This week we’re joined by David King, an author, fellow former management consultant, and Austin’s #1 Personal Trainer. With more than a decade of experience changing people’s lives, David’s show is a must-listen if you want fat loss advice or some tips on how you can help others on their journey of health and wellness.
On this week’s show, you will learn:
- Why fruit makes you fat
- How to be an ace personal trainer even if you don’t have much experience
- How to find hidden sources of sugar that are stunting your fat loss results
- Why eating for fat loss and eating for performance are completely different things
- Why personal training clients lie
- How many carbs you really need
- And much more…
Here’s the show.
“You have to know what your client wants. What’s more important: weight loss or performance? They’re 2 very different things.” Click to Tweet!
David’s List of Must-Read Books
Mind Development:
- As A Man Thinketh
- The Slight Edge
- Awaken The Giant Within
- Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion
- Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
- Think And Grow Rich
- Good To Great
- Tell To Win
- Mans Search For Meaning
- 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
- Outliers
- Never Eat Alone
- E-Myth Revisited
- Power Of Full Engagement
- 4-hour Workweek
- Stop Worrying And Start Living
- How To Win Friends And Influence People
- The Talent Code
- The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And In Business.
- Why Men Love Bitches
- The Power Of Positive Thinking
- The Magic Of Thinking Big
- Strength Finders 2.0
- Soul Development (Get Rid Of What’s Blocking You From Enjoying Your Life.)
- Go Giver
- Laws Of Spirit
- Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
- Walden
- Siddhartha
- Instant Millionaire
- Power Of Now
- A New Earth
- Who’s Got Your Back?
- The Peaceful Warrior
- The Way Of The Superior Man
- Mere Christianity
- Sermon On The Mount By Emmet Fox
- What Should I Do With My Life?
- The Power Of Intention
- How To Know God
Body Development:
- The Ultimate New York Body Plan
- Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
- The 4-hour Body
- The Zone
- The Fat Flush
- Winning By Losing
- Skinny Bitch
Money Development:
- Financial Self Defense
- Total Money Makeover
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- The Millionaire Next Door
Let us know what you think of the show in the comments below!
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thanks Abel, that was ultra informative! one of my favorites.
Thanks so much for listening, Brenda!
Hi, really enjoyed the show. Where is the list of books??
Just added to the blog post above! Thanks for listening! – Emily, FBM Team
Thank you!
Get episode! Keep up the great work Abel.
Thanks so much Jim!
Book list?
Just added to the blog post above! Thanks for listening! – Emily, FBM Team
It’s funny, I came online for the same reason everyone else did….where’s his book list?
Just added to the blog post above! Thanks for listening! – Emily, FBM Team
Thanks for another great podcast. It was perfect timing for me as I needed some motivation to start my week. Listened to the podcast on my way to work this morning and was really excited to check out the book list when I got to the office but can’t find it. Please help. You rock, dude!
Just added to the blog post above! Thanks for listening! – Emily, FBM Team
Thanks so much. Much appreciated!
Are there transcriptions for some of your shows available online? I am deaf and can’t follow along. And I really, REALLY want to!! Thanks.
Jim, I would love to know what the iin in your name means. I think I do. Care to share?
Hi Jim, thank you for your comment! We’ve transcribed some of the past shows, but it costs about $100 a show and this is the 101st show, so that comes out to over $10,000. If you know of a way to get transcripts to you that’s more cost-effective, I’m very open to your ideas. Drop a line anytime!
Ive worked with a transcriber before that charged around $60 before and the results came out pretty. I will message her on oDesk and see if she is available.
Thanks David! – Emily, FBM Team
David mentions that most people don’t need more that 20% carbs. What ratio does he recommend for protein and fat?
Most of my clients are seeking fat loss with limited time to exercise. In most cases I have folks attempt to hit 50% protein, 20% carbs, and 30% fat. Its rare that they hit it exactly, but it serves as a guideline. You might think of it as Paleo with a purpose. Good question!
Where is the list?
Just added to the blog post above! Thanks for listening! – Emily, FBM Team
Definitely one of my favourite episodes! Keep up the great work Abel.
