Can you really lose fat while enjoying sirloin steak, chicken parmesan, chocolate, and real butter?
If you ask Kurt, the 47-year old grandpa who lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks on ABC Television by going Wild, the answer is a resounding “HECK YA!”
The Wild Diet features foodie-friendly indulgent meals that will help you program your body to burn fat instead of sugar. Thousands of people across the world have reclaimed their health and lost 20, 50 or even more than 100 pounds with real food following The Wild Diet.
This is what I look like before and after The Wild Diet:
Ready to get results with real food? Since The Wild Diet is #1 in America, I dropped the price of our online program in HALF so you can get results today…
>>> Get the Wild30 Fat Loss System for $20 OFF (limited time)!
If you just want to dip your toes in, here are 8 tips that will get you rolling on The Wild Diet…
Tip #1: 80% Of Fat Loss Comes From Diet, Not Exercise
Many people spend hours on the treadmill hopelessly trying to lose their love handles. But every nutritionist, bodybuilder, and athlete worth his or her salt knows that “six packs are made in the kitchen.” Exercise is great for overall well-being, but if you want to drop fat, the vast majority of your results will come from eating the right foods.
Tip #2: You Can Eat Bacon, Butter & Steak While Dropping Fat
If you’ve given up some of your favorite foods—like gooey cheese, chocolate, grilled steak, bacon, butter, full-fat cream, eggs, wine, cheesecake, ice cream, or anything else delicious—for the sake of “health,” you’re about to have a really good time eating Wild. Even the American Government has conceded that we shouldn’t be afraid of eating high-quality fats!
Tip #3: Focus On Food Quality, Not Quantity
The Wild Diet follows this principle: Eat fresh, simple, whole foods from healthy plants and animals and be skeptical of processed food products. By prioritizing foods found in the natural world, rich in fiber and nutrients, your body will burn fat instead of sugar for energy.
When you reduce your consumption of processed grains, sugars and other simple carbohydrates in favor of healthy plants and animals, you will be shocked by how quickly you can reverse the damage of decades of poor eating.
Tip #4: Dump The “Carbage”
When you follow The Wild Diet, you’re avoiding “carbage” – processed carbs from sugars and grains. Refined foods are packed with fattening ingredients such as white flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup and industrial seed oils from corn and soy.
These fake foods distort your appetite and cause you to consume more calories than you require. The Wild Diet fills you up with natural fats, fibers, proteins, and slow-burning carbs.
Tip #5: You Don’t Have To Starve Yourself Or Count Calories To Lose Weight
A plate of real food — like fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, and perhaps a bit of pasture-raised meat — contains the protein, fiber, healthy fat and micronutrients your body needs to satiate your appetite. So next time you feel hunger pangs, stop depriving yourself and fill up on real food, instead.
Tip #6: Listen To Your Body & Eat When You’re Hungry
When you are hungry, your body doesn’t necessarily want food, it wants nutrition. If you feed it foods that are nutrient-poor, your brain and body will never really feel totally satisfied. The key is to feed yourself real and fresh whole foods that are high in nutrients and satiate your hunger. On The Wild Diet, you simply eat when you’re hungry. And if you’re not hungry in the morning, you may want to experiment with “Fasting and Feasting.”
Tip #7: Enjoy Your Feasts With Friends & Family
We’re not meant to starve ourselves or count calories. We’re wired to eat and live luxuriously without getting fat. That’s what we’ve been doing effortlessly for generations, in fact, before we started following the wrong advice.
So when eating out, make it a special event, take your time, and enjoy your feast. Order several dishes family style for everyone to try and share – this is more filling than eating a single entree by yourself.
Tip #8: Be Prepared For Chocolate Emergencies
Carry yummy snacks, meals, and dark chocolate everywhere you go to beat hunger and cravings. You know, for chocolate emergencies!
Why The Wild Diet Is #1 In America
Here’s an update from the finale of My Diet is Better Than Yours on ABC!
My contestant, Kurt started at 352 pounds and 52% body fat. He finished at 265 pounds and just 30% body fat!
So Kurt lost an astounding 22% percentage points of body fat in 14 weeks with The Wild Diet, while eating delicious food and using proven fat loss techniques, like intermittent fasting. (The Wild Diet led to nearly double the fat loss of any other plan!) Jasmin, who focused on portion control and cardio with the Superfood Swap, lost 13% body fat (from 47% to 34%) – which shows some lean mass loss but still impressive. I couldn’t be more proud of both of them!
Like The Biggest Loser, this a weight loss competition, measured by percentage of body weight loss. But as I’ve mentioned before, when we’re talking about health, you want to focus on how much body fat you lose, not weight.
Many people who try to lose weight wind up losing muscle by overexercising and undereating. So always keep this in mind – lean muscle is the most important tool you have to boost your metabolism and burn more fat.
This book will change you life!!! @fatburnman is pretty much THE MAN!
— Shaun T (@shauntfitness) July 3, 2016
Kurt wasn’t able to run regularly because of past surgeries and injuries to his spine and knees. He did quick, functional workouts at home – like kettlebell swings and lifting water jugs – to maintain his lean muscle mass. And we used The Wild Diet’s high fat, low carb approach to lose as much fat as possible.
Following The Wild Diet, Kurt shed 87 pounds, trimmed 10 inches from his waist, and went from 52% down to 30% body fat in just 14 weeks. Kurt lost nearly double the amount of body fat as any other contestant on the show. This is a HUGE win for the Wild, high fat / low carb, and Paleo communities!
(Want Kurt’s Wild Meal Plans? Get them with the Wild30 Fat Loss System.)
Even more important, Kurt is off all of his prescription medication and feels 20 years younger. His blood sugar and blood pressure are in the healthy range, and he’s no longer obese for the first time in over 10 years! Not to mention, Kurt was able to get these results with limited exercise, just walks outside and a bit of strength training.
I share all of this with you to hammer this message home: If you want to lose fat, focus on your diet. If Kurt, Jasmin, Latasha, and Jeff can do it, so can you.
Another huge takeaway is that Kurt is still able to enjoy eating pasture-raised bacon, grass-fed burgers, and even our famous cheesecake to drop fat while eating outrageously good food.
This ain’t no ordinary diet. You really can be happy and healthy at the same time.
Can you lose 20 pounds in 40 days? FOR A LIMITED TIME: Get The Wild30 Fat Loss System for $20 OFF!
The Answer: Eat Real Food
There’s little denying that our collective health seems doomed. Diabetes and cancer are rampant, health care costs are increasingly crippling our economy, and 8-year-old children are weighing in at 300 pounds. Clearly, something isn’t working.
We don’t need to go back millennia to witness a startling decline in health and increase in obesity. We really can just look back a generation or two.
Our grandmothers knew that processed foods, namely carbohydrates like grains, starch, and sugar, make us fat. And when our grandmothers bought food, it was usually local, organic, and free of most chemicals… Not by choice, mind you, but by default.
Once upon a time, food was food. Alas, those days have passed. As Alfred Newman quipped in Mad Magazine…
“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.”
Grim indeed.
The Wild Diet is “Simple, Fresh Ingredients… with a Bit of Fun”
I refer to my nutritional approach as “The Wild Diet” which will program your body to burn fat. You may have seen it featured on People, NPR, or getting Kurt Morgan to drop 50 pounds in just 6 weeks on ABC’s hit show My Diet Is Better Than Yours.
By focusing on simple, fresh, ingredients and satisfying fats like butter and avocado, The Wild Diet helps your body shift out of fat-storing mode to burn fat as its main fuel source (hence the pun, “Fat-Burning Man”).
By upgrading the quality of their diet, thousands of people across the world have dropped 20, 60, or even more than 100+ pounds without hunger and often with minimal exercise.
The secret to great health simply getting back to our wild roots and enjoying real, natural foods grown on a farm and not in a factory.
Many other trainers and experts tell you that you need to eat diet food that tastes like cardboard if you want to lose weight. I’m going to tell you the exact opposite.
The Wild Diet proves that it’s possible to get in best shape of your life while eating delicious foods like chicken parmesan, bacon cheeseburgers, and even chocolate pudding.
If you want to know how to burn more fat by indulging in incredible meals and exercising less, it’s time to treat yourself to The Wild Diet.
Why Does The Wild Diet Lead to Fat Loss and Better Health?
Simply, The Wild Diet suggests that we take a deep breath and start eating real food again. It urges you to eat the highest quality food you can find and afford.
Truth be told – my approach has always been more flexible than Paleo, certainly the idea of “popular Paleo” that seems to ignore the subject of food quality entirely. And “popular Paleo” today often puts meats at the front and center of every meal.
The Wild Diet, however, shows you how to improve your health, drop fat, and boost energy by making plant-based foods more than half your plate.
We once had access to an immense variety of seasonal foods from small, local sources. Now we have access to very few varieties of very few foods from a massive industrial system often thousands of miles from where we live.
It’s important to note the few staples of the Standard American Diet – namely corn, wheat, and soy – are not produced in such massive quantities because they’re healthy. They’re produced because they make money for Big Food.
Modern food manufacturers have overwhelmed grocery store shelves with foods that are nutrient poor, rotten, spoiled, dead, old, and contaminated with antibiotics, chemicals, and growth hormones. Essentially, we went from eating nothing but Wild foods to subsisting on the equivalent of human dog kibble.
You never see a fat wolf in the wild eating it’s natural diet. As humans, it’s time to get back to our roots. GMO’s are creepy, artificial flavors are horrifying, and selective breeding has unleashed some freakish foodstuffs upon the general public.
If selective breeding can do this to a wolf, imagine what they can do to a tomato.
Monoculture is destroying the land, generating obscene wealth for a select few, and producing “foods” that make us fat and sick.
We need to return to a system that works with the land, with nature, and with our own physiology and spirit.
Sure, it takes work to make (or find) fresh, wild, natural food these days. But the benefits for the health of our bodies and the land we inhabit are undeniable.
Here’s a small example of what you eat when you don’t pay attention…
- Think you’re better off eating foods with “natural flavor”? Chew on this: secretions from the anal glands of beavers produce a bitter, smelly, orange-brown substance known as castoreum that is used extensively in vanilla and raspberry flavoring. It’s legally labeled as “natural flavoring.” – The Wild Diet
- This is the state of affairs when you trust food manufacturers, my friends. I hope you like beaver butt.
The Wild Diet is a Paradigm for Making Healthy Decisions
The Wild Diet is not a dietary bootcamp; it is a template for making healthy eating and lifestyle decisions. But as a rule, the closer you can get to eating plants and animals that would thrive in their wild and natural habitat, the better.
Eat plants and animals that were recently alive and well.
Heirloom and heritage plants and animals are in themselves healthier as a result more nutritious then their industrial counterparts.
Imagine grain is expensive, hard physical work is necessary, and sweets are a treat. And don’t be afraid to get some dirt under your fingernails. It’s good for you.
Recently, a lot of you have been writing in to share your stories. Here are a few of my favorites. These folks have lost weight, reduced body fat, and even improved their breathing by transforming their bodies with delicious real food.
The following success stories are from regular people who want to help get the word out – real food works… and there’s no looking back!
I was 245 lbs when I started on the Wild Diet back in April 2015. Today, I have lost over 20% body fat & @ 189 lbs.
— David Zachary (@tryin2die2self) November 19, 2015
“It’s the first time in my journey that I have started to consume fat and the weight is still coming off, yet I’m building muscle which is very impressive!” -Maral
Amazing results with @fatburnman ‘s #wilddiet 4 weeks in -16lbs, waist -1in, belly -2, and feeling younger! — Lamboknows (@Lambo_Knows) May 9, 2015
Just wanted to show this to @fatburnman
Saw him on TV & went full Paleo/Keto. 82 lbs lost, 10 inches on my waist in less then 7 months— The Political Punk? (@DaPoliticalPunk) October 29, 2016
@fatburnman @CBSNews I went grain, sugar and gluten free and my lung function is back to normal. No inhalers. — Butch Worley (@butchworley) October 17, 2015
@fatburnman eating #wild and #paleo squashes my Lyme symptoms and gives me energy and a body I can live normally in!
