one of the more stable oils.
Hi, I’m just getting started…or trying to but am having such a hard time staying clear of sugar! What are your best tips? I know ridding the house of all candy and junk is ideal, however I have a husband and two kids who do not want to follow the same plan as me. I’m trying to incorporate little changes to convert over to the wild diet since I’m afraid if I go all in I will binge on the foods that do not support the plan but am needing a little help or motivation.
Hello there,
Have heard a bunch of great things about your book and lifestyle strategies. I see that you do drink alcohol, so that is allowed? The other question I had was about vegetarians. I am not strict vegan/vegetarian, but have inflammation issues with meat products. Is your plan something I could follow? Thank you in advance!
Hello Abel,
My total cholesterol is typically around 200 and in October i did the Whole 30 diet/cleanse. I ate only veggies and fruits, nothing processed or anything with added sugar. i only ate meat about 4 times the whole month of October. my cholesterol dropped to 150.
Can you share you lab results. i want to do the wild diet but also want my cholesterol numbers staying in line. thx
Hi Abel,
I am so excited to start on this journey, except for all the salads! Can I cook spinach instead of eating salads? Or….some other suggestion?
Hi Abel,
My husband and I just began the wild diet 30 day meal plan. We love it and we are interested to see how it will work out for a powerlifter (my husband is ranked 33rd in the nation)! I am curious, in the fat loss manual it says that we can include cheat days to boost our metabolism and such, which is great, but will that switch our body from primarily utilizing fat for energy to using the sugars? Or, since it is just one meal, will it just burn those sugars and quickly jump back in to burning fat? I have been struggling a lot with hormonal issues and fat loss, so I really don’t want to mess things up.
Hi Abel, I’m trying to figure out the difference between the Wild Diet and Keto, can you please help?
Good Morning Abel,
What can I eat if I want to heal my leaky gut? Please help.
Hello just started the 30 day challenge and so far so good. I was curious if adding hot sauce to the green smoothies is ok to do. Thank you.
Hello Abel , I am new to the tribe , but not to the wild diet concept ! I have read the Wild Diet book twice and I’ve been following the podcast for the past 2 years . I had a great start loosing 13 pounds !!
Unfortunately social and business life had drifted me away from my goals …
I am a 43 years old ophthalmologist from Brazil and I am willing to lose viceral fat ( belly fat ) and improve my blood index . Usually I train 3 times a week early in the morning ( I like to lift weights at the gym ) and I always do it fasted . After that I eat 3 eggs , cheese , lettuce and tomato . Usually I have lunch but sometimes I have to skip it . Once a week I have to exercise at night ( a pretty intense functional exercise ) and I wonder what should I eat after and before it ?? In this day have breakfast ( usually eggs and cheese ) at 7:30am , lunch at 1pm and I train between 7:30pm and 8:30pm ( I usually go to bed at 10pm ) . Any advice Abel James Bascom ?
Thank you!
PS : I have asked this question on the Facebook but I’ve got no answer. That’s why I am trying this way!!
Best wishes
Hi Abel
I love your work and have been following the wild diet food plan for a couple of weeks now. I’m finding that at @2pm each day I get a serious slump in energy and feel completely wiped out. Why is this and can you suggest anything to do to counteract it.
Thanks so much
Hi Abel,
I have been brought up vegetarian and am very aware of the greater longevity of people in the blue zones.
I have also listened to Dr MacDougall and Dr Fuhrman (who does have some meat).
I have tried MacDougall but find the no fat component hard and I didn’t lose weight.
I have lost weight fasting for the first time but I have increased rate of migraine so I have had to stop that. I have stumbled on your podcast and I love it but I am struggling to believe meat is healthy in light of the China study etc.
Your results are obvious and I have tried dieting for 30 years with little results until the fasting when I have lost 7kg. (My thyroid is atrophied from Hashimotos).
I am frustrated because fasting works and I feel great in other ways but it’s putting me in migraine land.
Just wondering how you see the increased longevity and health results for vegetarians and how the benefits of eating meat can negate those statistics?
I have purchased your program and have never eaten meat but I’m willing to try if that will help me to be healthier but I still have some doubts.
