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What to Do When You Get Sick, Paleo Goat Bone Soup, And Why You Should Never Eat Campbell’s

I admit it. I know what I did wrong. Countless meetings, preparing for speaking engagements, writing books, running my coaching community, responding to e-mails, taking care of my dog, and 19,000 other things… I didn’t get enough sleep, and I was stressed. I just overdid it. So, for the first time in 3 years, I got […]

Reader Interactions


  1. I really enjoyed your interview with Dr. Cordain. I have a new respect for Dr. Cordain. Sounds like he is working hard on keeping his research on the Paleo Diet evolving. Thanks for doing the interview.

  2. This is one of the best interviews with Cordain I have heard. He seemed less stiff than in other podcasts. You must have a magic wand Abel. It was nice seeing a more relaxed Cordain. Also, I was a participant in the autoimmune research he mentioned. Super excited to see what he comes up with!

  3. I was hoping to hear you ask Dr. Cordain how he reconciles his statement “There is absolutely no requirement for grains in the human diet” with Jaminet’s endorsement of white rice for those following the PHD plan. Do you know what Cordain’s views on this apparent discordance are?

  4. Abel, great interviews by the way but I have a quick question maybe you can clear up for me. I read Loren Cordains Paleo diet book and it mentions eating only lean cuts of meat such as only Chicken breast or lean cuts of red meat. But every time I read a paleo cookbook it mentions eating the whole chicken preferably pastured and grass fed cuts of red meat. Do we still need to be concerned about fat content in grass fed burgers and other cuts of red meat?



    • Hey Anthony,
      I disagree with Loren and Robb’s take on eating “lean cuts of meat.” Actually, when I’ve spoken with each of them I’ve found that they are less concerned with lean cuts than their books would indicate. Don’t worry about fat – I eat 60-70% of my calories from fat and many other folks have great luck doing the same (hence “Fat-Burning Man”).

      Besides, fat is the best part!

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