— Tony Briant (@TonyBriant) August 21, 2015
@fatburnman Had a ‘cough’ for 2 years now. Experts have no idea. Been eating #wild and the cough is almost gone. — Duncan Cowie (@CowieDunks) August 21, 2015
@fatburnman started listening to your show a few months back, lost thirty lbs since. The book is awesome. It’s not a lifestyle, it’s just me
— Michael Turner (@gyrochanger) May 25, 2015
Quotes From The Wild Diet
Here’s a taste of some of the fun you’ll have reading The Wild Diet:
“If you think jumping rope is for little girls, it’s time to re-watch Rocky.” – Abel James
“Big Food is expected to police itself, which it does just about as well as Wall Street.” – Abel James
“Keep in mind, the only reason zero-calorie artificial sweeteners don’t count as calories or carbs is because they’re not technically food – they’re chemicals.” – Abel James
“Your body is a biochemical marvel. You can literally turn Twinkies into fingernails.” – Abel James
“Ignorance isn’t bliss when nutrition is concerned.” – Abel James
“For decades, ‘sugar-free’ has translated to ‘known carcinogens that kind of resemble sugar,’ ‘fat-free’ to ‘tastes like cardboard,’ and ‘natural flavors’ to ‘may or may not contain the anal secretions of beavers.'” – Abel James
“Cheesecake is good for the soul.” – Abel James
What The Experts Say About The Wild Diet
“A word of caution: Everything you think you know about diet and exercise is probably wrong. It’s time to change your relationship to fat, whole grains, sugar, the pizza delivery guy, and even your treadmill. The Wild Diet flies in the face of the outdated advice touted by health and wellness “experts,” and gives you real-life strategies to lose fat and get fit as quickly as possible. In a sea of marketing hype, Abel James is a powerful and authentic voice that speaks the truth.”
-Jonathan Bailor New York Times bestselling author of The Calorie Myth
“If you’ve been yo-yo dieting and surviving on prepackaged ‘health foods’ with little or no results, you owe it to yourself to read The Wild Diet. Abel James shows you how to optimize your workout, diet, and habits to take your health back into your own hands. Abel rocks a chiseled 6 pack and makes it look easy. As the owner of a 1-pack, I marvel at his lean body mass!”
-Sara Gottfried, M.D. New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure
“In The Wild Diet, Abel shatters conventional wisdom and gives us the truth about what it takes to be lean and healthy without obsessing about what we eat. There’s a reason Abel’s Fat Burning Man show has become #1 in 8 countries and I have no doubt that The Wild Diet will be just as well received. Abel’s message is simple, pragmatic, and can get you lasting results in less time and with less effort than you’d probably expect.”
-Yuri Elkaim New York Times bestselling author of The All-Day Energy Diet
“The Wild Diet stands out as a flexible, enjoyable approach to weight loss that you can easily cater to your individual needs and goals—a key factor in your ability to make lasting changes. Abel’s research and personal health-hacking have culminated in a simple, comprehensive program that works for just about everyone.”
-Chris Kresser, M.S., Lac New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Cure
“Food is medicine, and The Wild Diet’s menu is one of the most nutritionally-dense ‘medicine cabinets’ out there. Abel has done his research, and his book shows you how to apply it to your life in a very realistic way. This book will change the way you look at food and exercise. More importantly, this book can help you take control of your life.”
-Terry Wahls, M.D. author of The Wahls Protocol
“Abel James walks his talk. He gives the health movement a personal voice that is fresh, approachable, and knowledgeable. In his book, The Wild Diet, Abel shares his own journey losing 20 pounds in 40 days and shows you how to do the same. By focusing on not just what you eat, but how you eat it, Abel gives a unique perspective on how to think about our diet.”
-Alan Christianson, NMD author of The Adrenal Reset Diet
“This isn’t your typical diet book. Abel doesn’t tell you to stop loving food, to give up chocolate, or to completely slash entire food groups. Instead, The Wild Diet shows you how to lose fat while satisfying your personal cravings. (Yeah, there are some yummy recipes in there– even desserts!) This is so important because, like everything else in life, change is inevitable—and this is one dogma that easily adapt to your body’s needs.”
-Alexandra Jamieson Health coach, chef, and author of Women, Food & Desire
“When I found myself overweight and struggling with my health despite doing my best to follow all the current dietary dogma of the day, I started seeking some alternatives. Somehow I landed on a podcast called “The Fat Burning Man Show.” The host, Abel James, was telling his story and it sounded like he had peaked at my diary. Everything he spoke about resonated with me. I began incorporating the principals of The Wild Diet into my own life and fifty pounds later, I’m a different man.
When I reached out to Abel to say “thanks for the great info” I got more than just “you’re welcome.” I made a new friend. I can tell you that Abel is the real deal. He lives The Wild Diet. The Wild Diet isn’t the latest fad diet book designed to line the author’s pockets only to regurgitate the same old, tired eat less and exercise more mantra. It’s a comprehensive, no nonsense guide to healthy living. It’s packed full of common sense that our grandparents or great-grandparents knew but somehow we’ve forgotten. Abel has re-discovered these truths and he shares them all right here in this book… plus more.“
-Denny Hemingson Award-Winning Musical Director of the Tim McGraw Band
“Abel James gives actionable steps to reverse obesity, disease, and low-energy problems by healing the body with delicious food and quick, effective workouts. Speaking as a busy mom, these recipes not only taste great, but can help the whole family get fit as a fiddle!”
-Katie, Author of Wellness Mama Cookbook
Grab Your Copy Of The #1 Bestselling Wild Diet Book!
Do you want to curl up with a nice book? The Wild Diet is a #1 Best-Selling Book an is now available at all major retailers. Like it? Don’t forget to leave a review to help me spread the word! Thanks, you rock!
Here is where you can get the book:
- Amazon – Hardcover
- Amazon – Paperback
- Audible (Audio Version)
- Kindle
- Barnes & Noble
- Nook
- Indiebound
- iTunes
- Google Play
Quick Tips to Get Started on The Wild Diet
Here’s how to get started now on The Wild Diet. Eat as many green and colorful veggies as you’d like – they should make up more than half of your plate. Eat a palm-sized portion of protein from pasture-raised meats or wild seafood, and round out meals with high-quality fats like grass-fed butter, hard cheese, nuts, or avocado.
If you’re physically active, enjoy a bit of starch from sweet potatoes or rice post-workout. Ditch added sugars, breads, and gluten grains. For breakfast, bacon and eggs are back on the menu!
- When eating out, make it a special event, take your time, and enjoy your feast. Order several dishes family style for everyone to try and share – this is more filling than eating a single entree by yourself.
- Eat out of your fridge, not your pantry. Skip the processed packaged foods and eat fresh foods that were Recently Alive and Well like colorful veggies and pasture-raised meats and eggs. Eat wild seafood, pastured animals and wild game. Meet Your Farmer and know where your food comes from.
- Don’t count calories. Ignore the nutrition facts. Most diet food in bars, boxes, and shakes is junk food in disguise. Focus on food quality, not quantity and make every meal as delicious as possible. Read the ingredients instead and make sure they’re real food. Don’t buy the marketing hype, buy the ingredients.
- Don’t waste your time with bicep curls and ab workouts. Burn more calories in less time with burst training. Try the Wild 7 Workout – 20 seconds of high-intensity cardio followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 10 times. 60 second warm up and 60 second cool down. Most importantly, break a sweat every day doing something you love!
- Be prepared. Carry yummy snacks, meals, and emergency chocolate everywhere you go to beat hunger and cravings. You know, for chocolate emergencies!
Here’s what your plate should look like on The Wild Diet…
If you want more tips along with fat-burning recipes, and a plan to guide you to a healthier lifestyle, check out our new and improved Wild30 Fat Loss System!
This is our full fat-loss program with a complete 30 day step-by-step meal plan that includes full color photos and shopping lists to make everything really easy for you.
You get simple healthy, whole food recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert all broken down day-by-day to take any confusion out of the equation. PLUS as an added bonus, you’ll get a Motivation Journal, Quick-Start Guide, Shopping Guide, and my 30-Day Fat-Loss Manual!
FOR A LIMITED TIME: Get the Wild30 Fat Loss System for $20 OFF!
Have you started eating Wild yet? Leave a comment below to let us know your favorite part about The Wild Diet.
Dr. Dan Egan says
Reminding folks that there’s quite a bit of flexibility within the confines of the paleo/primal/wild diet template is a good idea. You don’t have to eat a pound of meat every day if you’re body doesn’t roll with that. Lots of different “versions” of a “real food” diet can be healthy, of course. I appreciate the approach you’ve outlined here.
P.S. I’ve been enjoying your podcasts.
Abel James says
Thanks Doc! Flexibility is essential for making this work as a lifestyle. Glad you dig the show!
Larry says
Am Type 2 Diabetic. Will your diet be ok, for me?
Abel James says
The Wild Diet is low in sugar and refined carbs, so it can help stabilize blood sugar. But as always, it’s important to work with a doctor who understands nutrition!
mike says
Is it ok to enjoy almond milk on this plan?
Hi Larry! I’ve been Type 1 diabetic for 28 years, 41 years old now and YES… his book is pretty much PERFECT ESPECIALLY for Type2 Diabetics!!! I would almost go as far as saying his book could help you cure it for good!!! Now remember that’s coming from a TYPE 1!! 😉 JUST DO IT!!!
Dave says
Abel, these are some great transformations. I believe if you have enough motivation to be healthy, and stay healthy then everything will be worth it.
I like Tip #6 the best. Most young adults nowadays will skip meals to stay slim, and would consume unhealthy foods when they decide to eat. This tip emphasized that eating is actually OK, as long as you do it right.
PSL says
I was considering a paleo type diet – really love the emphasis on unprocessed food. I am concerned. Reading a lot on the connection between raised levels of IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) when eating meat and poultry and long-term health problems – prostate cancer, reduced fertility, etc. Will switching to grass-fed meat prevent the elevation of IGF-1 in the bloodstream?
Herve says
Whilst there are some real concern about the effect of meat and dairies on IGF-1 blood levels, not many of those studies seem to do a distinction between wild, non-wild grass-fed and grain-fed cattle, and the effect of a proper lifestock diet on the IGF content of the meat.
Also, there is the usual correlation problem:
Meat high in IGF-1 high blood level of IGF-1
High blood level of IGF-1 increased risk of cancer
But does that mean
Meat high in IGF-1 => increased risk of cancer ?
I’m not sure. It could be that we have
Diet high in industrial meat => high level of chemicals (including synthetic growth hormones) => increased risk of cancer => high blood IGF-1 (as you’d need it for the tumor to grow).
Hugo says
i think you´re rigth, i dont think that 100 years before the meat industry started, the people got sick of cancer, like nowadays.
Nusesusy says
100 years ago, most people died of disease & accidents by age 60, before they got old enough to get cancer. Risk of cancer increases with age. Also cancer was not differentiated by other diseases that caused wasting away, such as tuberculosis, diabetes, hyperthyroid (Grave’s disease), autoimmune diseases, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, etc. All were classified as consumption. Even blood cancers such as lymphomas or unidentified cancers such as liver cancer.
However, the Real Diet, addresses issues of lowering insulin resistance by intermittent fasting, the myth of saturated fats are bad & oils are good (scientific proof), natural meats, etc. Eating 6 mini-meals is bad for one as it triggers insulin release which causes weight gain. 100 years ago people ate 2-3 times a day versus the “grazing” recommended by many “health experts” is healthier because of the insulin release. Physiology science now shows that the pancreatic Beta-cells (insulin producing) do decrease in function with age (wear out) causing older adults (70 & older) get adult “diabetes.” says
I Like Your Wonderful Information.
dogtravelpro says
Agreed, there is flexibility in the caveman/paleo way of eating. Just wish I could convince my family to give up those white carbs.
Abel James says
Ha, convincing family is the hardest! Just ask mine. 🙂
Herve says
I second that 🙂
matt says
Cavemen had poor health and died early. We’ve adapted to modern foods and live longer. Just eat your fats, carbs and protein in untouched form, as in no chemicals, etc.
I eat grains with little or no crap added or taken from them. Before I mainly ate fats and protein which lead to an eating disorder, brittle bones so forth…
EndNote X Crack says
i appriciate your blog.
James Bascom says
Who’s the beautiful lady next to you? She looks like she’s been eating real food for 90 years! By the way, I’ve heard from reliable sources you are making great progress with your family. There are a few holdouts but they’re paying attention and asking good questions. Keep doing what you’re doing! Banjo Jim
Abel James says
Real food is medicine! Haha, I’m very happy to hear about the “rest” of the family. 🙂
Fi says
I’ve lost count of the number of times people have said, as I pour cream into my coffee “but that’s not paleo!” I’m with you – dairy fiend here too. Cheese for lunch – can’t wait 😉
And you’re also right about the PR problem. I think one other problem is that we’re all so into eating this way, and so passionate about it, that we probably come across like a bunch of preach-y obsessive nutters! Add that to the fact that some of the paleo ideas (eg. high fat, no grains) go against conventional wisdom, I think some people find it hard to swallow.
