Hey Readers and Listeners,
BIG news! I star on a new ABC show, “My Diet Is Better Than Yours” with celebrity trainers and Shaun T of Insanity! You’ll be hearing a lot about Fat-Burning Man and The Wild Diet, which showed the most total body fat lost (Kurt lost 87 pounds and 22% body fat in just 14 weeks)! Read on below to get the details…
Here’s an update from the finale of My Diet is Better Than Yours on ABC!
My contestant, Kurt started at 352 pounds and 52% body fat. He finished at 265 pounds and just 30% body fat! So Kurt lost an astounding 22% percentage points of body fat in 14 weeks with The Wild Diet, while eating delicious food and using proven fat loss techniques, like intermittent fasting. (The Wild Diet led to nearly double the fat loss of any other plan!) Jasmin, who focused on portion control and cardio with the Superfood Swap, lost 13% percentage points of body fat (from 47% body fat to 34% body fat) – which shows some lean mass loss but still impressive. I couldn’t be more proud of both of them!
Like The Biggest Loser, this a weight loss competition, measured by percentage of body weight loss. But as I’ve mentioned before, when we’re talking about health, you want to focus on how much body fat you lose, not weight. Many people who try to lose weight wind up losing muscle by overexercising and undereating. So always keep this in mind – lean muscle is the most important tool you have to boost your metabolism and burn more fat.
Kurt wasn’t able to run regularly because of past surgeries and injuries to his spine and knees. He did quick, functional workouts at home – like kettlebell swings and lifting water jugs – to maintain his lean muscle mass. And we used The Wild Diet’s high fat, low carb approach to lose as much fat as possible.
Following The Wild Diet, Kurt shed 87 pounds, trimmed 10 inches from his waist, and lost 22% percentage points of body fat in just 14 weeks. Kurt lost nearly double the amount of body fat as any other contestant on the show. This is a HUGE win for the Wild, high fat / low carb, and Paleo communities!
(Want Kurt’s Wild Meal Plans? Get them with the Wild Diet Fat Loss System.)
Even more important, Kurt is off all of his prescription medication and feels 20 years younger. His blood sugar and blood pressure are in the healthy range, and he’s no longer obese for the first time in over 10 years!
Not to mention, Kurt was able to get these results with limited exercise, just walks outside and a bit of strength training.
I share all of this with you to hammer this message home: If you want to lose fat, focus on your diet. If Kurt, Jasmin, Latasha, and Jeff can do it, so can you.
Another huge takeaway is that Kurt is still able to enjoy eating pasture-raised bacon, grass-fed burgers, and even our famous cheesecake to drop fat while eating outrageously good food. This ain’t no ordinary diet. You really can be happy and healthy at the same time.
Can you lose 20 pounds in 40 days?
FOR A LIMITED TIME: Get The Wild Diet 30-Day Fat Loss System for $20 OFF!
About My Diet Is Better Than Yours
ABC is shaking up Primetime this January with a new show called My Diet is Better Than Yours. The network will premiere the weight loss show on Thursday, January 7 at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central.
In the show, star experts and trainers are coaching overweight Americans on how to lose weight on their unique diet and fitness plans.
My Diet is Better Than Yours features celebrity trainers including Abel James (bestselling author of The Wild Diet), Dawn Jackson Blatner (author of The Flexitarian Diet), Carolyn Barnes (creator of the cLean Momma Plan), Jovanka Ciares, and Jay Cardiello (celebrity trainer to 50 Cent, Jennifer Lopez, and professional athletes).
Unlike NBC’s The Biggest Loser, contestants on ABC’s My Diet is Better Than Yours will be following their expert’s unique diets from their home.
There’s no “weight loss camp” – it’s just real people working their day jobs, living with their families, and doing the best they can to lose weight. Kurt Morgan will be following The Wild Diet with Abel James as his expert and coach.