One of the best down to earth guest and show I have heard in a while. Amazing and simple content. As the podcast went on I was getting more and more hyped. Thanks Abel.
Right on, Shawn. David is a GREAT dude!
Love the show and started using my fitness pal app, which is really easy to integrate into what I am using for training (Wahoo fitness HR strap), quick questions are any of the recipes from your Caveman Feast app in, and my diet diary is way off, in terms of fat intake and carb intake because I eat more paleo any suggestions to make changes?
Hi Andrew – not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if any of the Caveman Feast recipe are list IN the MFP app? If so, no I don’t believe they are, at least we have not put them in there ourselves. I believe with MFP you can create “recipes” to track total macros based off of ingredient measurements and such. Time consuming, but helpful if that’s the route you want to go! – Emily, FBM Team
Here is a link to his list of books:
Hi Abel, great podcast!
Wondering if you would be able to clarify about the cards, I follow paleo for the last few months and recently added 30 min bootcamp sessions about 4-5 days a week. To be most effective in burning fat your diet in general should be about 20% carbs? I use my fitness pal and average about 15% but wanted to make sure I understood correctly since I’ve always wondered what would be most effective for fat burning. Thanks!
David advocates around 20% carbs for most of his clients. Perhaps give that a try and see how your body reacts – Emily, FBM Team
Great guest. Biggest takeaway was to be honest with yourself. Thanks for this one.
Glad you enjoyed it Al! – Emily, FBM Team
Great show! I am just starting out as a nutritionist and it was totally relevant to me; looking forward to checking out his reading list!
Definitely Maranda, some good reads in there! 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
So you’re now taking paid advertisements as blog posts on your site? Interesting strategy.
Hi Chris, this isn’t a paid advertisement. David & Abel are business partners. Hope you enjoyed the show. – Emily, FBM Team
Great interview. David knows his stuff. That’s a killer book list too!
Right?! I love David’s suggestions, tons of good reads! – Emily, FBM Team
Great podcast, makes me want to hire a personal trainer,
are all trainers like David King?
Definitely not! David’s one of a kind, but he definitely has some great suggestions on how to “screen” a PT to find the best on for you 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
This was a great interview! Thanks for all the info.! I really like the over and over again reinforcement that your diet MUST fit your goals. That is isn’t all or nothing paleo all the time, but eat according to your fitness goals/needs.
So true Sue! The idea of “n=1” ALWAYS applies 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
Hey Abel (and Dave)
Thanks for a great podcast, it’s always inspiring and motivational listening to someone who’s philosophy is very close to your own heart (both of you in fact).
Abel, congrats for continuing to get great podcast guests, and diversifying a little, not just the pale/nutrition crowd, but lifestyle and fitness guests, excellent!!!
Dave, I’ve checked out your website, watched some of your videos, and love your stance on things. It’s kinda funny how inspirational people (like you) come along at just the right times in people’s lives (mine) to help, motivate and inspire.
I hope that I am THAT person for all my clients, both present and future, and taking a lead from some of your ideas and practices will only make me better and more able to change people’s lives.
BIG thanks to both of you.
Rock on Steve! Glad you enjoyed the show. – Emily, FBM Team
Awesome Steve! So true about how inspirational people can come along at *just* the right time 😉 -Emily, FBM Team
Video stopped after 35 min
How long did it take for the “fat is bad” meme to start getting overturned?
Will it take as much time for this to happen for carbs, too?
In other news, a new study finds that 100% of people who drink water will die.
Good questions Michael! Also, I laughed right out loud at your last comment. I’m going to have to remember that for future bad-science rebuttals! 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
Really loved todays podcast. I enjoyed listening to David and I am exploring his recommended reading list. He is on spot when he suggests that reading books makes you a NInja Master!(my words) at life! BTW, loving the Caveman App!!! Thanks again for all you do!
Love your show Abel! I just started listening and I am catching up on episodes. I liked this one a lot and love the book list! I also wanted to add a book to the list that is very effective at promoting change in your life. The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal. I think you and your listeners would love this book. It helped me a lot 🙂