Abel James says
Hi Fi,
Thanks for stopping by. “But that’s not Paleo!!!” is one of the more annoying phrases I’ve ever heard, I agree. Can you imagine life without double-cream Brie? I can’t.
You’re right – it’s difficult enough for people to accept the style of eating, let alone the more cultish (and optional) aspects of Paleo. The truth is that almost everyone can benefit, so we need to do our best not to scare people off!
Lish W says
I have just ordered your info..very excited and feel great eating according to your lifestyle. Thank you and keep the good info coming!
Abel James says
Awesome! Thanks for your support, Lish, and keep us updated!
Deb (SmoothieGirlEatsToo) says
Or 5-year-aged gouda! Life would not be worth living 😉
Ajay says
HEHE you are right,
I like your smile too.
Kathy says
Can I imagine a world without double-cream brie? Yes, but only if it’s TRIPLE-cream brie!!!
Corby says
I am a recent convert, after being in Spain for nine months this year, eating Hi Fat/Hi Protein, and going from 240 lbs to 190 lbs.
I cook with a mixture of butter and oil, cream My coffee, and eat at least 8 ounces of cheese a day as a snack. I shut the mouths of these judgmental, holier-than-Thou, Orthodox-Paleos with this:
“Do You think that all of Our paleolithic ancestors lived in the same cave village? No, as archaeology has proven, They were spread out around the world. Just as one group of people, in today’s world, eat a specific diet style that differs from another group, the “cave people” were the same way. In other words, does this entire world eat an Asian diet? No. We all have Our way of eating. If I am not eating grain, legumes, processed food, beaver butt-enhanced food, margarine, etc… then I am doing the right thing. You are dismissed.”
Yes, I get on a high-horse when “attacked”. hahahaha
Herve says
evolution didn’t stop at the paleolithic 🙂
many of us have the gene to digest dairies. It’s also a question of dose.
James Freitas says
I found this place a while back and would like to share how I greatly benefited from following Abel’s diet. Abel James is one of the most influential folks in my life for sure. Him and Cisson have really changed the way I look at health and nutrition and even exercising. I realized that I no longer have to run 10 miles a day to be healthy. It is more important what I put into my body. was how I first found Abel James’ wonderful work. A lot of doctors, ffs experts and non-mainstream health nutritionists have ascribed to a lot of Abel James’ ideas and I would say that their patients are lucky to have them, much like I am lucky to have found Abel.
Thanks a lot Abel, for what you have done and I really appreciate your courage in sharing these concepts with the world, despite all the contrary information out there. I look younger, I feel younger, I feel like I have the perfect combination of feminized and masculine traits that we all inherently possess. I am not sure where I would be if it wasn’t for Abel…
Marcus Manno says
Thank you so much for all your hard work! You are an inspiration to me. I am just beginning my journey towards a healthier lifestyle (I’m a 40-year-old, 5′-9″, 261 lb [was 270 lbs last week] father or two little girls), and your podcasts, blogs, and writings are drastically improving my level of dietary education. After only 1 week of just removing obvious sources of wheat and beginning to curb my addiction to sugar, I’ve lost 9 lbs and have had a 180 degree (or at least it feels that way) turn-around in my digestive health. I’m not even using Organics or strict Paleo yet! My mental fog is lifting, I’m resting better with the same amount of sleep (4-7 hours/night), and my energy levels are through the roof (and everyone around me is noticing the change BTW). Did I mention I’ve only been doing this for a week? =) Best of all, I am eating like a King and I am NEVER hungry! Why the heck did it take us so long to come full circle?
Keep up the Great work man!
Abel James says
Wow, 9 pounds in a week! That’s not too shabby, Marcus. I’m so glad you’re getting value out of the show. Eating real food just works. And being full instead of hungry all the time? That’s the cat’s pajamas. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help you along the way.
Desh says
Hello Abel,
I have been doing semi wild for a couple of months without even knowing it 🙂 and have dropped 10 lbs, but a lot of inches. My question/concern is a lose skin I will get when I have reached my goal. I still have 90 lbs to go. Any tips on how to tackle that?
Luke Timms says
I’m more of a fan of ‘Real Food diet’ but I don’t think it matters what its called, there will always be some bitching from someone who thinks its a fad or has flaws. You know what, the Robb Wolf mentality is one I use, try it for 30 days, if you don’t see any improvements then tell me I’m wrong.
I also worry that with too many names the point of it all gets lost between the cracks; oh its like the ‘Paleo Diet’ except we can eat dairy, oh its like the ‘Real Food Diet’ except we allow treat meals. Perhaps it doesn’t need a name, perhaps that’s half of the problem, I now say to people ‘I don’t eat that, I eat meat, fish, veg and fruit as a treat’ they ask ‘what diet is that?’ and rather than saying ‘oh its a modified Paleo diet’ I just say ‘well it’s not a diet, diets are labelled temporary, I’ve been eating this way for ages now and its more just how I eat, try it, you might like it’ then if they’re keen for more info I point them to Robb Wolf, you, Mark Sissons etc.
Keep up the good work and I really appreciate your podcast, don’t tell Robb Wolf but I find it far more approachable as he sometimes goes into WAAAAY too much detail and my mind wanders, I’m not a simple minded person but on my commute into work I need something more approachable.
Lynn says
The funny thing is, when I read this, I thought, “isn’t this obvious? Duh, minimize sugar, processed foods, and carbs and add more fruit and veggies.” But I guess its not obvious for some. Many people are trained to think that what is offered to them as meals by stores and restaurants are actually nutritious. Especially if they use the word “healthy” or “natural” or whatever the current buzz word is. I guess Im lucky that my parents were raised on farms with chickens, eggs and gardens in the backyards (untainted by food manufacturing) and that we grew up gardening and going to the butcher for our meat. My grandmother worked out to Jack Lalane and swam in her pool til she was in her 90’s.
I had exposure at an early age to vegetarianism, juicing and other healthy (or nowadays, “alternative”) practices. I feel sad for the children growing up with parents who did not have this nutritional foundation and are confused manipulated by confusing and mixed messages about food, fitness, meds and health.
Gary High-Fruit says
They didn’t have processes carbs, but they are a carb-based diet (until the 50’s when factory farming made meat cheaper). From the thin Chinese to ancient Aztecs – humans have been eating high carb for thousands of years.
Abel James says
Yes, it’s the processed and refined carbs and sugars that are the big enemy here.
Nusesusy says
Asians have the worlds highest Type 2 Diabetes rate, 60%, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). All that rice. Secondly is India for Tpe 2 Diabetes rate. Third is the USA, but we have a very diverse popultaion.
Those are the facts.
Your Mother says
I’m going to blame those facts on gmo soy, corn, rice, and an unregulated, notoriously shady agri-industrial complex.
Context is important here.
Ralph says
Entertained and educated. Downloaded all available episodes of your podcast recently and listened to them all one-by-one in the car. I made a contribution to the upkeep of the show because I see real value in what you and your guests have to say. Great show and great informed guests providing fantastic information. Love it. Waiting for the next episode now. waiting…waiting ..waiting..
Abel James says
Thanks so much for your support, Ralph! New episode tomorrow. 🙂
Spar says
Hi James,
What format is your book in? Is that a PDF only?
Abel James says
Thanks for stopping by. You can grab a hardcopy of The Wild Diet on Amazon here: or on Audible here:
dan wenzel says
Mr James!
First off, thanks for the podcast you put out, “the Fat Burning Man” keeps my car rides, cardio, and weight lifting sessions full of awesome information, research, and banter.
Second, I would like to give a quick background of myself. I am 23 years old living in northern Michigan (Boyne city). I work as a personal trainer and manage at a gym and am avidly researching more about nutrition and fitness, as well as sharing ideas in classes and hope to be in med school at U of M in the near future.
Third, in April of 2011 I was 305 lb, had smoked cigarettes for 6 years, and was in catastrophic health. At 21 years old, my risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer was high to say the least. I decided to follow a high carb low fat diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and no processed food or liquids. No candy, no soda, only raw natural foods.. just low fat. In 8 months I was down 80 lbs, and lost 40 more in the following year. I seemed to be stuck at my new weight, and am very interested in cutting more in preperation for a natural fitness show. I believe my body fat % to be upwards of 12-14%. My weight before trying ketosis was 179 and am 5’10”.
Two months ago I decided to try nutritional ketosis. I found out about it while stumbling upon Dr. Peter Attia’s . Shortly after I heard “The Fat Burning Man”. After 5 solid weeks of approximently 75/25 fat/protein ratio, and under 25g of carbs a day, I have gained approximently 13 pounds. I feel like I have grown slightly in muscle and strength, and have tested numerous times and AM in ketosis according to test strips. My food consists of egg yolks/grass fed beef and cheese in the morning, “bulletproof” coffee, chicken wings and legs, steak, green veggies, nuts, avacados, cheese, and copious amounts of coconut oil, olive oil, and grass fed butter. I seem to be storing a bit of weight in the stomach and butt. Vascularity in arms and shoulders remains the same, but am wondering if you can offer any advice or tips. I follow your himalayan sea salt, egg yolks and grass fed beef, veggies cooked in fat/butter/coconut oil, and eat about 2-5 times per day, only when hungry. I do 30-45 mins of cardio 5-7 times per week, high intensity moderate – heavy interval weight training 5 days a week. I fear the big “200” and am at 191 right now. I am probably over-thinking it and haven’t given it as much time as I need to become “keto adapted”. If you wanted to talk about me in your podcast I would be absolutely ecstatic about it, and even happier to answer more questions if your busy self had any. But if possible I would appreciate any tips you may have, and am aware of my selfishness of this post. Truly appreciate all you do for the paleo movement, and am starting to feel as good as you . Lifts are getting better, endless energy, yet storing weight.
From one caveman to another, thanks.
Abel James says
Hi Dan,
Wow, what a journey! If you want to stick with nutritional ketosis, I’d reach out to Jimmy Moore directly. I’m sure he’d be happy to hear from you!
But if you got down to 179, why did you go for ketosis? It sounds like you were in a pretty good spot. Cycling carbs might be something that’ll help you slim down – I’m training a bodybuilder for a contest right now and he’s killing it – down to 6% body fat with 5 weeks left.
So many approaches – it’s all about what works best for your body, your goals, and your circumstance.
Give a shout and let me know how I can help!
Jeff says
Love the podcast; reading the book. It’s great that you have so many people/experts on who have somewhat varying opinions. But in trying to eat well (I still don’t know whether to call it Paleo or Wild or Clean…) my head is spinning. Every time I feel like I’m on a solid track, something I hear on your podcast throws me for a loop. I’m still really confused on starches, and if some grains are necessary. I’m 33 – 6’1″ 195. In good shape, but I’d like to add muscle and tone up more. Primarily, I just want to be healthy and that’s such a moving target when I try to listen to each expert you have on. A Clarity podcast would be amazing. Just taking a second to say, ok, you’ve heard so many things, here’s what I think today. – Again, awesome show. Thanks for all the info, even if it can be overload!!
Abel James says
Hey Jeff, I hear you. That’s a great idea for a podcast! Maybe I’ll put out a “clarity” show soon. But to answer at least one of your questions, grains are never “necessary.” Wild plants and animals are. 🙂
Mer P says
I’m right about to click “buy” on this book (ben greenfield directed me here BTW), but if you even spend part of a chapter telling me I can’t have organic fine wine every so often or that i can drink my hubsters home brew on holidays I will have to quit you 🙂 I agree with all the principles, but I know this is going to be ROUGH (I have a deep and passionate love affair with sugar and I know the white beast will be coming calling at several junctures). Glad there is a podcast to help with the other aspects of daily living. Okay, Let’s go!
Abel James says
Ha, I love this comment. Don’t worry, you have my permission to enjoy your wine. I certainly enjoy mine. 🙂
Suzanne Shear says
This looks healthy and a diet I can live with. But what do you suggest for when you are not at home and faced with a lot of food temptations like at someone’s home for dinner? Thanks Suzanne
Abel James says
Hi Suzanne, we cover food temptations in a recent episode of my show with Michael Fishman; you can check it out here:
Richard Walls says
Hey Abel,
I was actually referred to you and your site by Antonio Centeno. Had a conversation with him about what I’m doing with my website and your name came up as he was thinking of people in the Austin area that I could get in touch with.