“I picked Abel James’ Wild Diet because it’s simple, fresh ingredients with a bit of fun,” says 46-year old Kurt Morgan who gained more than 100 lbs, topping out at 375 lbs after a head-on collision in 2006. “I couldn’t move, and I just didn’t care what I ate. Then I got a staph infection and almost died,” he says in People Magazine.
“Unlike other diet shows, this is real life,” says Shaun T, creator of the home fitness sensation Insanity and host of the show. “They’re going to work, they’re coming home and they have to make their own food.”
To measure each contestant’s weight loss and fitness progress, contestants will be evaluated in challenges created by celebrity trainer Anna Kaiser (whose clients include Kelly Ripa, Shakira, and Sarah Jessica Parker).
Another concept of “My Diet is Better Than Yours” that makes it unique is that contestants may eliminate their trainers if they don’t feel like the plan is working for them.
According to TVInsider, ABC has ordered eight one-hour episodes, and will air two back-to-back in a two-hour block for four weeks in January 2016.
Read our recap of the first 2 episodes of My Diet Is Better Than Yours by clicking here.
Everyone knows that you can lose weight by eating nothing but chicken breast and broccoli for months on end.
But that’s just not very much fun, is it?
With The Wild Diet, I wanted to show America that you can eat indulgent, rich, luxurious foods, drop an impressive amount of fat, and enjoy yourself in the process.
After all, I’m not a trainer, I’m a foodie. And we’re going to prove that you really can be happy and healthy at the same time.
On ABC’s My Diet is Better Than Yours, while other competitors are eating like rabbits, Kurt and I are enjoying gooey cheese, chocolate, grilled steak, bacon, butter, full-fat cream, eggs, cheesecake, and even ice cream!
How does that work, you ask? Over hundreds of thousands of years, nature tweaked and perfected our physiology to function optimally on a diet consisting mainly of wild plants and animals — vegetables, meat, and occasional fruits, nuts, and seeds — which are naturally high in fat, protein, and fiber and low in carbohydrates. The Wild Diet features fresh, simple, nutrient-dense foods that will help program your body to burn fat instead of sugar.
Kurt is also a good candidate for “fasting and feasting” on The Wild Diet, especially considering his options for exercise are extremely limited (due to his car accident). Since he’s often not hungry in the morning, he enjoys coffee and usually eats his “breakfast” around noon. He loves bacon and pastured eggs. Intermittent fasting can boost growth hormone, reduce inflammation, and increase fat-burning.
You Can Lose Fat with Minimal Exercise
Many people spend hours on the treadmill hopelessly trying to lose their love handles. But every nutritionist, bodybuilder, and athlete worth his or her salt knows that “six packs are made in the kitchen.” Exercise is great for overall well-being, but if you want to drop fat, the vast majority of your results will come from eating the right foods.
Given Kurt’s past injuries to his spine from his car accident, high-impact activity like running simply isn’t good for him. And it’s also not necessary to lose fat.
For the sake of his health and happiness, I encourage Kurt to walk briskly outside every day.
To make sure that he loses fat and retains or even builds muscle, I’m also having Kurt lift objects and complete limited strength-based, functional workouts at home. Gaining muscle will sacrifice his progress in the “weight loss” competition, but I promised him that his health will ALWAYS come first.
With The Wild Diet, Kurt is losing fat, not muscle. That’s exactly what we want.
And The Wild Diet gets impressive results: Kurt lost 87 pounds in the just 14 weeks, losing nearly DOUBLE the body fat of other contestants! He’s a veritable Fat-Burning Man!
Eat as many green and colorful veggies as you’d like – they should make up more than half of your plate. Eat a palm-sized portion of protein from pasture-raised meats or wild seafood, and round out meals with high-quality fats like grass-fed butter, hard cheese, nuts, or avocado. If you’re physically active, enjoy a bit of starch from sweet potatoes or rice post-workout. Ditch added sugars, breads, and gluten grains. For breakfast, bacon and eggs are back on the menu!