Thank you
I purchased two books “The No Meat Athlete Cookbook” and “The Wild Diet.” One says to not eat any meat whatsoever while the other says it is okay to eat clean grass fed organic meat in moderation. I see people saying to eat meat and people saying to not eat meat but I don’t know which to choose. Both have pros and cons and I find it difficult to decide. I’m sure you’ve heard of the forks over knives documentary where they say that a whole foods plant based diet is the way to go but do these studies showing how unhealthy meat eaters are true and unbiased? I feel like if you eat fried meat or too much meat then sure it could hurt your health but what if you eat it the correct way in the right amounts? Thank you for the help! 🙂
I purchased your program and I am getting ready to start. Why isn’t peanut oil listed as one of the preferred oils and also why not peanuts for snacks?
I’ve done Keto for over a year, and found it way too strict in not allowing fruit or even a sweet potato, which brought me to you. I have 3 questions,:
1. your recipes say serving for 2 or 4. So, do I aim for 1 serving and quarter each recipe (doing this just for me) or is it 2 if I’m hungry? Also, could you consider a scaled down version of your shopping list? Killing me to cut everything into 4ths.
2. Other than that, you don’t seem to recommend “snack sizes” a couple or eggs or some nuts (ect) I am not usually a snacker, but notice this diet although not counting calories is pretty tight with portion control, so a bit more exact would help. Lastly…
3. I believe I read that folks should have days when they indulge. Is this after you have achieved weight loss goals? Because the program has 7 days a week menus for the 30 days. (I could have read that wrong….a lot of read off a computer screen, guess I would have preferred a hard copy (easier to refer back to, don’t have my laptop everywhere I go, a book would be easier)
Okay, that’s it for now. Excited to get started!
Can I use unsweetened Almond milk, cashew milk or Coconut milk instead of full-fat unsweetened coconut milk?
So I still see folks bogging in about “I eat like a king” or “Eat any amount I want as long as it’s on the acceptable list” . However, the recipes, for 1 serving can be extremely small for example “The Tomato Feta for Breakfast recipe” if you make it for one serving comes out to
1/2 ounce feta, 1/8c cherry tomatoes, 1/16c. basil 1/4c spinach. Doesn’t that seem like a small portion? Can you give me some guidance here?
been doing it all “by the book” and have had no results. Nada. What am I doing wrong?
Mr. James,
What about a shopping class on a budget??? Some of the options that are required for the diet can run spendy. Can this plan work with groceries from Walmart???
I believe in your plan and, as an extremely overweight 51 year old disabled Navy veteran who is also diabetic and has arthritis running rampant through his body, I desperately need this plan. I’ve seen the results because I have tried and saw blood sugar results.
I did not continue because of the need to shop at stores that put a dent into our budget and put us into a bind that we eventually slid right back into our bad habits. As you know, starches and high carbs are the least expensive items to choose to feed a family. I know this plan works, what I need is help finding how and where to find ingredients that are economically beneficial.
Thank you,
Gary Jackson
I enjoy this new lifestyle. Its very good for my wife and I preparing meals together.
I’ve read and listened to your Podcasts about sugar and how to cut back.
I would like to hear you speak about beer and wine. My wife and I enjoy both while preparing and eating dinner. I’m sitl achieving my goals however i’m sure much slower than I would be if I could curb alcohol.
Your thoughts?
What is your opinion on Clif Bars? Is it OK to eat them, or should I stay away?
Hi Abel, I started 16/8 intermittent fasting 3 months ago as I heard it was a great anti inflammatory and I suffer from arthritis. It has worked fantastic and if I dont eat before 12 I have no pain and now off all medication. (brilliant outcome) But at the same time at 54yrs I need to lose 20kgs. So I started a full exercise program 3-4 sessions of high intensity exercise mainly boxing and weights which I added to my 6km walking schedule which I do 6 days a week. But over 3 months I have lost size and feel great but I have lost hardly any weight. (3kgs) So frustrated. So many people have advised me I am not eating enough and that at my age and menopausal I just may not drop weight with fasting….. With this I started back eating breakfast and my pain returned immediately. So fasting it is for me for the rest of my life but how can I drop weight and fast at at the same time? Any advice would be really appreciated. I only found your program this week and have started but anything I can do to fasten weight loss would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Carol
keen to know how you have reduced your inflammation on Keto as most people only heal with a vegan gluten free diet,
very interested to know of your experience
Able, I listen to your pod cast and can’t find an answer to a specific question. I race off-road motorcycles and mountain bikes sometimes over a hundred miles. At the end of the race I’m sore for days. Do you think fasting afterwards is beneficial for reducing inflammation from over exersion? I’m over forty and currently work out five days a week between races.