I’ve looked over your website and everything looks good man! I’ll have to catch up on the podcasts one of these days, but I’ll get there. I have to disclose up front that I’m not a fan of paleo (at least in the pure sense of the word), as it seems to unnecessarily place quite of bit of restrictions on food choice and it leads people to label food as “good” and “bad”, or view foods as black and white with no grey area. It’s more about context. The one line I’m referring to specifically is “Our grandmothers knew that processed foods, namely carbohydrates like grains, starch, and sugar, make us fat.” It’s a broad statement and doesn’t account other factors that can contribute to fat gain. Is it possible that grains, starches, and sugar can cause fat gain? Absolutely, but only in the context of excess consumption. When consumed in moderation, there’s typically no issues and can be a part of a fat loss regiment. I know I’m picking on just that one quote, as I’m sure there is more to the story, but it’s statements like those that make me raise my eyebrow. 🙂
However, I’m glad to see that in your approach there’s a bit of flexibility, and I think that’s the idea that gets lost when someone goes to one extreme with a diet philosophy, as I’ve seen with some paleo enthusiasts. Without the flexibility, it’s simply not realistic and sustainable for the majority of people, which is why it turns many away.
Though I might have my disagreements, I always have my ears/eyes open and enjoy learning more. Would like to get your feedback particularly on the quote above and any other insight you might have as far as how sustainable this would be for a business professional whose lifestyle is fast paced and involves restaurant outings.
Thanks Abel, keep up the good work!
Mer P says
So I’m 20 days clean…ha, i mean 20 days into this diet and I wanted to post an update. Aside from not giving up wine (thanks Abel! now I really can’t quit you), I started this with going a little more severe towards paleo the first week and then worked back in dairy (which I ADORE, my homemade organic greek yogurt makes me feel like aphrodite) and because I also love legumes, I plan on bringing them in occasionally after my first 30 days are up to see how my body deals with them. I’m AMAZED that fruit now tastes like the sweetest candy I’ve ever eated, and most cravings have abated 90% of the time.
What I’m still struggling with is 1) my extreme dislike of the flavors of coconut and bacon (I know, what carnivore dislikes bacon?!) and its frequent usage in a primal type of cooking and 2) how to fuel my workouts since I’m working towards running a faster 3-6k and no longer focusing on endurance. I’ll apologize also, as I’m still trying to catch up on podcasts and hoping some of the answers lie there! Overall I’m pretty happy that I’ve headed down this path, it has been an increase in grocery costs for sure, but I feel…fresher and an adrenaline rush each time I take on a recipe that I know will not involve opening a package that has more than 2 ingredients on it!! Thank you.
Abel James says
Hi Richard,
Thanks so much for the update. Dislike for BACON?!? My goodness. Well, things like bacon and coconut oil are easy to swap out for other fats (grassfed butter, macadamia, avocado, olive oil, other animal fats, etc.)
Yes, please listen to the shows. I just posted show number 65 – tons of info that will clear up ever question above. 🙂
Catherine says
Hi! So, in a month, im turning 18. I know for sure im going to be drinking nothing but water, but since youve made a great point about all the GMO’s in our foods, what would you consider to be real food (othere then things in an organic super market)?
Emily Dewey says
The term “real food” generally means anything that doesn’t come in a box, bag, or package! The more ingredients on the labe, the less “real” it is! 🙂
– Emily, FBM Team Coach
Rambo says
Buenos Dias Abelino!
You are a Fountain Of Information!
Your Podcast are an excellent source of good credible information
I have 3 weeks of Sobriety from the chains of industrialized, processed,
Contaminated,multi- ingredient foodstuffs!!!,!!,
Let me first say that after years of chronic acid reflux and heart burn,
And all kinds of meds and snake oils…. I have ZERO HEART BURN!!!!!!!
And i credit that to you and my new lifestyle…. I fired my Doctor !!!! hahahahahha!!
Again Thanks your doing an Awesome job , helping people undestand the conventional wisdom is not wise, amen!
Ella says
Is unrefined sugar also not allowed in your Wild diet?
Emily Dewey says
Generally sweeteners/sugars are kept on the minimal side of things, yes. 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
Mitchell says
I know you personally eat a diet high in good fats but I was wondering what you thought about the fact that DR Loren Cordain says lots of lean meats which are high in protein are best. And then you have people like Colin Campbell says too much animal protein is problematic and linked to degenerative diseases. Have you ever covered that topic and similarly the research of Dean Ornish and Mcdougall?
Emily Dewey says
Awesome question Mitchell. I think Cordain’s stance on lean meats was from his 1st version of his book – and it’s a good rule to go by though if you don’t know where your meat is sourced from. Stay tuned for a show that will dig into Campbell’s research like WOAH… In the mean time, check this out: – Emily, FBM Team
Bobby says
It appears as this is not a diet for a vegetarian. Is this correct? If a vegetarian can do this diet how would they?
Emily Dewey says
It can certainly be adapted for vegetarians. The main tenet of a Wild Diet is just eating real, whole, unprocessed foods. Sounds good for anyone and everyone right?! 😉 – Emily, FBM Team
Janet says
Hi Able,
Just recently found your site, very interesting and will try. Have you heard/read Food over Medicine? Would be interested in hearing your thoughts. No dairy, coconut is Bad???? This all gets sooo confusing.
Emily Dewey says
Haven’t read that one yet, but it certainly looks good! Conventional dairy is a good idea to avoid. If you can tolerate it without any digestive issues, raw organic/grass-fed dairy can be quite delicious 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
Stan Slowcoach says
I’m so confused – don’t eat fat/eat fat. Eat carbs/don’t eat carbs. Don’t eat meat/eat meat. Cholesterol is bad/cholesterol is good/no – there’s good and bad cholesterol. Eat six pieces of friut a day/no fructose makes you fat. Saturated fats are the devil/no they aren’t, polyunsaturates are the devil. Eat breakfast/don’t eat breakfast. Carb-backload/No put yourself in Ketosis. This study/that study. This expert/that expert. Read this new book, follow this new program, diet or food plan, take this pill or supplement and swallow these good bacteria. Exercise more/exerise less. Do cardio till you pass out/no rock hard abs in just 6o seconds a day with doctor sixpack’s ab-blaster VXii. Make a raw egg and liver in a smoothie (yikes! NOooo) and drink it right out of the blender. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then someones says – “just eat real food. We’ve been eating it for 2 million years and we are still here”. Holy smokes it can’t be that simple…. can it?
Emily Dewey says
I know it’s confusing Stan! The most important factor is to adjust according to what works best for your body. The idea of all of these podcast, books etc., are to give you ideas and options to test out and see what your body responds best to. No one else can be the “guru” of your body, don’t forget that! – Emily, FBM Team
Kristina says
Hi, there.
I’m have been addicted to the paleo life for about two months now. I just bought the Fat-Burning Chef and the recipes are just gorgeous (I’m a pro chef). I’ll be trying each and every one of them in the next few weeks. My personal success has been about 20 pounds off me in two months. Thankfully your delicious recipes will keep me on the right track.
Thanks for being here!
Emily Dewey says
Awesome Kristina! Feel free to post some photos of your creations to the Facebook page, we would love to see them! 🙂 – Emily, FBM Team
Andrew says
Hi Abel
I just thought I would let you know that the Anchor brand of butter in the UK is now not from New Zealand, so can no longer be relied on to be from grass fed cows all year round. It looks like we are left with Kerrigold from Ireland to guarantee year round grass fed dairy. Do you know if butter from Normandy is grass fed all year round? Unsalted Normandy butter tastes good, so I think it might be solely from grass fed cows, but you can never be sure.
Keep up the good work.
Patrick says
If I am allergic to butter, what are the best fats to load up on to keep my ratios in fat burning mode and still keep my omegas balanced?
mike says
I am a longtime fan of yours and Mark Sisson’s. I have quit sugar, bread, rice, potatoes, corn, legumes, etc. I enjoy my wild diet foods, don’t get bored, but I can’t avoid wine, scotch and beer. I have put 10 pounds back on frim where I was 2 years ago.
Any suggestions?
Sarah Preston says
Hi Abel,
I don’t know where to post this question. I am interested in eating a loosely based paleo diet. I know there are a lot of benefits to vinegar and balsamic vinegar, but what about flavored balsamic vinegar? For example I have some fig flavored balsamic vinegar and I’m just wondering if this would be considered paleo friendly or what impact it might have. Sorry if you posted about this elsewhere! Love your podcasts, they keep me going during workouts!
Herve says
I’m a great fan of eating wild food. In fact that is what I suggest we would do, as we have evolved on a wild diet until relatively recently.
The Paleo approach is excellent as well, but I think people who think it’s all about steak and bacon have it wrong. The latest hypothesis in paleoantropology is that before we knew how to hunt we started as scavengers, following lion packs and getting their already-hunted leftovers.
In that context, we would have, for a consistent part of our evolution, eaten bone marrow, brain fat and collagen-rich ribs. That might explain why we can’t make essential fatty acids and vitamin C.
New actualistic data on the ecology and energetics of hominin scavenging opportunitie
Rachael T says
How goes it? I learned about you from Lewis Howe’s School of Greatness Podcast. Loved your interview with him and I’m super excited for your new book.
I’ve started being on a Paleo diet nearly 4 years ago and as I’ve improved in my physical training, I’m also looking for ways to improve my fuel consumption. You briefly talked about ketogenic diet & I’m intrigued on how I can leverage that as I’m becoming more and more serious in my oly lifting training.
Thank you so much for writing your book and sharing your story! Looking forward to learning from your work.
Hailee Saenz says
Rachael, I am happy that you found this website, and I am even happier that you found it from Lewis Howe’s School of Greatness podcast. I think that that is a wonderful podcast and it was one of the ways in which I learned about how to honor one’s self and one’s emotions, and even one’s commitments. Personally, I found this the blog, run by a very sophisticated ear pinning surgeon in San Antonio. I didn’t think that the people in the profession of otoplasty would care about the healthy, wild diet, but boy was I wrong. As an individual who has struggled with weight for many years, I am grateful for Abel for three reasons.
1. The Wild Diet helped me lose 22 pounds in 4 months.
2. I sleep better on the wild diet. I used to have insomnia, but now, I can sleep with relative ease.
3. My eyes are brighter. This could be tied in to number two, as with less sleep, the less vibrant I looked. But I now look better, my eyes have the twinkle I’ve always wanted and I feel so much more youthful.
All in all, with the help of Abel James, my appearance has improved dramatically and I would like to thank him and his team (if he has one) for all the work put into this site and show. The content is so rich. I am happy to be here and would not take advice from any other health guru without first consulting the wild diet.
Zachary says
Hey Abel. Just discovered your podcast and after listening to a fee episodes decided to buy your book. So far I’m really liking it. Personally I am looking forward to having energy again and not feeling crappy all the time (I’m not overweight so luckily font have that worry).
I have a question for you; So I have your book, could I get the audio book so I can listen when my eyes aren’t free? If there is some reason this wouldn’t work excuse my ignorance. Can provide proof of purchase too 🙂
Alyson says
Hey Zachary, it’s great to hear you’re enjoying the book. You can get the audio version of The Wild Diet on Audible here:
Lindsay says
Hi Abel! I just bought your audiobook on iTunes and I can’t find the PDF that goes with it! Can you (or anyone reading this) point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Joe Lewis says
Mr. James,
I just bought your ebook and am reading it….it sounds good, to good to be true. I’m on a low-carb diet now, I need to shed 20-30 pounds and am eating only about 10-20 grams of net carbs a day. The diet is going good, I don’t mind it too much but it seems like the Wild Diet incorporates a lot of carbs and this worries me – but it sounds awesome! What do you think about low-carb diets vs your wild diet?
Bridgette says
Listened to your whole book in one day on Audible. Loved it, didn’t want it to end! Great info.
Abel James says
Thanks, Bridgette! Please leave a review on Amazon for it!
Dr. Carrie Diulus says
Great book! Read it today. Always looking for other resources to use with my patients and when I am speaking at our national and international spine society meetings. I use many of these principles with my patients as we are dialing into what work best for them based on their unique clinical picture and physiology. Love that you included your own story of struggles as well. My story is similar and being open about it, I have found, it is a very effective tool to motivate people by reassuring them we understand their struggles. Quality of food is essential! Loved that you included information on exercise (Burpees are a favorite of mine) using HIIT principles and the section on sleep. I also love that you specifically addressed differences between men and women. This is often overlooked, but is a real factor and something that I see in my office every day. Keep up the great work. We should chat.