Here’s what your plate should look like on The Wild Diet…
If you want more tips along with fat-burning recipes, and a plan to guide you to a healthier lifestyle, check out our new and improved 30-Day Fat Loss System!
This is our full fat-loss program with a complete 30 day step-by-step meal plan that includes full color photos and shopping lists to make everything really easy for you.
You get simple healthy, whole food recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert all broken down day-by-day to take any confusion out of the equation. PLUS as an added bonus, you’ll get a Motivation Journal, Quick-Start Guide, Shopping Guide, and my 30-Day Fat-Loss Manual!
FOR A LIMITED TIME: Get The Wild Diet 30-Day Fat Loss System for $20 OFF!
Want to learn more about the show and get the latest updates? Enter your email below!

That is amazing Abel! Good luck and I hope you get to show how your diet IS better than the others! Big fan of The Wild Diet book so I’m sure you will get to help a lot of people on national TV!
Thanks so much Andrew! Can’t wait for you to see the power of real food on TV… 🙂
OMG Abel! This show is going to be awesome! Can’t wait to see it! I’ve been following you for over two years now and to see you on mainstream TV is incredible! Congratulations on all your success. You totally deserve it!
Robert, thanks for sticking with me for so long. I hope you dig the show! 🙂
I am pleased to learn that ABC is willing to further sound nutrition with a programming commitment. You’re a good choice to keep things interesting. Good luck, Abel.
Hi Bonnie – I’m definitely encouraged by the fact that the big networks are looking for a better way of reclaiming our health than just “eating less fat and exercising more.” It’s time to put butter and bacon back on the menu!
Awesome to see this! Congrats.
Thanks dude!
That’s super cool Abel congratulations! It sounds like a really cool show and I’m looking forward to tuning in. I’m sure Paleo will come out on top.
My money is on bacon!
Congratulations Abel! I have been a huge fan for the last three years listening to your podcast and reading your book the Wild Diet. My husband has followed your Wild Diet fast for the last 6 months and absolutely loves it. Thanks for all you do and can’t wait to watch your new show.
Right on Mary! Thanks for sticking with me, and glad your husband digs The Wild Diet! 🙂
Abel, this is really cool. This month marks one year since a stint in a hospital cardiac ward for 5 days got my attention last Thanksgiving, at the age of 59. I had undergone some major downturns in my life over the year previous to that, causing serious stress and some radical lifestyle changes for the worse. When I got out of the hospital I decided that I was going to focus on my health first and once I had that under control, work on the rest of things. I knew about Robb Wolf and Mark Sisson, and through their sites and podcasts found you and your site and podcasts. I have been catching up on all your past podcasts this last year on my daily walks with my dog, Shadow and on my daily commutes. I have just got current!
In the last year on primal/paleo eating, daily walking and mild exercise, I have lost 52 lbs. (that’s a tight 38″ pants to a loose 34″), reduced my astronomical blood pressure to normal and gotten off the 2 different blood pressure meds I was on, got off the daily allergy meds I have taken since childhood along with the prilosec I have taken daily for 25 years, and brought my pre-diabetic blood sugar to normal levels so I didn’t have to start meds for that. You along with many others in this community have helped inspire me in this journey, and I look forward to seeing you help someone else get there on this new TV series. I wish you luck on this new venture, and I just know you will still be the affable, approachable, and accessible Abel James we all know and admire.
Oh, and happy Thanksgiving! I just got the “Wild Diet” and look forward to reading it. It may seem a little late,but I follow your site and a few others pretty regularly and have bought quite a few books over the past few months. I read a lot of paleo/primal type books, but most I get on kindle. Robb’ s, Marks and now yours I wanted as “real” books however because I consider them most important. Thanks for what you do.
Montie, congratulations! Hearing stories like yours – dropping 52 pounds, reversing your health conditions with real food, and getting off your meds – is the reason I do what I do.