What’s the deal with all of the exogenous ketone products out there? Thanks!
Can you tell me how your program compares to the Keto diet
How much coffee can I consume a day? How much can be Fatty Coffee?
Hi Abel –
I notice that you often comment that losing weight is 80% diet. This is a primary reason I am writing.
I am a 54 years old male, 6′, currently 240. I have been eating clean for 12 weeks and losing the normal 2 pounds per week. I exercise a good 5 days each each (3 lift days with some cardio, 2 run days).
Over the past 12 weeks I have had to travel for two of the weeks. When I travel, I pay careful attention to keep eating clean. I always sub veggies for things like rice and beans, never have bread, etc. I also was able to go for a run (once) each trip.
My question is asked because on each trip I saw a weight gain of 2 & 3 pounds. Is this just my body reacting to the lack of exercise, of regrouping, etc.? If I weren’t able to exercise for a few weeks, would I keep seeing weight gain? I love exercising, and the diet and lifestyle is definitely sustainable, it is just that these two weeks make me wonder how my body is reacting to the diet compared to exercising. At best, for me at least, it feels like a 50-50 deal, if not that exercising is more important.
I appreciate your feedback.
Questions for anyone with answers:
I recently read Abel book. In the how to order at restaurants section Abel mentions avoiding baked. The question is is that true for home cooking? Is baking roasting and broiling acceptable options for home cooking? I frequently roast veggies and broil meat.
Hey Abel!
I’ve been enjoying your podcast for a few months now and appreciate your down-to-earth, non-sensationalized, honest approach to health. So keep it coming!
I recently listened to a podcast in which you briefly mentioned that you don’t think ashwagandha should be taken on a daily, long-term basis.
I was just hoping to get some clarity on this topic.
I started off every morning with the same routine for years, and am wondering if maybe I’m off track:
1. Drink 30 ounces of fresh spring water.
2. Take 1 teaspoon of sole salt water.
3. Take an adrenal support supplement (from Vital Nutrients) with the following:
– 100mg pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
– 300mg adrenal (whole) bovine
– 150mg adrenal (cortex) bovine
– 200mg eleuthera root extract
– 200mg ashwagandha root extract
– 100mg cordyceps sinensis mycelium extract
4. No food or supplements until 10am (for a 7 hour eating window).
I guess I always assumed that because ashwagandha is an adaptogen that it was safe for daily use (and figured the morning – when cortisol – was the best time of day to take it)?
Can you help me get my thinking on track with this topic?
Thanks SO much!!!
Trying to find my way with diet and weight loss. Have done Keto in the past, loved it, but my cholesterol went up 80 points to 269. I went back to regular eating and have my levels down to 183. I’m now looking at your plan.
I’m a 56 year old male, 5′ 7″. My 2 month goal is to go from 170 to 150 – pretty much my ideal weight. I eat very close to your plan during the day, but have a nightly habit of snacking and wine, which I am willing to give up.
I also do Orange Theory Fitness and work out hard 3 to 4 times per week. Here’s the question. Your plan says no grains (I think) yet advocates rice for those who exercise. Knowing I want to loose my final 20 lbs in 2 months, yet want energy to work out hard, would you recommend rice and other complex carbs in a limited quantity?
Thank you!
Steve Myers
I have some body fat on the love handle area a little on the tummy. Maybe at 15% body fat. I have tried every thing under the sun to rid of this body fat. Maybe it’s stress., lack sleep, who knows but have been trying for years. I eat like your food plan too. Any ideas?
Thank you,
I’m 350 and I know with a mess like this, I should start anywhere. My issue is with exercise. Specifically me joints (Knees).
I’m not new to the gym and an partial to oly and functional lifts, but HIIT is tough on them.
What would you recommend with regards to that?
Thanks in advance and looking forward to burning!!!
I was listening to the Dr. Perlmutter episode today. For a while I’ve had a feeling I’ve eaten too much protein. However when De. Perlmutter gave his equation for protein as being .8x1kg if desired weight, I found that to be shockingly low and almost impossible to do. I’m a woman 5’5 with a goal weight of 120. I do weights 2-3 times per week. That calculation would mean I should only eat about 45 grams per day. Did I hear this correctly? Can you please confirm? I take the information I learn on your podcast very seriously and am concerned that my average daily intake is around 100g per day.