Margie says
Just bought the book and it is amazing – I have a question about the fast. How long do you fast until you begin eating three times a day? I would like to know if it is for 40 days or one week?
Thank you.
Lisa says
Hi Abel!
I’m a big fan of your podcast and I bought your Wild Diet Audiobook about a month ago. I’m eager to check out the recipes but I didn’t get a PDF or an email with a link to the recipes when I bought your book. Can you please tell me how to proceed? Thank you so much!
Abel James says
Hi Lisa,
To download the PDF, log into audible, go to your library, and navigate to where you see The Wild Diet in your list of books. Directly below “The Wild Diet” link, you’ll see a link “PDF.” You can click that link to open the PDF in a separate tab, or right-click and select “Save Link As…” to save it to your device. Thanks for your support!
Abel James says
Ok, you should be getting an email from my team in just a few minutes! 🙂
Greg Marquez says
Hi Abel,
GREAT book so far, getting ready to start the Wild Diet but I also did not get the PDF on Audible for the recipes. Can you have your Customer Care team also send me an email with it (or the link to it)?
Greg M
Alyson says
Hi Greg, you can download the PDF by logging into Audible, then go to your library and navigate to where you see The Wild Diet in your list of books. Directly below “The Wild Diet” link, you’ll see a link “PDF.” You can click that link to open the PDF in a separate tab, or right-click and select “Save Link As…” to save it to your device.
Tim Hede says
One has to only watch 1 episode of Life Below Zero with Glen eating his moose (fat and all) to realize we need a natural food source. We like to bend the rules when it fits into our own addictions. We have a tendency to look at food based on the insulin curve and not in the context of growth factors. Cordain is the real deal… he looks at the relationships of growth factors and hormones in dairy. Grass fed dairy still has these factors. We need to eat in a fashion that allows our body to regulate our own hormones and feedback loop. I love cream as much as the next guy, but I want my testosterone at peak levels for fat burning to take place. Eat high quality meat, vegetables, and a little fruit in season. The plains Indian before our intro is a great example as how to eat . Loren Cordain is right on target.
Abel James says
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tim. We ate a bit of moose growing up in NH and loved it.
I couldn’t agree more about the high quality meat, veggies, and a bit of in-season fruit. As a dairy lover, I look forward to more research. But I think you’re right that most dairy is over-rated, especially milk and the low-fat, non-fermented varieties.
Dan says
I was just wondering, is there a difference between the Wild Diet and the Mediterranean Diet? No criticism of the Wild Diet – it looks great. I just wanted to know if the Wild Diet is as health as the Mediterranean Diet as I believe that this diet is very healthy but I like how the Wild Diet also focuses on fitness. Your thoughts would be really helpful.
Mike says
Hi Able,
I just read “The Wild Diet” and loved it. I’ve been on a journey for the last couple of years toward many of the principles that you shared,, and I was ecstatic to find them all clearly explained in one book. I also want to thank you for giving me permission to fast during the day. I’ve always felt like I should be doing this, but I haven’t done it because it goes against all of the conventional wisdom that I had been following. However, one thing wasn’t clear to me in the book in regards to fasting. On one hand it appears that you normally eat just 3 times a day ~ your morning fatty coffee, your huge salad for lunch, and your evening feast. But on the other hand you have stated that you will eat leafy greens several times during the day. I’m confused, and I don’t know how many times a day I should be eating.
Abel James says
Hi Mike, thanks for the kind words! On most days, I’m having a big salad, veggies, or a green smoothie mid-day. Sometimes I might have something more substantial like eggs (especially if I’m on a big hike or working out). Then the big feast is in the evening. My best advice – follow your natural hunger. Some days you’ll be hungrier than others, but there’s no need to force breakfast (or any other meal) if you feel like you don’t need it. 🙂
thhq says
After having read your cookbook I have a few comments
-Please do what other Primal/Paleo authors do not do: give credit where credit is due. You’ve created an interesting patchwork of Cordain, Atkins, Taubes, Lustig derived material. You reference a few articles but omit the core authors.
-There is no semblance of a comparison of other healthy diets/lifestyles. Ancel Keys, the Okinawans and Jack LaLanne ate high carb diets and lived long healthy lives. It is very evident to me that while lowering carbs has benefits for weight loss it is not necessarily the best template for living to 100.
-I like your focus on exercise. Most Paleo writers omit this. To me it’s the most important point. If you’re not doing the 1000 calories per day of activity Cordain estimates for ancestral, you’re just pretending to be Paleo. This level of activity is not only good for multiple health factors. It is what allows us to eat much more than moderns do, and to eat anything we can digest like omnivores should. The miracle of metabolism.
thhq says
One last point. Having lost 50 pounds counting calories, and maintaining that loss for the last 8 years by counting calories, it’s LOL funny that you would say it doesn’t work. As with the dismissal of high carb diets as unhealthy, please get off your high horse a little.
Gerry says
I agree with what you say, that carbs are healthy but for example I have fatty liver and doing a low carb is better for me seeing as I avoid starchy carbs (high carbs like sweet potato etc), people like McDougal say that DNL (De novo lipogensis) in humans is nothing to worry about and small, BUT those with fatty livers convert that glucose/carb to fat more easily or more than normal people.
I also have hiatal hernia/GERD and so then again Im at a bind, the low carbers say that carbs ferment in the stomach and press up towards the LES and weaken it and cause acid reflux, the vegan high carb people say no – fat is the real culprit as it slows transit time in the stomach and food stays there longer and chance to reflux increases, when it comes to diabetes some say no no its fat that is the problem the intracellular lipids that interfere with insulin like glue inside a keyhole and the key doesn’t work cause of that glue, so take away that glue (fat) and all is well, the low carbers say no way, to defeat diabetes you must limit carbs as carbs convert to fat, affetc the pancreas etc etc, no the high carbers say – meat is more inflammatory and insulagenic than white rice (Grieger).
I also have gallbladder polyps and haven’t found anybody that cured theirs apart from a lady who says she did via a parasite cleanse and liver flushes, Im on 2 meds now for 20yrs, paxil for 21yrs and prilosec for 20yrs and want to stop taking them, in order to stop prilosec I think I need to stop taking paxil as it relaxes the LES, getting down to 5mg from 20mg has been hell on earth but progressing and reduced slightly the prilosec.
I have thought about diet when it comes to my specific situation and find pros and cons with each diet, for example the oblivious one of upping IGF1 and the studies that suggest increased methionine and amino acids/proteins affect longevity via mTOR and other pathways.
I also have leaky gut and stopped Gluten as Im intolerent or have allergy to it (sneeze my brains out, red eyes, itchy eyes, raspy ache on the roof of my mouth etc) also dairy, so I googled leaky gut and again the same problem weal face we have to camps or schools of thought that say their diet or way IS the best and the other is bad for that particular ailment, for leaky gut you have bone broth, eggs, meat and avoiding grains and many carbs and yet Grieger says that eating meat increases inflamation immediately after eating, also he pointed out that bone broth has LEAD and heavy metals in it, even organic, this is why when I had bone broths my left ear would burn red and only the cartilage area (symptoms of an autoimmune disease called relapsing polychondritis), I found I got the same symptoms with sugar and potato skins and STRESS, you have the GAPs, SCD diets for leaky gut some say that eating a banana when it has black spots is best cause it converts to a simple sugar which is easy to digest in the gut and doesnt need an enzyme that other more longer chain carbs need which would feed bad bacteria in the gut, but hey one banana is 27grams in carb this already blows the carb limit of some low carb diets, cherry concentrate is 27g for an oz and is great for inflammation and highest food source to increase melatonin and yet too high in carbs.
McDougal has linked fat to cancer and many of the alternative cancer treatments are the fat free, vegan type diets that use veggie juicing and limit too much sweet fruits like bananas etc but definitely don’t have meat and fat, its funny when keto guys say we evolved to eat high fat and meat diets, I don’t get it, Ive walked through the woods and in the mountains and even if I was a good hunter I may kill a few animals and obtain my meat/cholesterol/fat but the meta of wild animals is tougher and has less fat than your domesticated cow or pig nowadays and from were would I get my massive doses of fat????? Animal brains are the only sources I can think of, you wouldnt be eating everyday and may go without meat for weeks, in the meantime you’d have to make do with twigs, berries if in season, leafs, some carb you dig up and cultivated veg? No Tescos to buy your Lard, Butter, cocconut oil, olive oil so how they some up with this is the diet we evolved with is beyond me.
What we did evolve with is an ability to go into ketosis, i.e. starvation mode from one kill to the next which can take weeks, and this was my idea in getting rid of my polyps, polyps are growths of cholesterol (Cholesterolosis), by reducing my feeding window and starving all night 18hrs my liver would have depleted glycogen stores at 15hrs and possibly sooner if I did exercise early in the morning in the fasting state, anyway now glycogen stores are depleted autopagy can happen, which means a kind of spring cleaning of cells and tissue that we don’t need and this can hopefully lead to the ‘munching’ of my not needed polyps, i.e. self cannibalism, I did this for a few weeks but found my stomach hurting more, maybe cause the fasting state was too long and without food the stomach ends up eating its own walls (gastritis) also I was a bit worried about bile stasis in the Liver/gallbladder seeing as all that time wihtout any bile stimulation could create a situation were bile production and expusion slows and the gallbladder could super saturate with bile/cholesterol and worsen the polyps situation, so I figured that in the fasting state i can drink Turmeric, dandelion, milk thistle teas as these stimulate bile flow and drink lots of water – this makes bile less thick and keep in a fasting/autophagy state, other ways to get into autophagy are exercise and low protein intake.
So then we come to diet, McDougal has on YouTube one of his patients who cured himself of fatty liver with the high starch diet, and other docs with high fat diet, good fats I understand are needed to release bile from the GB and so stopping fat could increase the chances of bile stasis right? No NO,they say its fat that will get into your liver and carbs are great cause they have fibre and you need fibre to stop the re-circulation of old cholesterol from the gut wall back into the liver/GB, WTF??? Totally confused, does anybody have any ideas for me … to clarify all this, please.
bhilleli says
While I like your site and the general message – the all too common ‘doom and gloom’ about the current state of health is a fallacy. While obesity is a problem, esp in North America — as a species, we’ve never had either the quality or quantity of life that we have now.
Since 1900 and the dawn of the age of modern medicine, lifespans have doubled – this is unprecedented, unheard of, a complete and total anomaly brought on by mankind’s ingenuity (went from ~40 to over 80 years). A 100% percent increase in life expectancy is such a feat that even mother-nature and evolution have NOTHING that touches this achievement (esp at such a short timescale). People often long for the “good old days” but in terms of health, this is a nostalgia for a TIME THAT NEVER WAS. Previous generations buried children as a rite of passage, this is still a reality where modern medicine isn’t accessible — good science decimated infant mortality such that few of us know the anguish of burying multiple children under 5 (or the perpetual pregnancy such a sad reality forces upon women)…
Furthermore, we’ve cured or found effective treatment for more diseases in the past hundred years than all of mankind’s previous combined history. And our understanding of nutrition, health, well-being — also, as never before.
You also mention cancer, but there’s little evidence that cancer incidence is up, but rather, we understand it better, diagnose it earlier and as a result – it’s more survivable and curable today than it has been in millions of years (we’re talking about a group of diseases that predates the evolution of primates! It’s been found in dinosaur fossils!)… The most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukamia was a GAURANTEED DEATH SENTENCE mere decades ago, today it’s CURED in 75-90% of cases; Testicular cancer has a 96% cure rate (and yes, most patients get to keep both balls); even the scourge of breast cancer has seen amazing improvement, with a 100% increase in survival since the 70s (went from 40% to >80%)…
Don’t get me wrong – there’s room for improvement, but when people lambast modern times as “unhealthy”, this evidence based thinker and history buff, has to chime in… Most people today don’t know how good they really have it. We can get splinters, and not lose limbs to gangrene; we have antibiotics to deal w/ strep, staph and many other bacterium; asthma, epilepsy, diabetes are not ‘fatal’ or ‘debilitating’ illnesses; and we don’t bury our children as a ‘fact of life’… These are things that even 3+ generations ago were unheard of.
thhq says
I’ve been looking through the USDA Food Availability data on macronutrients since 1909. Back then we were eating 32% dietary fat. Now we’re eating 43% dietary fat as well as 30% more calories. So it’s not as if we’re not getting enough fat in our diets already. It’s the kind of fat we’re eating. Saturated fat and protein – the backbone of animal-based foods – have barely budged since 1909. Polyunsaturated fats have increased by a factor of three. The modern fat-rich American diet is based mainly on salty, starchy, greasy snacks made with refined starches (grains and potatoes) and PUFA-rich vegetable oils like soy.