Thanks for your support and I’m thrilled you’re getting great results. Enjoy the book and please keep me updated to let me know how you’re doing. 🙂
Abel! Omg congratulations! So happy to hear the great news and I’ll be rooting for you 🙂
Hey Able — congrats on the opportunity to promote your diet and lifestyle on mainstream American TV. I can’t wait to see the results. When are you going to offer “Wild Diet” certification? Once your diet kicks all the others, everyone’s going to be wanting to learn from those trained by you. I’ll be the first to sign up. So looking forward to the new show!
I’m so excited for this! Thanks for dedicating your life to help people get healthy.
Hey Ben, feel free to check out our 30-Day Fat Loss System. We completely redid the 30-Day Meal Plan so you’ll have step by step instructions on what to eat. It also comes with Abel’s fat loss manual, quick-start guide, motivation journal and tons more: http://bit.ly/30daymeals
Also, a big component to losing weight is a good support system. If you’re interested in something like that, you can check out our online community–The Fat-Burning Tribe. Abel and I hop into the community group, and answer questions just about every day (and we have an awesome, very welcoming group). Plus, you’ll have access to our video and recipe library, and we share a new update 3 times a week. You can try it for just a $1 here: http://bit.ly/tribejoin
Hope that steers you in the right direction!
I did a search for the show, because I’ve been watching the commercials for the show. I wanted to find out what diets were going to be featured,
and I was led to here. I will have to check out your book. In October and November our CF did a challenge of eating Paleo for 7 weeks. I really
felt a difference. Although I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, I did drop 7 lbs and my Body fat loss was 31.85%. I’m hoping this show will
will help motivate me to continue eating like this. I’ve been back and forth now since the challenge ended. Good luck with the show, and I’m
really looking forward to watching it.
Thanks for sharing, Randy. That’s great you noticed a difference in your health when you switched your diet. If you need some more motivation, check out the Fat-Burning Tribe, our online community. We have a ton of videos, recipes, articles, and a great group of people who support each other and answer questions. Plus, Abel and I hop in front of the mic once a month and answer questions from the community. You can try it for just a $1 for your first month: http://bit.ly/fbtribe1d
Let us know what you think of the show once it airs!
I really want to be on the next episode. I need help loosing weight. Help me.
Hi Tina, the best place to start is by reading The Wild Diet book. It’s extraordinarily entertaining, I promise (especially for a diet book). I’ve read it over a dozen times, and still enjoy it. You can grab it on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/1VBMwpF
Or if you prefer to listen to the audio book, you can get it on Audible here: http://adbl.co/1MPh1l4
Also, here are a few episodes of the Fat-Burning Man show that I recommend you check out to learn more about which foods to eat and avoid:
– Interview with Dr. William Davis: http://bit.ly/wheatbely
– Interview with Dr. David Permutter: http://bit.ly/drperlmutter
– Interview with Dr. Tom O’Bryan: http://bit.ly/fbmgluten
Eating the right foods and avoiding the junk is going to do amazing things for your body. And if you want to take it to the next level, try to get in a quick 7-minute workout at least once a week: http://bit.ly/wild7wo
If you need more help or if you just have some questions, check out our online community – The Fat-Burning Tribe: http://bit.ly/fbtribe1d — Abel and I jump in and answer questions just about every day. And you can sign up for just $1 for your first month.
I have the simplest diet in the world but I’m the worst at dieting. I would love to be on
the show to get the support that I need!!!
I think this is really cool, but what if we took people (Not big celebrities) who had a passion for food and dieting, and they could be on this show? Or have the option? I only brought this up, because, my Mom LOVES this kind of stuff. She has developed her own diet over around six years. Right now we are her test guinea pigs, and she has “hippied” and “healthed” us up enough… Sooooo, we think she is ready to move onto bigger things.
P.S. Excercise is not required for her diet, although she knows there ARE many benefits that come from excercising, you do not need to excersise to lose weight (also, she thinks the HIIT folks have it fairly nailed down:). AND, she lost a total of 65 pounds, the majority of which came off in three months, when she found her own diet “fingerprint” which she believes everyone has.