Hey Abel – I am celiac and eat gluten free, watch carb intake, and am active in that I am on my feet a lot as a nurse. No prior medical history but my total cholesterol and LDL came back slightly elevated.
Any experience with this? Any recommendations?
Thanks so much.
Hi Abel,
I’m on the first week of the diet and was hoping that following it will stop my chronic reflux which wakes me up every morning at 4am. Unfortunately it hasn’t changed and I was wondering if you can advise what I can improve in my diet (I always thought that sugar at night was causing it but now I know it wasn’t). Thanks!
Hi Abel!! I read your book about 2 years ago, and lost some weight and started eating more healthy as a result. The book is excellent, thank you.
So!! I am 69 years old, and in about 1-1/2 months will need to have Prostate Removal Surgery. I am doing my best to see this as a very positive thing, and setting up many things to do that will be beneficial to my health.
I view the surgery as an opportunity for improvement. One of my goals is losing about 20 pounds of weight in the 2 months or so after the surgery, when I am recovering. I know will not be able to do much exercise and walking in month or so after the surgery….but want to do good things to promote weight loss and improved health.
I would love your advice for best approaches and maybe some specific eating plans for doing this. I promise to talk about my success in doing this in my Golf Improvement blogs and podcasts after my surgery.
Thank you for your help and advice!! Tony Wright
Will I get a hard copy of the diet I ordered from you for $2? I hate having going to the computer every time I need to look up something. If we do get hard copies about how long will it take? Thanks.
I’m 59, with an aortic dissection and finally decided to do something about my health (depression is a b***h!).
My big issue is the dissection imposes serious limits on what I can do: HR < 130; BP below 130; no straining to lift (if I need to brace or tighten to lift something the answer is NO!).
This was tough because in my youth I trained at the USOC training center in Colo. Spgs. As an adult I was an avid CrossFitter – PR’d 405 in the deadlift; and loved to snorkel and scuba dive. That all ended in August 2013. I sank into a deep funk and gained 70 lbs.
What I want to share with you is the new path I’m finding. Dr Peter Attia mentioned that he wanted to do well at the “Centenarian Olympics” – living well at 100. That got me thinking, what skills do I need to live well at 100? Here’s what I’ve come up with:
100 yr old Skills goals:
Walk stairs without assistance up/down – multiple flights, with 10 lbs in each hand
{carry groceries up a 2-3 story walk up}
Do a 30# goblet squat for several reps.
{picking up a small grandchild}
Pull yourself out of the pool “effortlessly” without use of ladder or steps.
{lifesaving skill. Measure of upper body skill, lower body flexibility and coordination}
Walk for a couple hours at a steady pace without assistance across varied surfaces and mild elevation changes.
{general life functionality}
Be able get on and off the lowest toilets without holding anything or dropping into the sitting position (elementary school toilet)
{lower body strength and mobility; functional life strength}
Be able to reach fully overhead, in front, behind, and to the sides
{full shoulder mobility}
Lift 30 lbs overhead (carryon luggage)
{desired life skill for travel mobility}
Do 5 pull-ups
{upper body strength and mobility}
Do a dead hang for 45+seconds
{grip strength}
Do 25 push-ups
{upper body strength}
Get up/down from the floor easily – ideally without hands
{critical life skill}
To step up/down comfortably from 18” and jump down from 30” (typical truck open tailgate)
{mobility and durability skill}
Be able to standing long jump x’ minimum.
{retention of some explosive power. Perhaps body height}
That is my list so far. It’s worth noting that there are several things on the list that I can’t do now, which is sad.
So now starts the training process. One could start as basic as needed. For me it’s a 1 mile walk with 2 lb hand weights 5-6 days/week. Once a month I’ll evaluate and add a little distance for the next month. If it takes years to work up to 2 hours, who cares! This is an ultramarathon, not a sprint!
I’ve learned a lot from Laird, Pavel, Kelly, and many others; though none of them really fit centenarian olympic model yet. I’d love to see what they’ll come up with as they age.
For now, this is my path. I’m approaching diet similarly – small changes that will add up over time, maybe one change every month or so. Currently it’s to cut out sugars. Some days are easy, some aren’t. I just work to do better each day, and to forgive my failures.
I hope this spurs some discussion among you and your peers. I just know that if I want to be meeting this standard at 100, I need to train to meet it in my sixties and every decade in between. The one thing that I’ve learned in the last six years – move it or lose it (and you’ll lose it fast!); so move, a lot!!
God Bless
Sid Eskridge