Sandralong says
@bhillei. What world are you living in? Maybe you think you understand nutrition but most doctors and nutritionists don’t. Until it is common knowledge that food can heal we are somewhat doomed. Room for improvement? Argh
Ann says
Hi Abel,
I bought the audio version of the wild diet book. You mentioned a way to bet the recipes since I do not have the actual book. How would I get these?
Alyson says
Hi Ann, please send an email to and we’ll fix you up!
Kevin Daniel says
Hi Wild Diet gang,
First a bit about me, I was once 410 pounds then I lost 180, then I gained about 30 back so that is my starting point around 260. I lost it before by cutting carbs but I want to feel better doing it. That is why I am intrigued by the Wild Diet, couple of things though.
I am wondering how cost prohibitive the food shopping is going to be. To be honest the idea of getting grass fed and organic foods seems pricey to me.
Also another honest moment here. I hate reading, I don’t want to have to read a book about dieting and it seems like all the best diets are in some sort of book form. I love the cheat sheet in PDF format but once purchased is it acceptable to just skim the book for highlights. Or any parts I really need to dig in on?
Abel James says
Hey Kevin, thanks for sharing your background! if you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get a free Wild Diet Cheat Sheet where I give you everything you need to get started in a 2 page pdf. Take a look and decide if you think it’s worth a shot (I hope you think so)! Cheers 🙂
JCool says
I am just hearing about this eating plan after several years of eating a gluten free diet. I have some questions about the meat sources though. We live in a VERY rural area and have one grocery store within an hours drive with the next nearest store being almost THREE hours away. Their selection of grass fed meat isn’t great. In fact is rarely has any! What experiences have you seen/heard of for people who follow this plan but with regular store bought meats? Thanks in advance!
Abel James says
If you’re having a hard time finding grass-fed meats, you can order grass-fed online. But if that’s not an option, you can choose lean meats – you’ll want to stay away from the fat of factory farmed animals. Here’s a post you might find helpful:
Laurie says
Your form for the free gift will not accept my email address, saying that I need to enter a real one? Can you help me out?
Abel James says
Are you on mobile or desktop? Please email customercare @ and let us know how we can help!
Tess says
Hello, I have been reading about your eating plan and am very excited to try it , I have gained a lot of weight since my total hysterectomy 5 years ago, I am 52 and 207 lbs 5’4, is there any special consideration for women with menopausal symptoms? My cholesterol has been creeping up and I don’t recognize myself anymore. It is time for a change TODAY. Any words of encouragement would be great!! I will submit my before and after pics once I reach my goal. Thank you for all you do to help others!
Garrett fussell says
I have slowly been gaining weight over the past couple of years. Gaining over 60 pounds total in just two years. For months now I have been trying everything I can to lose weight. I ran and worked out and ate way less and ate low fat and diet drinks. The weight just kept coming on, I was so frustrated. Then I saw The Wild Diet on ABC and it sounded to good to be true. I bought Abels book, did more research on my own as well and decided to start living and eating like I was born to do. Fatty Coffee, grass fed butter and steaks, fermented foods and bone marrow and even chocolate! In the first week I lost 10 pounds and felt amazing. I am currently in my second week and have lost 16 total now and have never had more energy. The Wild Diet changed my life already, and I’m never going back. Thanks Abels.
Michelle says
Hi Abel,
I just got through reading your book and I have just a few clarifications. My husband is thinking about fasting most days and then feasting at night. Is it okay to do that most of the time, or should he just do it a few days a week? For me, I have just bought protein and a green boost supplement. The protein shake has 5 total carbs (4 sugar) and the greens has 8g of carbs (1g sugar). I mix it with about 2ounces of cashew milk and the rest water and a handful of strawberries. Is that too much sugar or too many carbs? I am just trying to lean down. I lost 50 pounds two years ago and I would really like to uncover the abs I have built with all Shaun T’s plans. (LOL) We are now doing Hammer and Chisel, so the workouts are really geared toward weights and full body movements like you mentioned in your book.
Look forward to hearing from you! Love the progress your client is making on the show!
Abel James says
Hi Michelle, great questions. I fast through the mornings most days – that can work fairly well for men (not always for women). It’s all about listening to your body.
That’s definitely quite a few carbs, but if you have them after an intense workout, it could help your body recover by refilling glycogen stores. If you’re trying to lean down and it’s not working, I’d go for a less sugary version of the shake. Cheers!
Allison White says
Hi Abel! I am a personal trainer in Ca and I recently heard about your program from my diet is better than yours and it’s actually something I’d love to recommend to my clients because I think it’s so accessible to everyone! I have been a vegetarian for over a year and I’m going to adopt your plan into my life (I am going to add fish to my diet) but do you think The Wild diet can be accomplished with fish and no other meat? Thank you!
Jennifer Jabbour says
Hi Abel, I stumbled on you and the Wild Diet about 6 months ago, after following a paleo/keto hybrid style diet and having great results. I purchased your 30 Day Fat Loss System and love all of the great information. I’m trying to decide if I need to buy your Wild Diet Book, or if it will really give me much more information than I am already receiving in the 30DFLS. I’m excited because my husband has seen my great results and is now experimenting with the diet as well. We have been watching “My Diet Is Better Than Yours” and it’s awesome to see the results Kurt has had! It just helps to confirm that I’ve finally found my diet that will stick with me for life. I am slowly easing my whole family onto this diet.
David says
Hi Abel question….so you are saying no bread at all. I guess I’m stumped because your guy had pie on the show isn’t that made with refined flour? So I don’t understand I guess. Can u have some bread but very low amounts? I need some breads in my diet. I’m a chef so it’s very hard for me because I have to taste everything. What do I do
Cindy says
I hate to break it to everyone but this method really is not new. It’s basically the Atkins diet with more emphasis on quality meats and vegetables. Many people thought the Atkins diet was an excuse to eat as much meat and cheese as you want but if you read his book and followed it faithfully, it would be about he same as this Wild Diet. This process of burning fat by eating fat is also known as kertosis. This diet works better for men than it does for women. For women it will work amazingly well for a very short period of time then stop working. Atkins suggested one way to get past this was to follow his “fat fast.” It sounds crazy because you limit your carbohydrates even more, even severely restricting the number of carbs you eat from vegetables to literally nothing. It was only recommended for people who have a really hard time loosing weight. I tried it once, it really worked.
Cindy says
Let me just correct myself. This diet sounds an awful lot like the Atkins diet when the Atkins diet is followed correctly.
Dennis says
Abel, first of all thank you for going on my diet is better than yours, it’s so inspiring to watch others get where I want to be. Second, I’ve read your book and I was hoping to ask a few questions. I am trying to get results from the wild diet by avoiding all kinds of breads dailey, one thing you need to know is I absolutely love bread I eat it literally all year time and I’m sure that’s why no calorie counting diets have worked for me. Are there any kind of natural foods that can take the place of my bread intake? Also I think I focus too much on the meat and fruits and leave out too many veggies. How can I consume more without it feeling like I’m eating a salad every single day. Any help is appreciated. I’m found 15 pounds and I’ve got 70 to go!
Angela Thoensen says
I started the wild diet almost 3 weeks ago-
But I also do the fasting- not eating until 12-1 or 2pm. The first week I lost 5lb – I weigh 147 now- but tomorrow will be the end of the 3rd week and I still have not lost any weight- should I eat more?
Zohal K. says
OMG this diet is awesome. And you guys totally should have won the “My Diet is Better Than Yours” show. You lost the most pounds & your plan is awesome. And Jasmine was eating like a rabbit mostly, so I don’t think she should have won.
Jenni says
I had my second child 4 months ago and I just stepped on the scale to discover I was almost 300 pounds! The sad truth of my sugar addiction and sedentary life style really hit home and I am motivated to make a change. I am trying to convince my husband to go on this journey with me and hopefully I can break his Taco Bell habit and gain a support system because the hardest part of a diet is doing it alone with temptations all around. Can’t wait to send in a before and after picture!
Kelly says
Is this a good plan for women
Janet says
Is this diet plan okay for someone who is at their correct weight but wants to add more fat to their diet? I currently eat lots of fruit and veggies low fat, low carb/high fiber breads? I lost lots of weight years ago doing Atkins and switched to Weight Watchers style of eating. I do miss the fat.
Abel James says
Yes, add in the fat and see how you do without the breads, I’d say!
Jennifer says
I watched the show and it’s amazing how much weight he lost!!! I will be trying the wild diet myself I can’t wait.
Abel James says
Paul Kelsey says
I’ve been doing a Ketogenic diet since Aug, so I rooted for The Wild Diet on the show since it is similar. Great job, Kurt and Abel.
Chris says
Hi, I watched the show and now have bought and read “The Wild Diet”, however I am a bit confused. You show the plate of what you should be eating, but that isn’t for every meal. As I understand it you eat fruit 1 or possibly 2 times a day and really no starchy carbs. I am trying to lose 19 pounds that I have gained (gained why eating right and exercising a lot) in the last year. Can you eat in between meals? I started today and had a egg (plus whites) omelet with a sausage link, peppers and onions and half a grapefruit. But by 10:00 a.m. I was hungry. Can you eat in between meals and have this plan work? If so, what do you recommend eating in between meals? Also, I will eat dinner and then two hours later go to a boot camp exercise class, do you typically tell clients to eat after exercising even if they have been eating throughout the day?
Any help would be appreciated.
Jess says
Hi Abel,
I really enjoyed the show and I learned a LOT! I want to utilize the concepts in the wild diet but I couldn’t help but cringe with the butter coffee! I know I don’t HAVE to have it, but it puts a visual on the amount of fat that one eats on the diet (albeit, good fat!).
Do you find varied success with men and women? I’m on a bit of a red-meat restrictive diet due to a condition that I have. My doctor wants me to only eat hormone-free red meat only once or twice a month at most. Is this still do-able or would you recommend I look elsewhere?
colene says
Abel I have been looking every where to find out what you put in the survival car pack that you made on the ABC show “My diet is better than Yours” but I can’t find it ANYWHERE on any site. Can you please send me an email and tell me whats in it. I bought your package and still can’t find it.
Massimo says
How much wine / spirit would be exeptable in a day or week with the wild diet or is it completely resricted?
Abel James says
1-2 drinks on a Friday or Saturday is a good guideline we tend to follow ourselves. 🙂
Travis says
Since I am allergic to beef and all beef products like butter, does the diet work with vegan butter and cheese Steak?
Travis says
Vegan butter and cheeses.
Abel James says
Oh boy…
Abel James says
How about using coconut oil? Avocado oil is another great option for a naturally vegan fat.
Heather says
I recorded the show ‘My Diet is Better than yours’. Today I watched the whole series. Wow, I loved it. I was hesitate to watch it because I’ve been a yo yo dieter for most my life. I believe the years of unsuccessful dieting has made me fat and depressed. I’m currently 40lbs overweight, this is my heaviest. Your plan is going to work for me because of the solid nature of it. I’ve known for years that I shouldn’t be eating processed foods but they’re in my face constantly with TV commercials and 80 percent of the grocery stores. But I’m done with them now. I’m happy to have a new attitude about this 10,000th round of dieting. Thank you for the renewed spirit you’ve given me. I’m sure glad I watched that TV program and found something to help me.
Abel James says
Thanks for watching, Heather!
Mimi says
Abel, I tried cutting carbs before and found that it greatly affected my mood. Then I read on the internet that women over 40 need a certain amount of carbs or the hormones can get out of whack. Can you recommend a way to do this without my mood going south?
Lotus says
Aloha, I love everything I am reading but wondering how this works with individuals with autoimmune disease and endocrine issues. I am following an autoimmune protocal which allows no grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, sugar,nightshades. I eat about 65 to 75 percent veggies, 20 percent protein, some fruit and 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. I exercise a minimum of 14 hours a week. I have lost five pounds in a month. I would love some tips.