65 pounds in 3 months?? I’m sure that will appeal to the masses, but I think I will stay away from that one.
This is amazing Abel!!!! Love the show and your work. Glad to see someone with a little sense about dietary fat will be allowed on mainstream TV!
Any hints if you’ll go for ketosis???? Ha bet if you give your team bacon and butter and they lose faster than everyone else you’ll end with a bigger team than when you started!
Hey Alyson the show is awesome! I’m watching the second episode now. I think the wild diet would definitely be my diet of choice. Some of the diets seem a little different, but I hope they all achieve their goals with their diet choices.
Nice! Glad you’re checking out the show, Randy.
Watched the show. It was dumb but your enthusiasm is great! I sure that if one knows zero about health, fitness and diet they can learn something from this. But it’s like leading a horse to water. We both know that most of these folks will gain it all back and then some. Your diet seems like nothing more than a glorified Atkins Diet renamed The Wild diet. Liked all of the trainers but the chick that made the girl do lunges and squats in the grocery store. I would have to trade (or kill her) just because she’s annoying as hell.
I’m so excited for you being the winner in the first episodes! I cannot believe that vegan trainer pushed a sugary cookie on her client saying any food is OK in moderation, and don’t be afraid of food, BUT NOT ANIMAL FLESH. Ha ha – glad she was the first to go. Your diet saved me too, off all meds, lost weight etc. etc.
Right? Awesome to hear that you’re getting results, Laurie!
I would be able to lose weight on this “way of life” diet. I call it that because no diet works if you don’t change your way of eating permanently. I should know I once weighed 300 lbs and lost down to 160, but since I have become physically disabled and I can no longer exercise like the people do on the show, I have gained most of that weight back. My disabilities prevent me from standing for more than 5 minutes without pain, I can’t sit in one position without pain for more than 15 minutes, and I certainly can’t walk for more than 150 steps before I get in so much pain I can’t stand it….mind you I was in labor with my first child for 4 days and slept through the pain, I have a great pain tolerance, but not when it comes to my back. My question is, how can someone like me who can do much of anything lose weight on this diet?
Great job Abel, was so excited to watch the first two episodes! 🙂 It’s a shame they couldn’t do a DEXA scan before and after to show the difference between fat loss and muscle loss – that would be the real test of some of these diets! Discovered your podcast about 2 or so years ago, and by following a higher fat diet my boyfriend dropped about 20kg pretty much effortlessly. Love all the work you do, keep it up! 🙂
Thanks so much for watching! You will see fat loss vs. muscle loss in upcoming episodes (I hope)! It WAS measured, and I can tell you to pay attention if you think The Wild Diet (LCHF) has an advantage as it comes to fat loss…
Living in America is the hardest thing when it comes to eating healthy. Cheap fast (junk) food, enormous portions at the chain restaurants, processed foods that contain 20 ingredients and so much sugar added everywhere. Real long-term weight loss, in my opinion, needs a diet that people can follow easily with tweaks once they have reached their goal.
Your diet works well for all the reasons you state and because eating is based on real food not shakes or fad foods that are hard to buy in rural America. Sure the fad food of the week might be healthy but my supermarket may have one box of Quinoa and as for some other stuff found in big cities just forget it! Meat, vegetables etc are everywhere. Grass fed butter mmm not at all….
Another thing that is hard about other diets (or just plain healthy eating) is that long-term weight management is easier if the food is good for ALL the family.
These are great points, Alex! Thanks for watching.