Ananka says
I have an autoimmune disease and have followed a low carb diet for about 18 months and lost 120 of my 400 lbs. I just
found that my body did better not eating gluten, any starches or sugar and junk foods. I never counted calories. I feel now I am ready to step it up a notch and will try this diet to lose another 120 lbs. What I love about this diet it is not as restrictive as some keto and paleo diets that limit your vegetables making foods like cauliflower, brussels sprouts and peppers, etc. evil ready to stop your weight loss. Never happened to me. And by the way I am severely disabled but still lost the weight just doing some strength training 4 days a week. Here is a funny thing I noticed about going higher fat. We were all so programmed to think low fat and high carb for so long that there is a fear of fat even if we intellectually understand it. i am ready to throw that fear out the window.
Jamie says
Is it possible to be a gluten free, vegetarian or vegan on this diet? I have celiacs disease and I have been a vegetarian for over ten years. I don’t want to eat meat again, but I am very interested in the principals of your diet. Is it possible to apply them to my dietary restrictions?
Lesile says
I saw this diet on TV and am curious… Is it a ketogenic diet?
Abel James says
Good question. It’s not necessarily ketogenic, but cycles carbs and often straddles ketosis. It’s a diet that encourages fat-adaptation but you don’t need to count carbs.
Casey says
Abel, me and the wife recently watched my diet is better than your diet. That got us motivated to get health, and to get in shape. Which has made us happier. Your book is great and the recipe’s are quick and easy to follow, and taste awesome, I love the pork sliders. My one month weigh in was this morning and I’m 26 pounds down and counting. I honestly feel like we have made a lifestyle change and intend to to stay on this track. Thank you. May God bless you.
Abel James says
Fantastic, Casey! I’m so glad you’re making such great progress with The Wild Diet. Woohoo! 🙂
Janet says
My first week on the Wild Diet and I actually put on 2 lbs. Now I have been low carbing for 2 years and am sugar and gluten free in my diet. I eat lots of veggies mostly greens and a little fruit. In those two years I lost over 100 lbs. but still have a long way to go. I am doing the fatty coffee in the morning and doing intermittent fasting, only eat in a 7-8 hour time period. Maybe my body is adjusting. It is a little scary.
Heather Lynn says
Hi Abel! I enjoyed watching the show and reading through your website. I want to try the beef bone broth pre-made. Tried to make it and just couldn’t put in the man hours, but want the health benefits and assistance with weight loss. Is there a company or brand you can recommend?
John says
Hey Abel,
Heard your podcast on Bulletproof and had to checkout the “My Diet is Better than Yours” show. Very Interesting! I’m a podcast “addict”, but that may have saved my life. I heard Vinnie Tortorich Interviewed on the “Weird Medicine” podcast ( your podcast also at a later date ) and what he said about the NSNG lifestyle made a lot of sense. I started back in April of last year after my bloodwork came back with an A1C of 9.0, triglycerides over 300 and glucose at one time coming up at 474 ( not a typo). I had been on the typical diabetes medicines , refusing statins because of previous research. Within 2 weeks of starting to eat properly my numbers dropped drastically to where I don’t think my doctor believed it, in three months he believed it enough to take me off of EVERY prescription I was on. From day one I’ve done the Kerrygold and coconut oil in my coffee, at 52 years old I’ve lost over 40 lbs, my A1C is 5.6 ( 6 months ago, probably better now ) and I feel great. Vinnie Tortorich, Dr. David Perlmutter ( heard him on your podcast also ) and now you, are my inspiration and have probably saved my life. Thanks for putting out the TRUTH ! Something that’s in short supply nowadays.
Vada says
could you please cancel the order for the shopping guide for 9.00 I can’t get it thank you
Alyson says
Hi Vada, please send an email to and we’ll get you fixed up.
Casey says
Abel, hey man just checking back in on my 2 month weigh-in and at 8 weeks I’m at a total loss of 41 pounds. I still have 20 more to go but it’s going great. I’ll continue to keep you informed on my progress. Thanks.
Matthew Panos says
I’ve been following you since the beginning of your site, or pretty close. I love your approach to dieting as a lifestyle. I made the jump from Paleo to the Wild Diet. I love it!! Two questions though. Will the Wild Diet help help keep my depression at bay? Also, I’m doing a 60 day weight loss challenge at my gym. I started your 30 fat loss system. Any other tips or tricks you can offer? Thanks in advance,
Kayla says
If something doesn’t change in my health soon, I am going to die. I would leave my 6 year old son behind. I’m gonna do the wild diet and make a change. I pray this helps me like it has helped all the others. Thank you for sharing all this info with everyone.
Paul G says
You can do it, Kayla!
Matt and Danelle says
I just ordered your book, and I am so excited to try new ideas and ways to feed my family. I do have a few concerns/questions though. Like how can you feed a family of 9 on the wild diet without going broke? What if I can’t find grass fed meats that I can afford? I’m just so lost with this and all I want to find a way to be healthy and get off all the medications that my husband and I are on. Also I want to find a healthier way for my kids. I have one son that has some major health issues and two teenager daughters that feel they are fat even though they are skinny. Please can you help me out with this.
Paul G says
Hi buddy,
I’m currently on a low-carb diet (no bread, rice, noodles, potatoes), but I do still have a scoop of oatmeal as part of my breakfast. I noticed you suggest cutting out grains completely, but I can’t see the harm in just the oats in the morning. My breakfast is usually mixed roasted nuts, a few cranberries, ground flax seeds, plus the oats. It usually satifies me until past lunchtime.
ANy thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you
Brooke says
I read The Wild Diet book over the weekend and started on Sunday. Only 4 days in and already feeling great! The best part is that my husband eats every thing I cook as well and hasn’t had any complaints so far. Basically he’s on the Wild Diet also without even signing up for it 🙂
Melissa Crump says
Hello Abel,
I’m in desperate need of help! I’m 25, 287 lbs, and 5’4″ with some ailments that have held me back from living for the last 5 yrs (fibromyalgia, chronic pain/inflammation, kyphosis, Schmorl’s nodes, NAFLD, and some others). I use to be really active before all these ailments started slowly progressing my activity regressed right with it. “The Wild Diet” is something that seems tangible, but seems to good to be true. It sucks to know that something that easy works, but is so expensive to do. When my family and I live on foodstamps, My mom’s on ssi, and my ailments have held me back from staying at a job. I wish I would’ve known about ABC’s tv show “My Diet is Better Than Yours” was around when they first started because it could have benefited me I think.
Kelsey B. says
Hey Melissa Crump!
Just wanted to let you know that my family is beginning to follow the Wild Diet and we, too, are on food stamps with a tight budget. We bought the book and it has lots of yummy recipes. What we do to save money on the Wild Diet;
1. Only buy the food we need to reduce waste of food and money (menu planning, grocery list, utilize leftovers, etc.)
2. Eat the cheaper foods (chicken vs beef, or at least expensive cuts of beef and buy only the dirty dozen as organic unless there is a sale)
3. Shop sales and best prices (Aldi has organic foods including dry goods, canned items, produce, and even Grass Fed ground beef!)
4. Use coupons and coupon/money saving apps on my iPhone to get $ back
LLND says
Hello Everyone,
I started the Wild Diet for almost 2 weeks, unfortunately today I ate an all huge breakfast, however all the foods were organic and grass fed (omelet, turkey bacon and bacon, paleo pancakes with coffe and butter) foods…I feel guilty bc I indulged so heavily and the little voice in my mind was saying “this can’t possibly all healthy?” How about my cholesterol, etc.? I then just fell off the band wagon and had a few of dark chocolate acai berries…so good but felt so bad. Anyhow I got back on track and I am going to get back on the horse. I have felt great being on this new journey! I do fast and feast; and I am still stunned that I can lose weight. I don’t know how much I have lost bc I don’t weight myself but I feel and look better. Thank you Abel and all you have to assist us in this way of life food journey!
Tiffany says
Dear Abel,
I am curious–how is The Wild Diet different from Atkins? It is no supersize that a keto-diet will promote very quick weight loss, but what about the long term cardiovascular effects of having a cholesterol-dense diet?
Thank you,
Casey says
This is Casey once again. I have been on this journey for 18 weeks and have finally reached my goal wait. I have lost a total of 65 pounds I’m not sure on how many inches. In New journey of toning up begins. Thank you for your help and easy to follow instructions and tasty meals. In the last month or so I took the cooking into my own hands kinda like you just pasted the torch on to me anyway thanks again. By the way the wife is still coming great. Just in case you was wondering my starting weight was 265pounds my weight to say is 198 pounds. I’m 6″2 tall and I’m in the best health of my life thank you.
Abel James says
Congratulations Casey – you’ve made tremendous progress! Thanks for believing in the process. 🙂
The Petey says
I am in the habit of “gym eating”, every 3 hours. Is this a bad idea on the wild diet? Breakfast is 4 eggs, lunches are chicken salad, dinner is salmon and fermented veggies, dinner is protein and tons of veggies. All meals have about 6 oz protein.
Abel James says
Hi Pete, meal timing is a personal choice and eating often can work for some. For me, I much prefer eating fewer meals and practicing intermittent fasting most days – it provides more freedom from cooking, cleaning, and constantly eating. Experiment, listen to your body, and enjoy the process!
Grammy G says
I just ordered the book on Amazon before finding this great deal. Wish I cold cancel, but it has already shipped. I am 56 grandmother of 12. I donated a kidney in 2006 and since then, I have slowly gained weight (40 lbs) and despite trying all the diets, can’t seem to lose. I have been grain free, gluten free, sugar free, etc. For 5 years and can’t lose weight. My numbers are all over the place, my stomach is a mess and I am very frustrated. I am diligent about eating fresh foods and do not even have packaged foods in our home. I wasn’t digesting my food and started in Betaine and Ox Bile which raised my b12, and I feel better after eating, but I am still having stomach issues. I know all of my numbers are contingent upon stomach health, but I can’t seem to find a balance that works nor lose weight. I am not diabetic, I do not have celiac’s or other issues, just a fussy stomach and bowel. I sure hope this helps and can break this cycle. I am desperate as I don’t feel like my old self. My recipient is doing amazing at 63 and is very healthy by the way. Praise God!!! Thank you for the hope of sharing the successes of others.
Tim Hopper says
Abel you see this report on cooked rice with coconut oil? Love The Wild Diet!
Abel James says
I did – pretty cool, eh? Glad you like the Wild Diet Tim!
Karla says
Doctors killed my thyroid last October and now I am on meds for rest of life and slowly gaining weight, so afraid I will get fat again, will this diet work for someone dealing with hypothyroidism from having no thyroid?
Thank you.
Monika says
I’m just starting on the wild diet…reading your book while slowly implementing fasting and feasting and eating rules….any advice for the newbie?
Phyllis says
Can I still do the Wild Diet without eating beef. But I do eat chicken and fish and once in a while a little pork . What do I do.
Maria says
Hi Abel, Love your podcast. Curious: does the Wild Diet recommend a high-fat diet (50-80% fat) or a moderate-fat, moderate protein diet? Does it depend on the person? How can you tell? What is the daily recommended value for protein per day? I have seen lots of different answers to this even in the low-carb community. I am a woman looking to lose weight and get stronger. Thank you!
Maurycy says
Hello, I’m just going to test keto diet…. any advices for the begginers?
Kenneth says
Long time fan (or so, ever since seeing you on the “my diet….”show) first time writer. I have a question…while my wife and I are researching this plan for weight loss, my son is training for an entrance test to be accepted as a Navy SEAL candidate. He is using a program from a former SEAL, Stew Smith, which suggests carb loading and lots of pastas. He is working out like a fiend hours at a time. Lots of running and swimming, with muscle work in there as well. My question is will this/ can this work for him? He is very lean and could stand to gain some muscle/body weight but is what I would consider hitting the realm of a real, high performance athlete. He is constantly hungry and we may have helped that with some supplementation but I’m wondering if your type of plan would be good for someone going into an environment such as SEALS?
Thanks very much
Mike says
Bought the audio book, how do I get the pdf?
Alyson says
Log into audible from a browser, go to your library, and navigate to where you see The Wild Diet in your list of books. Directly below “The Wild Diet” link, you’ll see a link “PDF.” You can click that link to open the PDF in a separate tab, or right-click and select “Save Link As…” to save it to your device.
Let us know what you think of the audio book!
Dave says
I just purchased the WIld Diet and am excited about it. I had already been started on a ketogenic type diet for 3-4 weeks so I’ve been able to easily transition into fatty coffee in the morning, followed by a big salad with some type of protein (tuna, eggs, etc.) around 12-1, then good snacking until the dinner feast. A few questions I had:
1) is there a limit on fatty coffees in the morning? Should I just do one fatty coffee and then just black coffee if I want another 1-2 mugs?
2) I typically do my exercise (rowing, running, spinning, body weight exercises) early morning around 6-7. How does that impact fasting v. eating carbs after the workout which in the book is focused in the afternoon since Abel typically exercises in the afternoon?
3) the book talks a lot about being able to drink wine and eat dessert after a feast, but is that every night, or just after the big free meal once per week? In other words, is it ok to have a glass of red wine most nights and a choconut cookie/dark chocolate/berries with whipped cream or only on the free night?
Reg says
Abel, A few years back there was the Atkins Diet, in which you left out carbs completely, and that was succesful for many. I think from memory it set up a process called catosis and some really sufferd from it, in some cases it lead to Kidnety failure. I have only one Kidney from birth and was recommended away from the Atkins diet, because of this. Is the wild diet the same principle or do you reckon I’ll be okay? It allooks a great idea.
Winston Sealey says
I am convinced, Sold even. I just purchased the audiobook version of the “wild diet”. Love listening to the podcast, all my questions are answered but after reading up on which version would be my best purchase. I purchased the audiobook and didn’t get the PDF add-on or the cookbook. How can I get the PDF?
Alyson says
Hi Winston, to download the PDF that comes along with your purchase of the audiobook, log into audible, go to your library, and navigate to where you see The Wild Diet in your list of books. Directly below “The Wild Diet” link, you’ll see a link “PDF.” You can click that link to open the PDF in a separate tab, or right-click and select “Save Link As…” to save it to your device.
Let us know what you think of the book! Cheers!
Winston Sealey says
the book was awesome. it is changing my life from just listening in my car. I have begun to deny food that I’ve eaten for over 25 yrs. I can’t believe it. I didn’t purchase the audiobook through audible, I purchased it through my ibooks (apple) app. I tried looking for the PDF as described but again I couldn’t find it. It would’ve dropped in my PDF folder at the time of purchase. but it didn’t. I actually would like to know if I can get the shopping list and meal plan.that’s all I’m looking for also I downloaded the caveman’s feast app, which is very informational.
Laura Edmark says
Hello – I am a vegetarian but still following the Wild Diet now for two weeks, using eggs from pasture raised chickens and raw milk from pasture raised Jersey cows. I know the eating plan says to stay away from processed grains and beans but would it be acceptable if I made home made bread from organic unprocessed flour and the rest of the ingredients organic as well? How about a small dose of organic black beans?. I don’t want to fall into a rut where I have to eat the same things over and over. I’m going to find ways to make it work but making cauliflower bread is more work than baking fresh bread!!
Dave says
Hi Abel, I’m just looking for a little feedback. I ordered the book 8 weeks ago and have been following it ever since. I feel amazing. I’m 37, down to a lean 150 pounds, seeing more definition in my abs, etc. I just want to make sure I’m doing things right and am hoping you can confirm for me. I work out 3-4 days per week, either a indoor rowing class or a tabata work out at home. This morning, for example, I sprinted .25 miles, did 7 sets of 20 seconds on and 10 off of squats, then another .25 sprint, same 7 sets for pushups, another .25, same 7 sets of situps, and another .25. I typically have a fatty coffee in the morning, a green smoothie around 1 with two hard boiled eggs, and then more protein and fat in the afternoon (celery with almond butter, almonds, cottage cheese, leftovers like a small piece chicken parm today for example). At night we feast, chicken parm, steaks, burgers, chicken, fish and a big salad. I’ll have a glass of red wine most nights, and then a piece or two (or three) of dark chocolate or a choconut cookie. How does this sound to you? Should I be adding more carbs, perhaps at night, to avoid muscle loss, or will I maintain and even gain muscle with what I’m doing? Any info is greatly appreciated, I am really feeling amazing and thank you so much for that!
michael mcisaac says
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Alyson says
Sure! Thanks for sharing!
Lubor says
Hello Abel,
I’m a big fan of the wild diet and having great results with it. But I have a question regarding the amount of meat / protein I shall consume on a daily basis. my current measurement are height of 174 cm, weightabkut 60kg, Bf around 10%. Based on my calculations I shall have around 120g of protein a day equaling around 600 grams of meat a day ( I eat lean meats). Is that correct or should I eat more / less? Also is there a minimum amount of cories I should not go below? I’ve read somewhere 1200 Cal’s a day is a minimum. Just to add my BMR is around 1500 Cal’s a day and I do sprinting sessions on a daily basis for 35 minutes running 100 yard each. Thanks for feedback. Lubor
Michal says
Hello Abel,
Could you advise what you think about nutraritatian approach of Dr Joel Fuhrman who says that longevity decreases as the consumption of meat increases please? Also, Dr Fuhrman said that the nutraritarian – based diets have been tested for 20+ years so they can show real long term impact on human health. Is there any research showing positive long-term effects of the Wild Diet? Thank you very much.
Heidi says
I am a very healthy eater and have been following Paleo (Plus – Dr. Amy Myers – Autoimmune Solution) for 8 months. I am 54 and struggling with not only onset of a couple of autoimmune diseases, I am dealing with Menopause and all of it’s horrible roller coaster rides.
For awhile I leaned down and lost belly fat but in the past three months the belly fat is back and the terrible deep hunger pangs I get in the mornings are almost painful and won’t go away with Bulletproof Coffee or even a healthy breakfast.
The reason I am writing is because I am starting the Wild Diet tomorrow and going to stick to a detailed regime for at least 8 weeks. No wine or alcohol, no sweetener in my coffee and for four weeks I am going to skip coffee and drink Macha Tea.
How do I follow the Wild Diet but not compromise my Autoimmune protocol which also has me avoiding Dairy and Night-Shade vegetables.
I want to lose this belly fat that is caused by Menopause. Prior to it hitting me 12 months ago I was a very lean and toned person. Now, no matter what, I can’t get rid of the belly fat. I am hoping that this Wild Diet Program and cutting out alcohol will do the trick and take away the horrible hunger pangs.
Is there anything specific you recommend for women in menopause. It’s a big deal that the body creates the belly fat almost overnight with nothing we have control over. Very frustrating.
Thank you.
Maroun Hannoush says
I enjoy listening to your podcast and have been living the wild diet for the last 12 months. While I love the results from this lifestyle, I was shocked to hear about Bob Harper’s heart attack who is active and live the Paleo lifestyle.
What are your thoughts on this?
Steven says
I have listened to a number of podcasts and believe this is the way to go. However, do you have support for a person like me. I am 50, 5’10” and in the neighborhood of 375 lbs. I travel nearly every week for my job. Many flights, rental cars and hotels. I need something and a plan that is somewhat easy to follow while away from home. Finding restaurants with the right vegetables is a challenge. I’m tired of the yoyo. I’ve fought weight my whole life even though I was active in sports, served in the military and did a physical job for my first 10 years of working life. I hate looking and feeling the way I do.
Greg says
Please get dr zach bush of Virginia on your podcast. He has fascinating info on the gut and redox signaling.
Tracey says
Can you tell us the key difference between “The Wild Diet” and “Primal Blueprint”? I have been reading nonstop on your approach, Mark Sisson’s approach and even Dr. William Davis’ approach with “Wheat Belly”. They all seem to be very similar with very slight differences. All wonderful approaches in my view.
What I have gathered from all is no grains, no sugar, no highly processed anything….fresh produce, fresh fruits (in moderation) and quality meats.
I personally opt for all organic and 100% grass-fed, grass finished and pasture raised meats. Have I missed anything?
Becci says
If I’ve ordered the book is there any need to buy the 30 Day Plan?
Pamela Maestre Slaski says
My husband and I started The Wild Diet 2 weeks ago and we’re going strong…love the recipes, everything is so tasteful. I am not losing weight but my husband is (5lbs so far). I am thrilled that he is losing the weight as he is the main reason why we started the diet which by the way was recommended by his cardiologist.
Charles Richardson says
I was a fat kid until the summer I turned 16. That was 1967. I read a book back then called something like “Eat Fat to Get Thin” that my mother had on her shelf. I went on basically a meat and whole milk diet, cutting out all carbs and sugar. I went from 215 lbs. to 185 lbs. over the summer. That 30 lbs. doesn’t sound like a lot, but it changed everything for me. I even started getting dates with actual girls! Since then I’ve tried a lot of other ways of eating, including a period of insanity as a macrobiotic vegan, but always come back to low carb eating as the best long-term approach. It doesn’t work for everyone, but for many it’s the only sustainable way. I’m going to try the Wild Diet now, as I’ve gone off the wagon a bit, and have 20 lbs. I’d like to lose which at 66 years old ain’t easy. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Sophia M says
I recently purchased an audio version of your book and finding it to be extremely helpful on my weight loss journey. I noticed there was mention of the PDF of recipes, but was not sure how to get a copy.
Would you be able to assist?
Francois says
What I find very confusing here is that everything here is extremely US-centric, as if people in all countries eat the same way. In most European countries, people live off white bread, loads of milk products, vegetables, wine, and oil and are perfectly slim and healthy. The countries with the highest consumption of white bread and milk products (France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain) are also in the top 10 in terms of life expectancy and have the lowest amount of overweight people. If you take the argument about “starch” of the “Wild Diet” seriously, these people should all be sickly and fat, yet the opposite is true in the data. How do you explain that?
Sonja says
I’m an italian gilr living in France. Yes, people eat a lot of white bread here, but they eat 2-3 times per day and they are not afraid of healthy fats. The portions of meals are much smaller and they don’t drink sodas, but water. Deserts are less suite than in the US.
I hope I could answer your question.
jj789 says
The upside to a diet like this is adding plants. The downside is adding hormone manipulating animal protein and fats. If you look at the overwhelming stats on cure for hypothyroidism, you will find plant diets exclusively. The hypo problem is exclusive in western cultures. Because of sugary and animal foods. Drastically cut back on animal foods. And throw in 80% of the calories from plant based. Protein and fat shouldnt make up more than 20% total. A meaty diet will do NOTHING at all for people suffering from hypothyroidism.
KJ says
Have a question? I am really excited about the wild plan. However, if you don’t have a gallbladder, can you still safely get on this plan with the fats? Thank you for your time and for all you do for good health.
melissa says
I have been on the wild diet for a while now. My husband and I love it. I was wondering if you have any crock pot meals that could help a busy mom.
Mansal Denton says
Completely separate twist on the Wild Diet, but have you ever considered hunting your own meat before? The effects that come from wild game seem to be a combination of both biological and scientifically relevant, but also esoteric and conceptual.
For example, there is good evidence a wild animal has better body composition even than a grass-fed, captive animal. No matter how humane, it’s not wild and that has both benefits and downsides. Further, I find the gratitude and appreciation that comes from consuming meat I’ve killed is by far one of the most satisfactory things I’ve experienced.
Adrian Brown says
The Wild Diet seems to be wild indeed, because 80% of fat loss comes from diet and not exercise !!!. I did not know that, but I don’t think you are saying I can sit down and eat the best quality food with just a little exercise (20%).
I believe that if you put in 50% exercise in the fat burning program, you can achieve even better results. I think you are well “Abel” to comment on this position Mr James.
Shannon says
Can you do the Wild Diet without eating dairy products?
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FitGAG says
Hi there, I just read your article about the Wild Diet and it sounds like an interesting approach to weight loss and healthy living. I appreciate the focus on whole, natural foods and the emphasis on sustainable lifestyle changes.
I’m curious, have you tried the Wild Diet yourself? If so, what were your personal results and how did it impact your overall health and wellbeing?
Also, I’m interested in learning more about the concept of “cheat days” in the Wild Diet. How does this fit into the overall approach and philosophy of the diet, and how often would you recommend incorporating them into a healthy eating plan?
Thank you for sharing this informative article about the Wild Diet. It’s refreshing to see a focus on whole, natural foods and sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes and fad diets.
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AMW says
Abel’s quotes are simply brilliant 🤩:
“Big Food is expected to police itself, which it does just about as well as Wall Street.” – Abel James
“Keep in mind, the only reason zero-calorie artificial sweeteners don’t count as calories or carbs is because they’re not technically food – they’re chemicals.” – Abel James
“Your body is a biochemical marvel. You can literally turn Twinkies into fingernails.” – Abel James
“Ignorance isn’t bliss when nutrition is concerned.” – Abel James
“For decades, ‘sugar-free’ has translated to ‘known carcinogens that kind of resemble sugar,’ ‘fat-free’ to ‘tastes like cardboard,’ and ‘natural flavors’ to ‘may or may not contain the anal secretions of beavers.’” – Abel James
“Cheesecake is good for the soul.” – Abel James
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