I’m ready to buy your book because I’m hooked with the show.I’m a latina and love rice and beans and fried foods but I can keep up with that lifestyle. You are a person that o can relate and be able to remove all the fat from my body.Only 20 pounds and I will be ready for my journey of good health.Hope the best for you…Gracias(Thank you in Spanish)
I just turned the Chanel and saw the two men one a trainer one the person being trained how use a kettle bell weight I do not consider that to be safe swinging it around a baby or any child even though it has a handle it can slip out of hand hit baby or some one else safety is first with any work out
I don’t watch much TV but I binged on this show on Hulu this week and I’m totally hooked. I’ve been following you for a few years and am happily Paleo-ish so I’m not even remotely surprised by the results at 6 weeks. It’s awesome and vindicating!
However (and I know it’s how TV shows work but …), it drives me nuts how they focus on the wacky stuff and the difficult people while Kurt and Abel just quietly do their thing, no fuss, no muss. And then everyone freaks out when Kurt keeps winning. How about a little shock and awe over the efficacy of The Wild Diet? They should be oohing and aahing on every single episode and pimping Abel to explain why it’s working! *sigh* I guess that’s why I don’t watch much TV …
Thanks for making a difference, Abel!
This is amazing man! I’m glad there’s show following real people with a life! I will definitely be tuning in from here on.
Congratulations to all those who have lost the weight and kept it off,I’m 41yrs old I was 300lbs in 2013 where then I had a Castro bypass to lose the weight cause everything I tried didn’t work.as of now I’m 175lbs which is good from where I was but I’m still not happy,I can’t run without getting tired in 2minutes,climbing stairs is a challenge get short of breathe there.I have a tummy that I would like to fighting up I wanna be about 165lbs for my body size so I was watching the TV show “My Diet Is Better Then Your” and it made me think that what would I have to do in order to be on ur show I want the help what I’m doing isn’t working..
Thanks for listening but I wanna work wit Shawn T so bad I wanna be the safe n sexy chick I used to be but better.
I was really inspired by this show. It gave me the opportunity to see people just like me, take on the challenge of losing weight at this age group.
I know the stuggle oh so well. From diet pills, to outrageous diets…I’ve tried them all. My collection of quick fixed is mounting. You should see my stash, lol.
I wish there was a show like this one in my area. It would be life changing.
Great job guys! Shaun T is an amazing trainer from what I’ve seen online & during the infomercials, lol. Glad he found equally as awesome trainers to push those people to success.
Can’t wait to see the next season.
God Bless…
Tanika Allen
Hi Abel I liked watching the show. I honestly am thinking that u guys basically won. Not sure why that one person quit. But good job
From Austin
I saw the show last night and, Abel, I think you won with Kirk consistently saying “I don’t feel deprived!” He looks wonderful and I think that he–and you–have inspired many of us to look further into what you are offering with the Wild Diet. I know that I am!.
You and Kurk should have one. To use a percentage of loss is biased,unless all competitors come in at the same size. Congrats to Kurk on the weight loss.
I just saw the finale. What a crock! We noticed that Shaun T didn’t mention the fat loss percentage of the winner. It was probably WAY lower than Kurt’s 22%. They still measure who wins by weight rather than fat lost. Sheep. SO mad!
That’s right, Kurt lost 22% body fat and Jasmin only lost 13% body fat. It’s a shame that reality shows still focus on weight loss (even if it means muscle loss) but in any case we made huge steps forward with showing how well The Wild Diet works!
I am so impressed with the health benefits and results of the wild diet. I wish I could be a contestant….could learn so much from the experience especially for those of us who have done all sorts and work out and just can’t succeed! Congrats to everyone who had the opportunity!
Hi Abel,
I don’t recall any discussion of blood work on any of the contestants. Did they ever share any of that info. I see that you say that Kurt got all of his meds. Amazing! And, he looks great!
And, loved you running around in a bacon costume. 🙂
Where is the best place to start.. I am in need of this success storey
Abel, my husband and I are both big fans of you. We have your book and have been trying new recipes from it and love listening to your podcast. You are such an inspiration to the both of us. We are both young and healthy, but by following the wild diet, we feel even better!!!!! Thank you so much for being so wonderful! We love you!!!!